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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Freekick to Fulham before as he had his shirt pulled, Then a race into the box, Barnsley player knew what to do, Jump over the ball and fall on his back, Robinson the ref ?

    If they win and we go down by 2 points behind Barnsley that's a claim . Individual against the ref and player.  At least what we lose in golden shares till we're back up. When in Rome and all that. Get the paperwork ready.

  2. 12 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    I may be totally wrong but for me if Mel was to say the ground is free to new owner it will help enormously …yes it means he writes off the 20m or whatever he / msd want but I think he should do this….this will enable new owner to at least own the ground or as it stands all a PB will be buying is a few players not out of contract end of season cmon Mel do the right thing and help us!!!! You left us in this mess ??

    I think that may have been on the table or a very staggered payment .  My gut feeling his 'accord' with Gibson and possibly parasite Two has left him in a position where writing of 20 million plus potentially another 20 - 25 million if the accord goes pear shaped leaves him in almost the same debt bracket if the hadn't put the club in admin, meaning he may as well have cleared the debt in the first place and sold us in a much healthier position for 30 million quid accepting a 20 million write off plus another 4- 5 million wage loss for this season in the first place.  Now there's a thought.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    My point was solely around we don't actually know a definitive figure unless someone is claiming that they're ITK and am still waiting for that figure which ain't going to materialise so on that basis I'm ducking out of this. 

    Take onboard your comments which are as normal well balanced and reasonable (and no sarcasm intended either)

    On 2 August 2019, Bielik joined Derby County on a five-year contract. The fee was undisclosed, but reported by the Telegraph as an initial fee of below Derby's record fee paid of £8 million, plus performance-related clauses that could take it "towards the £10 million mark".

    We can probably assume that involves promotion payments, so it likely to be under 8 million.  Been here 3 from 5 years - paid 4.8 Million.  I think we have 3.2 million or a bit less to pay of the guaranteed fee.  I doubt we'll get as far as appearance, playoff, promotion attachments.

  4. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I genuinely don't know. I would have said the bottom 3 teams still get relegated but that's me thinking out of spite mainly.

    If it meant an extra team getting promoted from League 1 then so be it.

    Saw a Charlton fan had contacted the EFL looking for Derby to be expelled as soon as possible, so that clubs like Charlton could know as soon as possible whether they would be having a fourth promotion spot and it would make their end of season much more exciting.  Hopefully he has a proper poo day. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    I'd prefer to get a time machine, go back to Wembley in 2014 and warn one of midfielders to track Zamora as the defence were about to mess things up.

    Sadly, that's very unlikely to happen either.

    I'd like our 6ft 2 full back, who used to be a midfielder, to put their 5'2 winger out of play alongside the ball rather than stand there like a wet lettuce.  This avoids our centre half coming across to a totally false position not knowing what to do as he runs into the box and stops Lance Corporal Jones standing on his own screaming Don't Panic as he spoons it out to Zamora.  Not that it matters now but Forsyth at the start of that is often missed and sticks with more than any bit.

  6. 1 hour ago, I know nuffin said:

    Question not a statement. If we still owe money on anyone why have the EFL removed outstanding transfer fees off our charge sheet

    I believe that currently all due payments are up to date.  Shinnie/Marshall went probably to clear Wigan debt,  Charlotte are taking the payments to Poznan.  Bielik deferred payment I assume was paid with held TV money and maybe a Kelleyman/ Williams fee.  Basically were up to date at the minute so it's gone of the charge sheet.  Always wondered about payments to Cocu and the Joiners master of ceremonies but assume they must be sorted in some capacity.

  7. I'm not really getting the wait till we see if we're a championship or League 1 club.  The debt remains and increases whatever league and if its left till May we have no team.  Leaving it till then would make no sense to any investor.  That's not the issue .  If it's true that the admin want 50 million, Half of which is their fee and MSD,  we are buggered.  With the cost of new contracts, loan fees, additional wages and agent fees for freebies, ground maintenance and back rent to Morris, plus additional transfer fees, payoffs etc still owing then 25-30 million is a correct offer to facilitate a satisfactory outcome for creditors.  Mels got to help out with the MSD loan by at least halving it and arranging the lease of the ground for the remainder with a handover on loan payment completion in a few years. If he does we get moving .  If we want 50 million upfront it is not happening.  

  8. On 08/03/2022 at 10:15, Alty_Ram said:

    I know what you mean but the playoff thing is an odd one. As one of the lucky folk who was there it seemed destined to live long in the mind as we were well and truly under the cosh at the time but we scored a flowing counter-attack from deep in our own half, but several hours later Billy's constant whining on interviews all the way home ground a fair bit of the joy out of it for me and I remember eventually switching the radio off in irritation. I think it IS probably underrated in the sense that had it led to something less painful than THAT season then we'd probably think more fondly of it, it was a cracking goal in a massive game but doesn't generally get much love from fans because of what came after.

    Yes, bit of a bugger was that that.  Bit unfair as well to the board.  We had 35 million ? that following season but the first thing they had to do was clear a 15 million overdraft with the co- op .  That on top of paying 16 million to get the ground back our previous owners had borrowed to spend on themselves and clear the other 15 million owed to the co-op the previous year.  46 million in debt 16 years ago in this division- yet we can't get a buyer now- anyway I digress.  They also had an average promotion bonus of 500k per player including those who hadn't kicked a ball that year.  That money was basically gone at the final whistle.

  9. 8 hours ago, The Big One said:

    Reading FC are following an approved EFL business model.  Everything they do is ratified at each step.  For this season and next they will have one of the cheapest wage bills with high earners gone and only 6 players contracted at mo.  We wont be seeing any more points taken off Reading.  We need to do it on the pitch.

    You only seem to post about Reading mate.  Feel free to show us your Blue and White shirt it's ok.  Lets hope that goalie you've signed is as bad as he sounds. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Kirchner's out.

    Binnies are out.

    We don't know if the Appleby consortium, Ashley or any late entrants are still bidding for the club.

    Based on what we do know - next to nothing - what do you think will happen to our great club?

    I know as I've suggested since day 1 that a 25 million pound bid outside the stadium inclusion should be easily achievable and would be acceptable to creditors to clear enough off what's owed, with some further payments attached over a 2-3 year cycle- probably a total of 30 million.  Also that any buyer would want the stadium as that's the biggest asset.  That could be achieved on an agreed lease over a number of years, say 5, to clear the loans attached and then handover.   With the income the club brings in I'm non plussed. There is no huge complication to this.  The Middlesbrough case and inaction by our governing body to put them in place immediately was an issue.  There should be none now unless Morris is demanding all that's owed to MSD upfront. No one will give 50 million upfront for the club in it's current state.  If that's what they want, it must include payment for Morris and them and Mel will be growing spuds on Pride Park, it's already looking like an allotment.  If Morris is willing to clear 10 million of the MSD loan himself - or a Bradley Johnson with 2 years wages in old money - there's still a chance. 

    I do wonder whether the ' Mel Morris owning the stadium won't be an issue' is now past tense as he may be looking for the money in case his accord with Gibson results in a pay out. 

  11. 57 minutes ago, Bobby said:

    Lawrence is a footballer controlled like all of them by an agent, you couldn’t offer him a contract on what he’s currently earning as you can’t afford it, no way will his agent allow him to take a pay cut of the extremes he would have to to fit into what will be your new wage structure.

    Sure we won't offer what others will but that's total rubbish .  His agents paid a percentage to get the best offer, if he was offered a tenner to play here and 50k a week elsewhere it's still his choice.  


  12. 10 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    30 Million would mean 15 point penalty so not enough.  

    That’s why Administrators want 50 Million 

    I think the Stadium will be leased from Mel who will pay MSD 

    PS That’s my theory 

    If the best offer wasn't enough to avoid a 15 point penalty but got a buyer in, tied up their fee and allowed the club to continue, they'd not only bite their hand off , they'd bite the other one off to save in case it fell through.  There job isn't to give a poo about a minus -15 I'm afraid if it allows a sale and payment schedules to be negotiated.

  13. 19 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

    Not necessarily. 

    £30m including the Stadium wont touch the minimum requirements to exit administration and satisfy Legal and EFL requirements. Therefore Quantuma cant accept it.

    If the Binnies won't go higher they are out.

    Quantuma have said negotiations are ongoing and it can only be hoped that the remaining parties will go higher. It speculates in the article that nearer £50m is required. My guess was £55m based upon reading the Creditor list and the supposed loans etc.

    As I understood it from the initial Radio report the offer was 28 million not including the stadium.  Perhaps he wants to sell rather than lease.  Would be odd if their covering MSD  payments though.

  14. 1 hour ago, StarterForTen said:

    That's not true. The ultimate holding company remained in administration for many years but the football club assets were sold out to a phoenix almost immediately - it was a pre-pack deal from Ken Bates.

    As I recall they went from one season to the next in admin to allow Bates time to get his poo together and he stopped the club going to someone else in July. They only came out of admin after the season started when HMRC dropped a claim for more money.   Took a month longer than he thought. Sure that was the case.  It was about 13 years ago mind. My main issue is someone making sure we don't have to go down that route. 

  15. 28 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

    i thought you can start a season in admin, i don't think you can start two consecutive seasons in admin?

    Leeds did but they weren't supposed to.  Shagged everyone over far worse than us.  Had a special dispensation granted that's never been given to anyone else and now won't shut up about us getting liquidated.  **** ****.

  16. Essentially, the debt is the same BUT increasing Championship or League 1.  Creditors will want what they want regardless of League position.  It may be the debt balance decided on a payment plan will be adjusted if the clubs in League 1.  The debt to paid back will remain the same and under review to increase or decrease in speed based on money coming in but stays the same.  This will be fluid and reviewed every quarter based on ticket sales, transfer fees, contracts ratified etc .  This will be important to avoid default.  Basically,  don't think that clubs league of play will make any difference, it won't because after 6 months all those options by HMRC will have been looked at.  

    It's simply that someone doesn't want to stump up a 30 million commitment.  Lets not forget that a fair few clubs are purchased with an ongoing lease on a stadium, not outright ownership, so that's another thing unlikely to be holding things up.

    How these administrators haven't got someone to stump up 30 million over 3 years for a club with very sellable young players who need contracts tying up and a good 17 million of income coming in even in League 1, I'm not sure. Even giving Mel a couple of million for 10 years to pay of his loans. 

    Out of their depth.


  17. 12 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

    i see Reading are being given permission to sign an emergency goalkeeper for saturdays game against florist, he will be a replacement for their injured loan keeper from Arsenal , even though there previous first choice keeper is fit and a young keeper was on the bench , smacks of double standards again by the EFL

    Thats ridiculous.  Not sure how that can be allowed.  Expect an international to sign with 100 caps. probably on 200k a week elsewhere.  Reading will be allowed to pay £1.50 of his wages.  Anything to help the Derby downward trajectory programme will be ratified as OK

  18. Sorry to disappoint you all but OTIB have now reached 100 pages on their Relegate Derby forum topic before we got to 1000.  Apparently, '

    There's a rumour that Derby County will be banned from the EFL but an "Independent Football Club from Derby" will be allowed to play all fixtures, with the same playing squad, staff and ground but a slightly different badge.

    I think there going a bit delirious on their and will soon be drinking their own piss.

  19. 2 hours ago, Red_Dawn said:

    How could you be expected to hug? The vast swathes of empty seats make that very difficult. 

    DCFCs approach on social distancing has been admirable. Fair play lads

    Hmm ok.  I'll worry when the grounds half empty because we sold someone, until them were OK. Keep those 100 quid season tickets going for all students under pension age . 

    The errors made in the last few years are well documented. However, if we are talking attendances, I think there were two watershed moments in the Fawaz Al-Hasawi reign. Firstly was the departure of Stuart Pearce. An impressive 28,028 saw Pearce triumphantly stride out of the tunnel against Blackpool to the adoration of every Forest fan. It was just over two years ago and it seems much longer doesn’t it? For fans of a certain age, a little bit of Nottingham Forest died when Pearce was sacked. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the decision, I think many fans’ enthusiasm withered as his team slipped from defeat to defeat. I wonder how many season tickets were not renewed?

    The second watershed was the sale of Oliver Burke earlier this year. The teenager had inspired three home wins in August alone and there was a small flicker of hope. The sale of Burke extinguished not only any hope for the season, but also all remaining support for the ownership. Without hope, the gates began to fall once again – down to 15,864 against Preston just recently – the worst attendance since the League One days.

  20. 1 hour ago, RipleyRich said:

    Personally I disagree with the parachute payment system. Clubs should budget accordingly and be run with income and projected income in mind.

    Players and agents for too long have dictated and all players should have relegation clauses and a reduction in wages and bonuses etc as part of their contracts.

    Its ridiculous to expect a club to pay them the same in a lower division. At the end of the day it's the players who put them there!

    I seem to remember Birmingham had 25% wage reduction on relegation a few years ago.  Only one I can recall.

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