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    Dordogne-Ram reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    So fed up now. I’m getting no work done at all because I keep refreshing Twitter and this site just hoping for some news, any news: good, bad or indifferent, I don’t care. 

    The back and forth of this thread is mildly interesting and entertaining (at times) but it is mostly speculation, impotent rage and frustration. All understandable because we have no way of getting answers. I applaud those contacting the EFL directly and amazed you’re getting any kind of response, but we all know there will be nothing ground breaking coming from them. Even if they suddenly thought, ‘aggghh, we’ve cocked up here!’ they aren’t going to tell a fan that.
    The fan groups are doing their best, but even this is ending up in dead ends. If the notes of the last meeting are anything to go by, the administrators are getting fed up too because their answers came across as quite snotty.
    ‘Team Derby’ is a great bit of PR from politicians and their ilk, but what influence do they really have, other than being higher profile ‘enquirers’ than fans? 
    I saw that Rick Parry had said that he wasn’t going to be giving a running commentary, but frankly that’s what we need. Flurries of media activity followed by days of media silence are no good for anybody. Even if the release was ‘still no news’, at least that would be news (if you see what I mean).
    I also cannot fathom why any of this hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom yet. I’m sure it’s all to do with ‘the rules’, but if so can’t these be challenged on the basis of failing natural justice, restraint of trade, that the EFL broke their own rule!?!? (or something, WTF do I know! ????)

    I don’t even know what point I’m trying to make. Sorry. Just venting like everybody else. I really ought to go and do some work before I get sacked. Come on you Rams… ? 
  2. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to TimRam in Relegation rivals watch   
    Probably been mentioned but that goal difference will come in useful.
  3. Haha
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Relegation rivals watch   
    I imagine they'll be in mourning tonight over on OTIB that their team won.  Freaks
  4. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Any EFL Board members conflicted on any matter do not take part in any discussion and are asked to leave the meeting. In addition, any Director who is conflicted does not receive any board papers in respect of the conflicted matter. 
    Such is the level of suspicion and mistrust in their supposed impartiality that frankly I just don't know whether I can just take that as some definitive proof of impartiality and in any case it has no impact on pre and post meeting briefings between parties and whether pressure is applied outside of the formal meeting. Not being formally copied in on the email chain doesn't mean that you are not fully briefed and have had conversations and agreed a stance with other involved parties. I'm not saying this has happened because I simply don't know but nor is it at all beyond the realms of possibility. This is where we are at with a massive trust issue after so much opaque manoeuvring in the corridors of the EFL.
  5. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    Can your excellent points be sent to Margaret Beckett? At least she I believe would wade in if given the ammo. 
  6. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    I’m not expecting the release of any sensitive or confidential information. Nor even the name of the preferred bidder yet. What I do want to know though is what is the next stage, what are the blockers that need to be overcome and what are the timescales.
    Are we going to arbitration? If so, when and when will a decision be reached? If we’re not what is the alternative path to resolving the situation and what are its timescales?
    If arbitration is the way forward but there are barriers to overcome, what are the barriers and when can we expect them to be resolved? (Some have talked about Mel’s offer needs to be considered first. If this is true, what timescales have been put on obtaining a response?)
    If an alternative path is the way forward, what is it and what is preventing progress?
    If we’re at a total impasse, what are the EFL’s proposal (as the governing body) for forcing a way forward?
    As I say, I completely understand certain information cannot be divulged but the apparent deafening silence (other than straight bat answers to questions put forward) from the EFL and administrators is frustrating. Maybe this is where the MP’s step forward again and demand a route to resolution.
  7. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL’s provision within their Rules for Arbitration though can only have been written to expressly deal with failures to resolve disputes under commercial contracts, e.g. an attempt perhaps to avoid a stage payment being made under a transfer, or perhaps the unlawful ‘tapping up’ of another Club’s contracted player.
    I cannot believe you can think that ANY non-contractual dispute between Clubs is a matter for the EFL to insist that the only way forward is through EFL convened arbitration processes.
  8. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    It's time for Derby to commence legal action against the EFL, the other clubs that have remained silent throughout this process will be hit in the pocket.
    Why? Because it's the right thing to do to protect the game we all love. We cannot allow the EFL to continue as they are. Sooner we have an independent regulator the better.
    They have broken the agreement that prevents clubs from taking action against each other, reg 4.4
    They have failed to take action against both Middlesbrough and Wycombe under reg 3.5 which prevents clubs from unfairly criticising, disparaging, belittling or discrediting any other Club.
    They are ignoring the Arbitration Act 1996 with regards to insolvency and the football creditor status, attempting to push this through arbitration regulations, ignoring 4.4.
    Surely we have more grounds than any of the clubs that have threatened legal action.
    With the above we have been forced to sell assets for a low fee as we were prevented by offering contracts. We have incurred additional administration costs, which will increase the purchase price of the club, potentially forcing us into liquidation if the cost continues to rise.
    With that it's 3am and the dog is looking at me, I can feel the questioning why are we not going to bed with his eyes.
    Feel free to rip apart any of tonight's rants, I'm not a legal expert, far from it, but I am capable of reading and processing words.
  9. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    ii Sports arbitration
    Under English Law, the Arbitration Act 1996 authorises parties to resolve their disputes through arbitration, provided that all parties agree in writing. These disputes tend to be more beneficial to parties owing to the speed, confidentiality and cost of the process. However, exceptions such as criminal law, employee rights to enforce statutory rights in the Employment Tribunal or insolvency proceedings must be resolved through litigation before domestic courts.
    I know. Still here. It's pissing me off all this.
    Football creditor status, something which I raised in a separate topic. Let's pretend for a second that it's ok for clubs to sue each other, the rules allowed to do so.
    Insolvency proceedings are an exception to arbitration and must be resolved through litigation before domestic courts.
    We know this, the football creditor status must be heard in a high court, where as arbitration can hear the claims.
    Now let's go back to the EFL statement posted on 17th January.
    7. Is the EFL acting unlawfully?
    To be clear, the EFL is not and would not, attempt to overrule ‘statutory law’. 
    Amanda Solloway's statement, Why have the EFL gone back on what was agreed? 

    I have a proof of debt form from the administrators, so I know what it contains and can't possibly see where Boro could claim any kind of debt.
    This is a form that would be used as evidence in court, so you would have to be confident in your claim.
    I myself have invoices, copies of emails with the invoices if I was ever called to provide evidence of my claim. 
    I also have the contract between the club and myself, the emails containing the adverts, the stats from the adverts.
    What do Boro have to show as proof of their claim and I ask again, why would EFL go back on what would be the correct move in allowing this to play out in the high court?
  10. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    So just to clarify in my own mind, the current situation is that Gibbon has a case against us that is holding everything up but nobody, including the EFL, know what that case is????
  11. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    Hull fans didn’t sing the Derby dying song so they’re already more likeable than the Birmingham and Boro fans ! 
  12. Haha
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to BriggRam in v Middlesbrough (A) - Predictions   
    Boro 0 - 45 million Rams
    Mel Morris fgs
  13. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Fozzy Testimonial   
    Fozzy has been an outstanding servant to this club. As others have said the mental strength to overcome 3 serious knee injuries is immense. At his peak (13/14 season, 14/15 season) he was one of the best left backs in the league.
    When he came back first time he was outstanding, our best player in a difficult start to the season under Pearson before breaking down again.
    Second time he came back under Rowett he really struggled, probably his worst season in a Derby shirt, clearly thinking about his knee in everything he did and resulted in him having the turning circle and reactions of a tank. I really thought he was finished at this level. He then got through that spell and under Lampard started brilliantly displacing both Lowe and Malone before getting his third injury.
    I think the Fozzy we have now will have outstanding games like against Forest or terrible games like against Birmingham but for what we paid for him he’s been an outstanding signing who deserves praise for his services to the club. Without the injuries I think he would have got a premier league move.
  14. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Day in Fozzy Testimonial   
    Can you remind me of who our left back was when we have been in and around the top 6? The name escapes me...
  15. Angry
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Marriot Ram99 in Fozzy Testimonial   
    I appreciate his effort he puts in for the team and he deserves a testimonial and he might be a nice guy as well but I've got to be honest and say I really don't rate him as a  player. 
    Has his strengths like his heading and some great crosses, but as an all round player I only thought he was good for us in his very peak under Mclaren.
    And to be brutally honest one of the reasons he's been here so long is because he hasn't been good enough to play at the very top end of this division or in the Premier league, he's been a loyal servant and he's won me over abit recently mainly with his efforts though. 
    As a winger in a similar mould to Ebosele or any of the wingers who were at the very top end of the spectrum of this league like Bowen at Hull for example he's abit easy to get at, at times.  Also seen him make way too many shanks into touch and unforced errors, at times he does something brilliant but then next time he gets the ball it will be like Fat Andy from the Pub is playing left back tbh. 
  16. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Day in Fozzy Testimonial   
    Grimsby Town keeper James McKeown joined them in July 2011, he was given a testimonial game during pre season last summer against Rotherham.
    He's having a testimonial year, going round with signed club merchandise to auction off at Q&A nights around the town.
    You don't have to wait for 10 years is up.
    Don't see why anyone could object to him making a few quid, he's had 3 ACL's, that's 3 seasons worth of appearance, win and other bonuses lost whilst probably not even in the top 5 earners at the club.
    Yes it will still be obscene money compared to what us, or even the Grimsby keeper earns, but he's a player that most can probably relate to.
    He's not showing off Gucci bags and customised cars on Instagram, there's no £1000 steaks with salt bae giving him a performance. Just a guy with a family, doing his job quietly and professionally.
    Exactly the type of player you want playing for your club.
    Would be criminal not to extend his contract for a year and reward him with a testimonial, it wouldn't be a contract just to turn up to training either, still more than capable of putting a shift in on the pitch.
    Was only a few weeks ago we was gutted about losing Jagielka who's a lot closer to picking up his free bus pass than Forsyth.
  17. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to angieram in Fozzy Testimonial   
    It's not about the money, it's about showing our appreciation for a player's loyalty. 
    All these years and Fozzy has never had his own song, never been the hero. He's just Mr Dependable. 
    I think it would be well deserved.
  18. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Rammeister in Fozzy Testimonial   
    One of those players who isn’t truly appreciated until they have gone. 
    I admire his loyalty.
  19. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Rev in Fozzy Testimonial   
    I've always loved him. 
    The easier the pass, the harder he makes it look sometimes, but then he'll pick out an absolute pearler, like the assist for Lawrence against Forest, and you wonder if it's the same player!
    Heart, commitment, longevity and a massive amount of mental strength to overcome 3 serious knee injuries, I wouldn't be surprised if he was still here 3 years from now.
  20. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Yani P in Fozzy Testimonial   
    He is a very likeable player..OK we all know he has the odd game where you think WTF..but he always gives his all and has scored vital goals..a great servant to the club and I bet an invaluable guy in that dressing room.
  21. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Mckram in Fozzy Testimonial   
    Always been a fan of his, just can’t understand some of his passing choices!
    Glad we’ve started to utilise his heading ability from goal kicks though…I remember a few years ago (possibly under Steve McLaren?) when every goal kick was to Fozzy to flick on. Then when we changed managers it just seemed to never be used again.
    Let’s also not forget he’s had more new knees than Trigger has had new broom heads and he’s still kept himself at Championship level! 
  22. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Day in Fozzy Testimonial   
    If he doesn't get one, it will be the biggest robbery of the year, biggest robbery of the year I tell ya!
  23. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Hull city (H) on Tuesday 8th February - matchday thread   
    Festy will deservedly get all the plaudits tonight, but Jason Knight was absolutely outstanding. 
  24. Like
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in Oi, behave you lot, we don’t need more fines and sanctions   
    I wish it weren't the case and I really hope I'm wrong, but I think it's going to get ugly no matter when or where the game is played. Much is being made of our fans needing to behave and rightly so, but do we really believe that Boro fans won't be looking for trouble too? I'm afraid this is just another by-product of the gutless stewardship of the EFL, setting club against club because they lack the guts to make a call themselves. 
  25. Clap
    Dordogne-Ram reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    You would think any potential owner would want this all done and dusted to secure the long term futures of these young players.
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