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  1. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Foreveram in Birmingham Sack Eustace   
    He’s a bit old now, where would you play him.
  2. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Caerphilly Ram in So who would we have then?   
    Now, whilst I’m not keen to see Warne sacked like some are, I do think if and when a change of management happens I’d like an appointment like Eustace rather than another “established” name. 
    Also feel if he is replaced by Rooney he’s being very hard done by. 
  3. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Bob The Badger in Warne: what would it take?   
    This is a myth.
    There is no such thing as a long-term guy at all but a tiny handful of clubs these days.

    You say long-term, but if we are more poorly positioned after 12 months, you (or people like you) will be saying the exact same thing.

    That's not a criticism, btw, just an observation.

    I'm not a Warne fan or his harshest critic, but I think we have to stop convincing ourselves that it will be different next time a manager struggles because they are our long-term guy.

    Warne is that long-term guy and it will only be different when we get immediate success. 
  4. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Eaststander7 in Warne: what would it take?   
    These are the only 2 options? 
    nah…stick with warne and let’s have something this club has been crying out needing for years….
  5. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    This place is fun tonight! 
    If Derby win it makes me happier. When we don’t it doesn’t. 

    There have been the usual discussions about how no one can criticise anything because we are  ‘lucky to have a club’ or words to that effect. We are at the same stage after administration as we were under Arthur Cox. I can tell you for a fact we came closer to going out of business then than we did a couple of years ago but he managed to do OK didn’t he.
    Paul Warne is out manager now. I don’t think he’s very good. For a comparison, Ipswich hired Paul Cook with an excellent record at this level. I thought it was a great appointment but despite spending money it didn’t work out. Ipswich didn’t wait 4 years, they made the decision and two years later look at them. Sacking a manger isn’t always a negative thing. Sometimes sticking with a manger is a good thing, look at Notts Forest last year. We all have our opinions, who knows who is right. Opinions are valid.
    We all want to be happy. We all have opinions.Can’t we just air them, respectfully, on both sides of the argument, without being a knob though. Maybe not but I am tired of reading the same post over and over again. 
  6. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Tamworthram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    I’m not too bothered about the fact that they scored. They were always going to start scoring goals eventually and you’d have to be seriously sensitive if you think it makes us a laughing stock, I’m just disappointed we didn’t win.
    Also, whilst Warne must take joint responsibility for us failing to win I fail to see how he can be completely responsible for the single incident of their goal.
    Would you have still been fuming if we’d conceded a goal but run out comfortable winners?
  7. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to WarneOut in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    I’m still fuming that we conceded a goal to a team that has been unable to score against literally anyone else.
    We’re a laughing stock and the responsibility for that lies completely with Warne.
  8. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread   
    I’ll keep saying it until my patience with Warne wears out, I’m not as far down that road as others, we’re not sinking down the table, we’re not quite where we need to be either but there’s a lot of time to go this season. I’m not clamouring for the performances others are, I don’t love Warne’s approach but I don’t hate it either.
    If Warne doesn’t deliver what Clowes expects he’ll get sacked, and someone else gets their chance, I just don’t think calling for a sacking after an away draw is the most balanced approach to have. I’m aware lots disagree but I can have my opinion as much as others can. 
  9. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    1/11/75 Game that was on MOTD and Fight of the week.
    Lee v Hunter Derby versus Dirty Leeds.
    Standing behind the Ossie End Goal, mouth agape about what i was witnessing.
  10. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to TimRam in HS2 northern leg to Manchester cancelled   
    Who would use hs2? A few business blokes who can afford the ticket price to get somewhere 1/2 hour quicker? Freight's been mentioned but seems a bit of a bottleneck for that (one or two rail north, one or two south) unless I am missing something?
    Of all the information out there, I cannot find anything that shows the expected passenger count. 1000 a week? A million? 10?
  11. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in HS2 northern leg to Manchester cancelled   
    As in giving nurses a decent wage, Or just piss more money on managers, Under managers, HR, Solicitors, Equipment where the price quadruples as it's a Government enterprise 😡
  12. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Elwood P Dowd in HS2 northern leg to Manchester cancelled   
    All the people down south know those “up north” all have flat caps and keep whippets. 😏
    I was never really convinced that all the money spent for a 20 min reduction in journey time was money well spent. Sometimes these projects become “The Emperors  new clothes” everyone knows it’s a bad idea but everyone is frightened to be the first one to point it out.
    The planners must have had a really good laugh when they came up with the East Midlands hub, its placement is inconvenient to everyone the hub is supposed to serve. 😳😳
  13. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Stive Pesley in HS2 northern leg to Manchester cancelled   
    Another thing that makes it slightly easier in France is that the country is roughly 3 times bigger than the UK - but with a similar population. In other words their population centres are spread much further apart, leaving bigger gaps to run new train route through
    I was on the phone to a friend earlier who works on the HS2 project and he says the announcement today is a farce. There are zero plans for any of the "Network North" stuff that they are saying will happen instead of HS2. It's all just fag packet made up on the spot as a justification for cancelling HS2. The idea that any of these replacement projects can go from "no plan" to "full plan" and then "implementation" in anything like a timescale measured in decades is pure fantasy
    At this point in the HS2 debacle, regardless of what a mess of planning and overspend it's been -  it's more idiotic to give up now than to carry on and finish it I'm afraid. Otherwise you just replace it with even more poorly planned over-spending projects that take an age to achieve
  14. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to SSD in HS2 northern leg to Manchester cancelled   
    Without getting political about it, and risking this thread being closed, there are so many questions I have about this whole project from the higher ups involved. I was listening to the Rest is Money with Robert Peston and Steph McGovern (fantastic podcast) and they spoke in clear detail about why HS2 is just ridiculously expensive vs what France did with their high speed rail.
    Firstly, our culture of NIMBYs makes all our construction projects very complicated. We as a country cannot build anything without endless red tape and going through so many planning departments and lawyers but mainly the big barrier is people flat out refusing to allow anything to be built near their property. The French get around this by essentially paying people compensation for the inconvenience which in turn is far cheaper than trying to manoeuvre around the problem and cause more delay and creating a huge bill for little benefit. I'm not say let's go full China and demolish buildings to make way for rail, there needs to be a more open approach to developing our infrastructure from the public, otherwise we'll be going nowhere and not be able to develop anything in the future.
    Secondly our contracting costs to public projects is a joke. They completely rinse the tax payer when it comes to building anything for public use, whether that's hospitals, rail or roads. Having seen what builders charge to fix a toilet block at Royal Derby then it's no wonder everything costs so much. They add at least for a few more digits to the invoice and yet we've been paying them the bill. Now it's becoming a point of this is becoming so expensive that we have to start scrapping these big projects and cherry pick what we can and can't build.
    They should have started on building a new line from Manchester to Leeds, but of course we have to make sure London is involved because that is the centre of the universe....
  15. Haha
  16. Haha
  17. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Gaspode in Live football thread.   
    Never, ever, ever, ever, going to happen - biggest whingers in football - the world's against them and they love to let everybody know it......
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to WestKentRam in Live football thread.   
    Thank goodness they are not pilots or air traffic controllers. They've invented a system where one response can mean two different things.
  19. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to richinspain in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    Last ever first team game at the BBG. May 97. Arsenal.
  20. Sad
    GB SPORTS reacted to admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    65. Year, opponents and talking point. 1-3 defeat.

  21. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to cstand in Of All the People to Pick a Fight With   
  22. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Loughborough Ram in We are all Derby   
    I wish that the fans would take a more common sense approach on both sides of the argument.
    The old saying goes, that you shouldn't get too high after a win or too low after a loss. On here that adage goes out of the window because the fans are so far away, at each end of the spectrum, a win or a loss is seen as amunition to use against the opposing view, making this forum almost unreadable at times.
    Try and remember, it's just three points at stake, no more no less, and we should know more than most after what we've been through,  that its far more fun supporting a harmonious club, than a divided one.
  23. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to richinspain in Away tickets 23/24   
    Just like 1986 then. When the first goal went in three quarters of the ground leapt up. The dozen or so Forest fans stood to the left of the away end giving it some until then soon disappeared.
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in A minute's silence for Francis Lee please Mr. Clowes.   
    The away end at Blackpool was is not the place for this.

    Far better to wait... and I seriously doubt anyone in authority at the club needs any sort of nudge to make this happen.
    Maybe not perfect timing, but a near full Pride Park Stadium is most certainly the perfect setting.
  25. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Simmo’s left foot in Francis Lee   
    I think we should rename one of the forums “Interesting, very interesting!”
    The transfer forum perhaps?
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