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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. 2 minutes ago, Blondest Goat said:

    He doesn't appear to trust young players at all.  


    2 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    Extremely worried with that. Thommo should be starting. If we lose this I fear it may become toxic 


    1 minute ago, TomTom92 said:

    I wouldn’t trust Thompson to carry water on to the pitch but the fact he’s been ignored after Tuesdays debacle says it all.

    Don’t worry though lads the recruitment team tried really really hard to sign someone.

    Duck me lads we ain't even kicked off yet 

  2. 59 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:

    I read a couple of headlines from Derbyshire Live this morning:

    "Nigel Clough wades in on Derby County struggles ahead of Crunch Clash"

    "David Clowes sent Derby County transfer message by 'uber-paranoid' Paul Warne"

    These are just sensationalist headlines for what purpose? Nigel Clough certainly didn't "wade" in and I am sure Paul Warne speaks with David Clowes on an almost daily basis and he is fully aware of Derby's requirements in the transfer window. 

    Although in my 70s, I do try to keep up with technology as far as I can. I can't help but think that we are starting to live in a pretty toxic society, where many people want to voice their opinions about all sorts of topics and people on the Social Media. I have no problem with that per se, provided the opinions are based on fact or reasonable assumptions. I have no time for people who just seek sensationalism, winding people up or make hurtful, personal comments about others. I am happy for criticism of actual behaviour but not personal character assassination. Just imagine how you would feel if it was you who was the subject of these comments. You don't know the effect such comments can have on people -suicide, mental health issues or maybe just want a transfer away!

    This Forum has voiced a few of those after the first couple of games of the season. There should be criticism of the team's and  individual's performances but please let's avoid personal, sensitive comments especially when these cannot be backed up with hard facts.

    "Kane Wilson couldn't cross a road"  "scariest thing is we have bought two central defender who can't play football" "I guarantee Waghorn would have missed Wigan's first goal" "can stick his f****** why all up his arse" "Bird is more sparrow than golden eagle. An exhibition player not willing to break sweat. I'll drive him to Hull myself" "We've got a pub team manager in charge of a jugganaught" "Bradley has the mobility of a superglued traffic cone"

    These were from just 2 posts on the Forum.

    I'm not a prude but can we just think about what we are writing about and to other individuals. Hopefully, we all want all our players and staff to bring success to the Club - so lets show our support. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    This made me laugh.

    The standards have been set by those at the the club.

    The chairman says the expectation is  promotion, the manager says the expectation is promotion, Joe ward says that the expectation is promotion and that they know what standards they have to live up to, every player interviewed has made it clear that we should be seriously challenging for pronotion...

    ...but god forbid the fans have any expectations or hold them to those standards. 

    Paul Warne has been brought in to get us promoted. If people see problems in his performance which they think may stop him achieving that they're allowed to speak up about it, whether that's 2 games into the season or 20.

    It doesn't mean they're impatient ingrates baying for blood, willing him to make mistakes so they can have a rant. 

    Some people seem to think we should just sit back and meekly accept failure, and be grateful for whatever we get given just because of where we were a year and a bit ago, but it doesn't work like that - the club aren't sitting there feeling sorry for themselves so why should the fans?

    This made me laugh after 1 effing league game it doesn't mean they're impatient cause it does 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    It's a good job we hired a promotion expert to give us a competitive edge over teams who may have a higher budget than us then, isn't it?

    Or is the manager irrelevant, and the final league standings based on finances alone?

    Why does our budget keep getting mentioned when no one on here has a clue what it is 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shuff264 said:

    Just to give another angle to this, if you take our last 20 games in all competitions our record is:

    6 wins, 5 draws, 9 losses.

    That would be 23pts, which after 20 games last season would have us 18th.

    If you take our last one game we'd be on zero points that would put us bottom 

    Ps other pointless stats are available 

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