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  1. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from jono in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    The guy is an absolute clown duck me ?
    When he became preferred bidder, he agreed to fund the club until his takeover was complete. Not our fault that he didn’t actually have the money he claimed he did, and reneged on his promise to buy the club. The money to pay the wages is lost now - as incompetent as Quantuma were for appointing him preferred bidder in the first place, it’s not their responsibility to refund him. This is what you get for being a time waster.
    He’s clearly not even got the money to pay Stretford back, and he’s desperately searching for any way he can raise funds. It’s not going to work. Shows him for the potless chancer he is.
  2. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Malagaram in Fires in Spain   
    Imagine Derby County being the thing to cheer you up, rather than the the thing that’s making you miserable! It’s been a while.
    2-0 defeat Tuesday night incoming, when it’s boiling hot here.
  3. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Kemar Roofe   
    Yes ducking please! Roofe would be stupidly good in League One. A bit like Bielik, he’s levels above that division - having him in the side would he like a cheat code, he’s capable of dragging us back to the Championship single handedly.
    Banged goals in wherever he’s been, the firepower he’d bring is exactly what we need. Goal-threat has been our problem since Lampard left, so this signing would be huge - and make us title favourites imo.
    Versatile player as well, capable of playing on the wing or up front. Would assume we’re looking at him primarily as a winger, given we’ve only got 2 options there at the moment. Similar to Barkhuizen though, so kinda makes that signing a bit unnecessary now.
  4. Like
    Millenniumram reacted to Malagaram in Fires in Spain   
    We are surrounded by forest fires and yesterday we were told to evacuate our home on Alhaurine Golf,back home now having been told it was safe to do so,but yesterday it was big,big,big,3300 people have been evacuated from Alhaurine el Grande and El Torre,estimate forrest destroyed at 5000 hectares.Helicopters are taking water from the lakes on our golf course,every 6 minuites one drops its bucket,and yesterday we went to my partners rented villa overlooking the mediteranean,where we could see those big yellow fire planes scooping sea water.I think they are using fire retardant chemical now.
    So all in all a day of fear,but nice to be home with my computer on seeing that we won our second friendly.
    Hope you all in Derbyshire keep cool,Up the Rams
  5. Haha
  6. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Kemar Roofe   
    Yes ducking please! Roofe would be stupidly good in League One. A bit like Bielik, he’s levels above that division - having him in the side would he like a cheat code, he’s capable of dragging us back to the Championship single handedly.
    Banged goals in wherever he’s been, the firepower he’d bring is exactly what we need. Goal-threat has been our problem since Lampard left, so this signing would be huge - and make us title favourites imo.
    Versatile player as well, capable of playing on the wing or up front. Would assume we’re looking at him primarily as a winger, given we’ve only got 2 options there at the moment. Similar to Barkhuizen though, so kinda makes that signing a bit unnecessary now.
  7. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from ThePrisoner in Korey Smith - Signed 2 year deal   
    Curtains is Steve Nicholson confirmed 
  8. Like
    Millenniumram reacted to Ghost of Clough in Craig Forsyth - Signed one year contract   
    Could explain the Ali Koiki link
  9. Haha
    Millenniumram reacted to i-Ram in Korey Smith - Signed 2 year deal   
    Rumours that Curtains is in anyway ITK are wide of the mark. 
  10. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Anag Ram in Korey Smith - Signed 2 year deal   
    Curtains is Steve Nicholson confirmed 
  11. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from dajstrawb in Korey Smith - Signed 2 year deal   
    Curtains is Steve Nicholson confirmed 
  12. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from BarrowRam in Liam Rosenior   
    Indeed, the manager is the most important person in terms of the clubs future success, there’s no doubt about that. We’ve got to get it right and not rush just to appoint anyone. Let’s hope Liam starts well, and gives us no choice but to give him the job full time.
  13. Clap
    Millenniumram reacted to May Contain Nuts in New signings, who will be first...and next?   
    Cyrus Christie who runs up the pitch and doesn't bother to come back, has no positional awareness or footballing intelligence of any kind,  can't defend offers nothing in attack and just gets in other people's way?
    Cyrus Christie one of the most useless RBs we've had in the past 15 years who was shown up for what he was by a 33 year old Chris Baird?
  14. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Ewetube in Liam Rosenior   
    Indeed, the manager is the most important person in terms of the clubs future success, there’s no doubt about that. We’ve got to get it right and not rush just to appoint anyone. Let’s hope Liam starts well, and gives us no choice but to give him the job full time.
  15. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in Liam Rosenior   
    Indeed, the manager is the most important person in terms of the clubs future success, there’s no doubt about that. We’ve got to get it right and not rush just to appoint anyone. Let’s hope Liam starts well, and gives us no choice but to give him the job full time.
  16. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in Liam Rosenior   
    That does seem to be how things are more often that not. Again, not anything strictly by definition though.
  17. Like
    Millenniumram reacted to Gringo in Liam Rosenior   
    For such a monumental decision as the Manager of the club, (remember Cocu, Clement, Docherty, and Brown etc etc) I would use the old craftsman's adage, Measure Twice  and cut Once, the decision to not make a final decision on the position is super sensible, I think we will measure the second time after several matches of the new season.
  18. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Phoenix in Where our young stars end up   
    It’s an interesting debate, and one I’ve thought about before. Is our academy really as good as some fans make it out to be? Do we get overexcited about our young stars who aren’t really as special as we think they are? Those really are open questions btw, because I’m really not sure what I think.
    You can look at Forest for example, much as I don’t want to. A lot of our fans say we’ve got the better academy, but have we? They’ve had players like Cash, Burke and even Brereton go for absolutely huge fees, far larger than what we got for players like Hughes and Bogle. Players like Lascelles and Darlow have also had established Premier League careers, whereas even Hughes and Hendrick have hardly torn it up after leaving us. And I’m pretty sure they were only a category 2 academy until fairly recently. That doesn’t reflect well on all the investment we put into our academy in my view - very few players have left for 10m+ and established themselves in the Premier League. 
    We can look further than that as well, how many of the players we’ve let go have made particularly great careers for themselves? Hanson, once regarded as a “hot prospect”, has been released by Oxford. Farrend Rawson, due to be our next big CB, is at Morecambe. Zanzala plays for Newport. These were once regarded as our best young talent, and look at them now. Our academy has hardly churned out a load of top quality players. 
    Now, I don’t want to come across overly critical of the academy. Without the players they brought through, we wouldn’t have even put up a fight last year. In fact, we wouldn’t have even had a team to put up a fight. We should be hugely thankful to academy staff like Wassall, who has found some brilliant external talent to bring in and develop, and the coaches that got these players ready to play for our first team when we desperately needed them (many of these coaches are now gone, sadly). 
    But I do feel our fans have got a bit over-excited about this current crop that have come through, based on their performances when we won the U18 Premier League. First team football is a totally different proposition. Yes it’s amazing how many have come through at once, but this was through necessity rather than every player being absolutely ready.
    Bird being linked with Coventry is no surprise, for example, that’s his level. A good Championship player, nothing more. And that goes for Knight, Buchanan etc as well. I don’t think any of them will go onto have established Premier League careers. Might flirt with the top flight now and then of course, but I think they’ll all spend the best part of their careers in the Championship (I’m not even sure Sibley will manage that). Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, a Championship career is a damn good career, which will set them up for life. Plenty of good players who’ve done similar in the past. But they’re not as special as some believe in my view.
    Not really sure what my point is here. We’ve been at Championship level for most of my lifetime, so producing Championship level players is really all we should expect from our academy. So this is certainly no slight on them. But you sometimes can’t help but feel, with all the investment in our academy, we should be producing the odd player who’s really special, and goes for huge money to the Premier League. To be honest, I think we might have had a couple of those go for free in Ebosele and Ebiowei, thanks to Mel Morris and Quantuma. Do all the others get snapped up whilst they’re still 16, like Gordon and Delap? Maybe, but is there something we can do to persuade them to stay? Or are the big clubs just impossible to compete with? I really don’t know.
    TL,DR: Our academy has done a brilliant job, but maybe we should expect more for our investment. Or maybe not. There might be more we can do to persuade our best talent to stay. Or maybe not. Basically I don’t know. This whole post was pointless. Thanks for reading.
  19. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Premier ram in James Collins - Signed for 2 years   
    Both are close to breaking through in my opinion - not first team standard yet I agree, but capable of making the odd sub appearance, particularly in cup games against generally weaker opposition. You’ve got to leave a pathway to the first team somewhere, these players won’t break through if they’re not given the chance.
    Key thing you’ve not mentioned is that Barkhuizen can also play up front. If we have injury issues, we can move him up front and play someone else on the wing. We of course need to sign some more wingers for that to be possible though. That’s where I’d rather we focus our recruitment - a couple more good quality wingers, ideally younger players as you say since most of our signings have been ageing. We’ve got room for some loans left so might be a good place to use them.
  20. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Where our young stars end up   
    It’s an interesting debate, and one I’ve thought about before. Is our academy really as good as some fans make it out to be? Do we get overexcited about our young stars who aren’t really as special as we think they are? Those really are open questions btw, because I’m really not sure what I think.
    You can look at Forest for example, much as I don’t want to. A lot of our fans say we’ve got the better academy, but have we? They’ve had players like Cash, Burke and even Brereton go for absolutely huge fees, far larger than what we got for players like Hughes and Bogle. Players like Lascelles and Darlow have also had established Premier League careers, whereas even Hughes and Hendrick have hardly torn it up after leaving us. And I’m pretty sure they were only a category 2 academy until fairly recently. That doesn’t reflect well on all the investment we put into our academy in my view - very few players have left for 10m+ and established themselves in the Premier League. 
    We can look further than that as well, how many of the players we’ve let go have made particularly great careers for themselves? Hanson, once regarded as a “hot prospect”, has been released by Oxford. Farrend Rawson, due to be our next big CB, is at Morecambe. Zanzala plays for Newport. These were once regarded as our best young talent, and look at them now. Our academy has hardly churned out a load of top quality players. 
    Now, I don’t want to come across overly critical of the academy. Without the players they brought through, we wouldn’t have even put up a fight last year. In fact, we wouldn’t have even had a team to put up a fight. We should be hugely thankful to academy staff like Wassall, who has found some brilliant external talent to bring in and develop, and the coaches that got these players ready to play for our first team when we desperately needed them (many of these coaches are now gone, sadly). 
    But I do feel our fans have got a bit over-excited about this current crop that have come through, based on their performances when we won the U18 Premier League. First team football is a totally different proposition. Yes it’s amazing how many have come through at once, but this was through necessity rather than every player being absolutely ready.
    Bird being linked with Coventry is no surprise, for example, that’s his level. A good Championship player, nothing more. And that goes for Knight, Buchanan etc as well. I don’t think any of them will go onto have established Premier League careers. Might flirt with the top flight now and then of course, but I think they’ll all spend the best part of their careers in the Championship (I’m not even sure Sibley will manage that). Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, a Championship career is a damn good career, which will set them up for life. Plenty of good players who’ve done similar in the past. But they’re not as special as some believe in my view.
    Not really sure what my point is here. We’ve been at Championship level for most of my lifetime, so producing Championship level players is really all we should expect from our academy. So this is certainly no slight on them. But you sometimes can’t help but feel, with all the investment in our academy, we should be producing the odd player who’s really special, and goes for huge money to the Premier League. To be honest, I think we might have had a couple of those go for free in Ebosele and Ebiowei, thanks to Mel Morris and Quantuma. Do all the others get snapped up whilst they’re still 16, like Gordon and Delap? Maybe, but is there something we can do to persuade them to stay? Or are the big clubs just impossible to compete with? I really don’t know.
    TL,DR: Our academy has done a brilliant job, but maybe we should expect more for our investment. Or maybe not. There might be more we can do to persuade our best talent to stay. Or maybe not. Basically I don’t know. This whole post was pointless. Thanks for reading.
  21. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from The Key Club King in Where our young stars end up   
    It’s an interesting debate, and one I’ve thought about before. Is our academy really as good as some fans make it out to be? Do we get overexcited about our young stars who aren’t really as special as we think they are? Those really are open questions btw, because I’m really not sure what I think.
    You can look at Forest for example, much as I don’t want to. A lot of our fans say we’ve got the better academy, but have we? They’ve had players like Cash, Burke and even Brereton go for absolutely huge fees, far larger than what we got for players like Hughes and Bogle. Players like Lascelles and Darlow have also had established Premier League careers, whereas even Hughes and Hendrick have hardly torn it up after leaving us. And I’m pretty sure they were only a category 2 academy until fairly recently. That doesn’t reflect well on all the investment we put into our academy in my view - very few players have left for 10m+ and established themselves in the Premier League. 
    We can look further than that as well, how many of the players we’ve let go have made particularly great careers for themselves? Hanson, once regarded as a “hot prospect”, has been released by Oxford. Farrend Rawson, due to be our next big CB, is at Morecambe. Zanzala plays for Newport. These were once regarded as our best young talent, and look at them now. Our academy has hardly churned out a load of top quality players. 
    Now, I don’t want to come across overly critical of the academy. Without the players they brought through, we wouldn’t have even put up a fight last year. In fact, we wouldn’t have even had a team to put up a fight. We should be hugely thankful to academy staff like Wassall, who has found some brilliant external talent to bring in and develop, and the coaches that got these players ready to play for our first team when we desperately needed them (many of these coaches are now gone, sadly). 
    But I do feel our fans have got a bit over-excited about this current crop that have come through, based on their performances when we won the U18 Premier League. First team football is a totally different proposition. Yes it’s amazing how many have come through at once, but this was through necessity rather than every player being absolutely ready.
    Bird being linked with Coventry is no surprise, for example, that’s his level. A good Championship player, nothing more. And that goes for Knight, Buchanan etc as well. I don’t think any of them will go onto have established Premier League careers. Might flirt with the top flight now and then of course, but I think they’ll all spend the best part of their careers in the Championship (I’m not even sure Sibley will manage that). Not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, a Championship career is a damn good career, which will set them up for life. Plenty of good players who’ve done similar in the past. But they’re not as special as some believe in my view.
    Not really sure what my point is here. We’ve been at Championship level for most of my lifetime, so producing Championship level players is really all we should expect from our academy. So this is certainly no slight on them. But you sometimes can’t help but feel, with all the investment in our academy, we should be producing the odd player who’s really special, and goes for huge money to the Premier League. To be honest, I think we might have had a couple of those go for free in Ebosele and Ebiowei, thanks to Mel Morris and Quantuma. Do all the others get snapped up whilst they’re still 16, like Gordon and Delap? Maybe, but is there something we can do to persuade them to stay? Or are the big clubs just impossible to compete with? I really don’t know.
    TL,DR: Our academy has done a brilliant job, but maybe we should expect more for our investment. Or maybe not. There might be more we can do to persuade our best talent to stay. Or maybe not. Basically I don’t know. This whole post was pointless. Thanks for reading.
  22. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from cstand in James Collins - Signed for 2 years   
    Both are close to breaking through in my opinion - not first team standard yet I agree, but capable of making the odd sub appearance, particularly in cup games against generally weaker opposition. You’ve got to leave a pathway to the first team somewhere, these players won’t break through if they’re not given the chance.
    Key thing you’ve not mentioned is that Barkhuizen can also play up front. If we have injury issues, we can move him up front and play someone else on the wing. We of course need to sign some more wingers for that to be possible though. That’s where I’d rather we focus our recruitment - a couple more good quality wingers, ideally younger players as you say since most of our signings have been ageing. We’ve got room for some loans left so might be a good place to use them.
  23. Haha
    Millenniumram reacted to Srg in New signings, who will be first...and next?   
    Remember the hyphen. 
    Re-signings are new contracts. 
    Resigning is Lee Buchanan. 
  24. Like
    Millenniumram reacted to 48 hours in James Collins - Signed for 2 years   
    There is an extra chance to give younger players a chance to play in the first team this season - the Papa John's Trophy.
  25. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Carnero in James Collins - Signed for 2 years   
    Both are close to breaking through in my opinion - not first team standard yet I agree, but capable of making the odd sub appearance, particularly in cup games against generally weaker opposition. You’ve got to leave a pathway to the first team somewhere, these players won’t break through if they’re not given the chance.
    Key thing you’ve not mentioned is that Barkhuizen can also play up front. If we have injury issues, we can move him up front and play someone else on the wing. We of course need to sign some more wingers for that to be possible though. That’s where I’d rather we focus our recruitment - a couple more good quality wingers, ideally younger players as you say since most of our signings have been ageing. We’ve got room for some loans left so might be a good place to use them.
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