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  1. Like
    Nishfan got a reaction from strawhillram in What's happening today?   
    Telegraph trying to get answers, like Radio Derby 
    Ed Dawes on Radio Derby said he knows fans who are getting quick replies from the administrators (whereas they haven’t been answering the media) who said that they have deliberately kept a low media profile but will be communicating more (well they couldn’t communicate less) 
  2. Clap
    Nishfan got a reaction from Hector was the best in What's happening today?   
    Derby Telegraph on Radio Derby 
    profile of this continues to be raised 
    we’ve definitely got a collective groundswell of support from those in positions who can make an impact 
  3. Clap
    Nishfan got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in What's happening today?   
    Derby City Council on Radio Derby 
    definitely not going down without a fight
    he’s contacting his counterparts in Middlesbrough & Wycombe about their claims 
  4. Clap
    Nishfan got a reaction from strawhillram in What's happening today?   
    Derby City Council on Radio Derby 
    definitely not going down without a fight
    he’s contacting his counterparts in Middlesbrough & Wycombe about their claims 
  5. Like
    Nishfan got a reaction from Ken Tram in What's happening today?   
    Derby Telegraph on Radio Derby 
    profile of this continues to be raised 
    we’ve definitely got a collective groundswell of support from those in positions who can make an impact 
  6. Like
    Nishfan got a reaction from Premier ram in What's happening today?   
    Derby City Council on Radio Derby 
    definitely not going down without a fight
    he’s contacting his counterparts in Middlesbrough & Wycombe about their claims 
  7. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Owen87ITK in What's happening today?   
    Safe to say the Wycombe owner isn’t as well-informed as he thinks . . . 
  8. Clap
    Nishfan got a reaction from Indy in What's happening today?   
    Derby City Council on Radio Derby 
    definitely not going down without a fight
    he’s contacting his counterparts in Middlesbrough & Wycombe about their claims 
  9. Like
    Nishfan reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
    Just watched the discussion in parliament on YouTube.
    Great to see the support from all sides including the ministers stand in.
    Cant see how it can fail to make a difference,certainly in terms of the efls approach...they will not be doing their own organisations future many favours if they fail to react positively.
    The writing is already on the wall for them,they need to pull something out of the bag here and sharpish.
  10. Clap
    Nishfan reacted to Ram Bam in Nottingham Forest Match-day Thread Saturday 22nd January 12.30   
    Was going to share this as well, the family of the young lad are friends of my partner's family.
    I appreciate emotions are running high at the minute and will be even more so on Saturday with barbs about our current situation no doubt coming out way from the forest fans but would implore all rams going to the game to respect this and to even join in if possible.
  11. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Mick Harford in Nottingham Forest Match-day Thread Saturday 22nd January 12.30   
    6 minutes in applause for a young lad that passed away aged 6.
  12. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Leeds Ram in The Administration Thread   
    It really is. It's hard to believe it's happening. 
  13. Like
    Nishfan reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
  14. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Well done the MP for Bury ?
  15. Like
    Nishfan reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    What this article says is that we were systematically cheating in ways other than the amortisation policy. This is not the first time that Middlesbrough have said this, but they don't tell us how. What else were we doing that makes them so confident that they will pursue us over several seasons, but not so confident that they can't state it publicly without us maybe suing their asses off? 
    And the article finishes by saying they will accept an agreed payoff. They want money from us, pure and simple. 
    I hate that our administrators haven't recognised the depth of Middlesbrough's feeling about this, because it is now affecting our future. 
    And why isn't anyone asking them why they aren't also pursuing a case against Bournemouth?
    It feels to me like the principle at stake here is the right of a club to take legal action against another based on the application of EFL rules. If Middlesbrough win then this principle is established and football is dead.
  16. Like
    Nishfan reacted to angieram in Quantuma   
    MPs have asked for more help in raising awareness through sharing fans' personal stories on Twitter. 
    Please can those of you on Twitter do this? You may have already done it, but if so, please do retweet with the hashtags requested.
  17. Like
    Nishfan reacted to IslandExile in Quantuma   
    I think the fans have been brilliant. The support from fans of other clubs really welcome.
    The MPs - all of them - today were great.
    My concerns are with the Administrators. Kirchner, the EFL and Boro have all said they've tried to communicate with them but not had a response. Whatever you think about those other parties, surely that's not the right approach. Dialogue must be kept open.
    There's now more than one report that the MPs who have met the Admins have not been that impressed.
    Finally, you say "the fight back has just started" - it had better accelerate rapidly then, because we've got less than two weeks.
  18. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Day in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Alongside a financial penalty of £100,000, the Club received a reprimand as to its future conduct and was ordered to submit revised and restated accounts for the years ended 30 June 2016, 30 June 2017, and 30 June 2018 to the EFL by Wednesday 18 August 2021.
    The deadline wasn't until the 18th, by which point we would have played 3 games, before being extended to the 24th.
    The 18th would have been too late to switch divisions regardless of what our accounts looked like.
    Even if we had intentionally delayed handing over our accounts, the deadline allowed us to do so.
    Now you could potentially then take this further back by saying Boro trying to get in on the claims also delayed proceedings, causing the knock on effect.
    Either way, I honestly don't see how we can be at fault in this particular case with Wycombe.
  19. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Alty_Ram in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    I listened to that grinding my teeth but frankly none of that was any real surprise from an American businessman. There was always zero chance of him just going "yeah, you're probably right, I'll withdraw our action". Culturally legal action is taken at the drop of a hat and he won't give a rats ass about tradition and history or fans and local businesses. As much if not more than Gibson this guy would happily see us extinguished without giving it a 2nd thought.
    Fundamentally though both he and Gibbo seem to be under the impression that there is a pot of money that we can dip into to make this go away. The only pots of money belong to people who have not yet agreed to take on a financial basket case of a club and that is borderline worth already. Meanwhile our playing assets are at risk and that would further degrade the potential value. Honestly, I just have no idea how this end. I was delighted to see the raising of the profile earlier in parliament but the radio silence from Administrators is rather worrying.
  20. Like
    Nishfan reacted to BrudeRAM in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Sad to say I’m listening to Rob Couhig and think he is very impressive, think he could make a convincing case for Wycombe. Silence from Quantuma is deafening
  21. Like
    Nishfan reacted to jimtastic56 in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Wycombe owner sounds like he is very determined and no idiot. He is putting the boot into the Admistrators and Mel. He has a point that there has been no deal yet with HMRC or DEL
  22. Like
    Nishfan reacted to RoyMac5 in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Fending off the politicians?
  23. Cheers
    Nishfan got a reaction from IslandExile in Quantuma   
    So much had happened today that I hope I’m right with this.
    Pauline Latham was back on Radio Derby between 5 & 6; she didn’t sound at all impressed with the administrators. I think she said they’re meeting again tomorrow 
  24. Like
    Nishfan reacted to Day in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    Fair play to him coming on, and well done to Radio Derby getting him to a microphone.
  25. Cheers
    Nishfan got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Quantuma   
    So much had happened today that I hope I’m right with this.
    Pauline Latham was back on Radio Derby between 5 & 6; she didn’t sound at all impressed with the administrators. I think she said they’re meeting again tomorrow 
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