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  1. Like
    BucksRam reacted to PistoldPete in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I think the Efl name and Shame process can start with Statements made in March 2019. In a public statement they said Birmingham were the only club found to be in breach of rules for the period ending 2017/18 .
    so either they had investigated Derby and found nothing wrong , or they were still investigating Derby in which case the Birmingham statement was misleading at best.
    it would be reasonable for anyone from Derby to read that and think our accounts are fine, Efl has found nothing wrong.
  2. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Just on this point, there have been so many inconsistencies, changes of tact, miss-information, delays and any number of other issues from the EFL, aptly called out by so many on this forum, that such a statement ought to include a history of the EFL's treatment of us.  The EFL constantly dodge the issues with politically spun responses, and just fall back to quoting their (inconsistently applied) rules.
    Don't get me wrong, Mel massively messed up in lots of ways (arrogance, naivete, poor decisions) but the EFL's treatment of us has gone beyond acceptable and there must surely be a strong argument to say they have in fact massively contributed to our current demise and have, for the past 24 months, through embargoes, ridiculous appeals and unexplained delays played a key role in leading us to where we are today. I find it incredibly frustrating that they seem to be able to don huge Teflon coats, avoid all accountability and that someone (I honestly don't know who though) isn't holding them to real account on this, if not for our benefits, then those of all other EFL members. 
    It would be great to see a single document listing all the issues over this time, the EFL's responses and the counter-arguments on behalf of Derby pointing out impacts / inconsistencies / rationale etc. 
  3. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to San Fran Van Rams in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I completely disagree. Their response only strengthens my view that EFL is completely incompetent.
    Firstly  - multiple occasions they've dodged questions and fall back on an argument that the current and potential future punishments seek to maintain the 'integrity' of the league. bullpoo. How is the integrity of the league being maintained when we're being forced to play a makeshift team full of academy rookies and retired pros? Its a minor miracle Rooney is doing the job he's doing. 
    They completely disregard that the club has already been penalized to the point of extinction, and are still pushing for further sanctions which will only to serve to damage the supporters, the local community, and if we're lucky, new owners. The club is on its knees and all they can talk about is maintaining league integrity because 'its what the rules say' - they don't seem to grasp the issue that the rules are not fit for purpose in the first place. They also completely miss the point that our suspended 3 point penalty (for paying players 22 days late) was completely out of whack with what they agreed for Sheff Weds (and other clubs have got off scott free for the same offense in the past).
    Also, this whole 'its the benefactor model which is wrong' cr@p needs to end. the EFL and its member clubs are in this financial predicament because the EFL are incompetent commercially, cannot negotiate a proper broadcasting deal, and have bent over and presented themselves to the EPL to take full advantage of. More regulations, such as the cost controls they're talking about, will only serve to broaden the gap between the EPL and EFL. Football either needs to stop being run as a business, or you let those who understand business run the football. You can't go either way.
  4. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Mucker1884 in Panic buying   
    Ear, that barley registers as a pun, me old flour!  Brought a rye grimace to my face. 
    Don't be surprised if they get the bran hammer out to you for that!
    Cheerios... Cheerios... Cheerios...
  5. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to uttoxram75 in Trivia question   
    Gerald Mortimer once called Stoke-on Trent "the land that time forgot". How can anyone ever question him?
  6. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Rampage in Trivia question   
    Well I was all set to guess when a certain @i-Rampipped me to it .  TBH I would have got it wrong anyway. 
  7. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Panic buying   
    Petrol has been scarce in my area for a while now but my local station received a tanker-load last night resulting of course in a queue all the way through the village. Queue aside, I held back going as I still had a quarter of a tank so didn't feel I should deprive those more needy than me.  Head out this morning at just gone 7am and find not only had the station not be drained of fuel (as it had been within hours on it's last delivery 4 days ago) but there were only a couple of cars at the pumps.  I suddenly found myself turning in, completely unplanned and filling up.  Usually I sigh at the thought of having to get petrol, but saddo that I am, I actually felt quite excited and elated at having filled up in the space of a couple of minutes.  Clearly I need to get out more. 
  8. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from 48 hours in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    And our kit could be bought alongside Muddy Fox bike gear for the active, and GoldDigga tops for the fashion conscious, all at 60% off of course.  
  9. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ramit in Strange goings on.....   
    Had several over the years, but here's 4 of the best:
    1.  Was round my cousins, on my own in their dining room playing on their pool table. Everyone else was in the lounge watching TV. Bent down to take a shot & a freezing cold wall of air passed over me such that I could see my breath when I breathed out.  I rushed out into the dark hallway and caught a glimpse of a small hazy blue light up their stairs. I burst into the lounge, saying what had happened. They calmly said "Oh that'll be Flo, she pops up every now and then". Turns out Flo was the name of a woman who'd killed herself in the bath some 80 years previously (Victorian house). 
    2. Was at work in London (nr Lombard Street). Popped out around 3pm for a coffee.  As I left the building I caught sight of a woman in an old black & white pinafore style dress, wearing a white lace looking bonnet turn into the alley I was about to cut through.  Strange woman I thought.  I turned into the alley right after her to find it empty. No doors or other exits. 
    3. A colleague and I were working late one night. We were the only 2 in the building (later confirmed by security as we'd had to apply for late access and the building was unmanned as security were based in the office next door). Around 9pm we caught a glimpse of someone going across the offices at the end of the room.  "Who was that" my colleague asked "No idea, security maybe, doing a sweep, but then where are they as there's nowhere to go?" Just then we heard heavy footsteps slowly coming down the room toward us, getting closer and closer. "WTF?!" exclaimed my colleague as she grabbed my arm in fear (which bolstered my manly protectiveness). The footsteps literally came right up to where we sat. The air felt really heavy. I turned and said simply "Hello". Then everything kind of cleared.  Very weird.  We decided to pack up and went to the pub. She refused to work lates ever again. 
    4. Earlier this year, I lost Bilbo, my cat of 19 years.  3 months ago we replaced him with 3 kittens, one of whom is a black short-hair like my old cat.  Only 2 weeks ago, pulled up at the house in the car, started reversing into the drive and at the same time, both my youngest and I commented that Scooby (the new black cat) was sitting on the hallway window sill just like Bilbo used to. As I pulled in, he got up, walked along the sill and jumped down, to wait behind the door, just like Bilbo used to.  "I thought you shut the hallway doors" says my wife. " I did" I replied. Sure enough, opening the front door, no cat, and both doors firmly shut.  Opened one, and there's our 3 cats sitting looking at us.  So who was the black cat my daughter and I clearly saw....? 
  10. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    This.  Spot on post @Coconut's Beard One of my mates is Toon through and through (hailing from "God's country" as he calls it) and he readily admits they're a mid table team at best.  Ashley is a businessman at the end of the day, and, 2 or 3 big spends aside, has run Newcastle on the basis of trying not to lose money, rather than aiming for the Europa or Champions Leagues, and risk being out of pocket.  I think that lack of so-called ambition is what irks some die hard fans who feel their club is big enough to be fighting for top 4.  That's where MM has failed, being a fan first and foremost (which I think probably over-rode his business sense) he wanted the glory of promotion and the riches it'd bring, ruining us in the process.  
  11. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Wolfie in Strange goings on.....   
    Had several over the years, but here's 4 of the best:
    1.  Was round my cousins, on my own in their dining room playing on their pool table. Everyone else was in the lounge watching TV. Bent down to take a shot & a freezing cold wall of air passed over me such that I could see my breath when I breathed out.  I rushed out into the dark hallway and caught a glimpse of a small hazy blue light up their stairs. I burst into the lounge, saying what had happened. They calmly said "Oh that'll be Flo, she pops up every now and then". Turns out Flo was the name of a woman who'd killed herself in the bath some 80 years previously (Victorian house). 
    2. Was at work in London (nr Lombard Street). Popped out around 3pm for a coffee.  As I left the building I caught sight of a woman in an old black & white pinafore style dress, wearing a white lace looking bonnet turn into the alley I was about to cut through.  Strange woman I thought.  I turned into the alley right after her to find it empty. No doors or other exits. 
    3. A colleague and I were working late one night. We were the only 2 in the building (later confirmed by security as we'd had to apply for late access and the building was unmanned as security were based in the office next door). Around 9pm we caught a glimpse of someone going across the offices at the end of the room.  "Who was that" my colleague asked "No idea, security maybe, doing a sweep, but then where are they as there's nowhere to go?" Just then we heard heavy footsteps slowly coming down the room toward us, getting closer and closer. "WTF?!" exclaimed my colleague as she grabbed my arm in fear (which bolstered my manly protectiveness). The footsteps literally came right up to where we sat. The air felt really heavy. I turned and said simply "Hello". Then everything kind of cleared.  Very weird.  We decided to pack up and went to the pub. She refused to work lates ever again. 
    4. Earlier this year, I lost Bilbo, my cat of 19 years.  3 months ago we replaced him with 3 kittens, one of whom is a black short-hair like my old cat.  Only 2 weeks ago, pulled up at the house in the car, started reversing into the drive and at the same time, both my youngest and I commented that Scooby (the new black cat) was sitting on the hallway window sill just like Bilbo used to. As I pulled in, he got up, walked along the sill and jumped down, to wait behind the door, just like Bilbo used to.  "I thought you shut the hallway doors" says my wife. " I did" I replied. Sure enough, opening the front door, no cat, and both doors firmly shut.  Opened one, and there's our 3 cats sitting looking at us.  So who was the black cat my daughter and I clearly saw....? 
  12. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Wolfie in Strange goings on.....   
    They say children are more open to this kind of stuff....
    When my daughter was about 3, she was on the garden swing, which faces the house, and I was watching her from the patio. Suddenly she stopped, looked up at her bedroom window and gave a massive smile - like it was someone she knew really well up there. I assumed that Mrs Wolfie had come home, so went upstairs and nobody was in the house. Front door locked as always.
    When I asked Miss Wolfie what she'd seen, she just said, matter-of-factly, that "he" was smiling and waving from her bedroom. She couldn't tell me who "he" was or properly describe him but that she had seen him quite often and he was always nice.
    Mrs Wolfie is more into this stuff than me but she has been told in the past (prior to this story above happening) that her first husband (deceased) often comes to visit and he likes being around my daughter.
    She's now nearly 9 and we've had nothing else spooky around her until about 3 months ago, when she was having trouble getting to sleep for a while, which was making her get upset and eventually after a few days, said it was because "the children are playing too noisily and running around in the spare room". In desperation, Mrs Wolfie told her she needed to be firm and tell them to stop. Which she did and she's been fine again since.
  13. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Miggins in Strange goings on.....   
    My sister was hoovering in the office of a very spooky building when she was pushed so hard on her back that she fell over the hoover! The room was very cold and unfriendly and she had a bad feeling about going into it. The office staff all left at the same time as each other and no one would work there alone. My sister left straight away and never went back. She said that the encounter was pure malevolence and evil and not in the slightest bit mischievous. My sister is the sanest person I know.
  14. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Bob The Badger in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Agree, a fine example of stick with the original, which is a brilliant film.  
  15. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Jram in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  16. Like
    BucksRam reacted to leamram in Is Joey Greener a Ram?   
    Thanks mate ??????
  17. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  18. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from leamram in Is Joey Greener a Ram?   
    Just caught up with this - like your sound, a nice laid-back acoustic style (just listened thru' on Spotify).  Good luck. 
  19. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  20. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from TigerTedd in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  21. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Ramrob in Long time reader, first time writer   
    Welcome @Ramrob Always good to have new voices here....if you can get a word in edgeways ?

  22. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  23. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to uttoxram75 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Just seen a bloke coming out of Tesco with 4 crates of San Miguel, 5 paellas and 3 sombreros, I thought to myself............
    Hispanic buying.
  24. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
  25. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Carnero in Recovering 21pts: is it possible?   
    Keep the faith Mike.  Yes it is frustrating but it's been like that for nigh on two years.  Like you rightly say, we are clearly better.  @86 Hair Islands summed it up nicely a few posts ago.  We still have CKR, Festy and Bielik to come back.  Others likely to get points deducted.  It's generally a weaker league this year. 
    And why won't it happen.  As the late Jimmy Greaves said It's a funny old game.  It's a cliché but we do it a game at a time.  That's Rooney's focus, that's why he shows the team a form league, not the actual one. 
    Our administrators remain extremely positive, with several buyers in the wings - despite the debt, and league position, we are extremely marketable, not least supported by:
    a team who themselves have reacted so positively to this debacle - a buyer would be taking on a dedicated, skilled, hard-working and professional team showing what I would say is unparalleled allegiance to a club a manager (plus his management team) who shows commitment to this club daily and absolutely refuses to throw in the towel a fan base that's second to none - who have reacted so positively despite all the frustration and anger caused by events, who are turning out by the bucket-load to support the club.   the simple fact we are Derby - a club with a proud history, huge standing, massive potential..... We will rise stronger ??
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