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  1. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Yeah, this stood out for me too and I'll admit got me a bit excited we could see a start to the end of two years of stress and b/s really soon.  Hoskins will be playing a bit of a clever game too with those comments to chivy up the other serious bidders so they get up to speed with where Kerchner appears to be.  
  2. Like
    BucksRam reacted to CBRammette in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    If we settled anything on this can you imagine the spurious claims clubs would start putting in against other clubs without going through any proper legal process. We could start by billing Rotherham or whoever it was who cancelled the game when we got there for us to have to play it the next day after the hassle of the day before - must be worth a hundred thousand? It would be chaos. You dont just send someone a made up bill - its really tinpot amateur garbage isnt it? And what about teams sending bills to Wycombe for their dubious promotion to start with?
  3. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I get you but do you not think that a large part of this is the fact Derby has such a huge and loyal fan base without which we wouldn't be half as marketable.  2000 or so turned up to watch a training session. I think that makes us pretty powerful.
  4. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I get you but do you not think that a large part of this is the fact Derby has such a huge and loyal fan base without which we wouldn't be half as marketable.  2000 or so turned up to watch a training session. I think that makes us pretty powerful.
  5. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Charlton Athletic and Ipswich Town to sue Derby County   
    And it would seem Watford are also suing Derby for untold stress to a number of their fans caused by a lone Rams supporter* hiding away in the Vicarage home end and jumping for joy when Gabbiadini scored the winner in Feb 1994.
    "Some of our supporters have never been the same" said a hornet spokesman "we need to wring as much as we can out of them.  Traumatised they were.  Never been to a game since. If we'd had their support there's no way City would have put 6 passed us.....twice. We blame Derby".
  6. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I get you but do you not think that a large part of this is the fact Derby has such a huge and loyal fan base without which we wouldn't be half as marketable.  2000 or so turned up to watch a training session. I think that makes us pretty powerful.
  7. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Foxy Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I get you but do you not think that a large part of this is the fact Derby has such a huge and loyal fan base without which we wouldn't be half as marketable.  2000 or so turned up to watch a training session. I think that makes us pretty powerful.
  8. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Tombo in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I get you but do you not think that a large part of this is the fact Derby has such a huge and loyal fan base without which we wouldn't be half as marketable.  2000 or so turned up to watch a training session. I think that makes us pretty powerful.
  9. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from ramit in v Blackburn Rovers (H) - Predictions   
    I'm feeling this one for some reason. 
    Derby 3 - 0 Blackburn FRGS Lawrence
  10. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    If Tepper wants Derby, he'll have it. He's apparently worth more than Abramovic. Of all the names bandied about, only Michael Dell could outbid him. I'd love to think there's substance to the rumours, but where he's concerned, I've only seen Twatter conjecture, nothing solid.
    As for the other fella, he isn't a billionaire, nor need he be. I do wonder whether he knows some big fish are circling and is maybe trying to get out front and centre with the fans as a strategic move. He may also be fronting a consortium. FWIW, the comparisons to young Erik are pretty unfair. They are worlds apart!
    Also, and in fairness to folks who have mentioned his financial wherewithal, I think it's mostly been because of the Nixon 'billionaire' reference, not out of greed, perceived necessity or any sense of entitlement. Indeed, it seems to me that the overriding sense right now is one of relief that there are folk interested at all. Many on here assumed that nobody would touch the club, so it's something positive to hold onto, for the time being at least, amid all the doom and gloom.
  11. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from Pearl Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
  12. COYR
    BucksRam reacted to Yani P in Season 21 - 22 survival bid statistics   
    Updated After Week 14 Matches
    Updated the stats tracker - starting to get some more solid data now we are 14 games in, ive got us a projected total of 56 (Net 44) after 14 games played. That would give us a 54% chance of survival based on every season since we were last relegated.
    Im tracking us against last season for the stat of tracking the 4th bottom team (as thats where we need to get to as a minimum). Last season was our closest to relegation in a good while so makes sense to use that as our season baseline for this year. Its no point us tracking at net 44 if the 4th bottom starts tracking way above last season (funnily enough that was 44 points as well). Good news is the 14 game tracker currently sits as a positive one in our favour so as long as that stays at or near zero or positive we are well on track even with all these draws.

  13. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Norman in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I just want a football club that has a chance of staying in the Championship this season and not facing the prospect of selling Bird etc. in January. If not, being run sensibly in League 1 and retaining as much of our young talent as possible. 
    Anything else I would class as massively greedy considering the position we are in. 
    Couldn't give a duck if he has billions or just enough for us to operate sustainably. His attitude to the future of our club is more important. 
  14. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Orphanram in Rams vs Coventry (A) Matchday Thread   
    That’s how I see it today, this is the type of game that can really galvanise a team. Come on Derby 
  15. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Premier ram in Jack Wilshere - joined Aarhus   
    I'm quite happy with Ravel thanks. 
  16. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Jack Wilshere - joined Aarhus   
    I'm quite happy with Ravel thanks. 
  17. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Day in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    It's rules such as above that builds this "vendetta" that some believe the EFL have towards us.
    Let's not forget here, the EFL signed off on our accounts, they only became an issue when they looked into the stadium valuation despite Kieran Maguire alerting the EFL to take a look at our accounts a long long time before the stadium sale was made public.
    Meanwhile clubs such as QPR smashed the FFP rules the season we played them at Wembley, were Derby crying and threatening to sue the EFL and QPR, no.
    Gibson however, well he's been a dog with a bone on this. I suspect the EFL would not have appealed and pushed as hard if they didn't have this threat hanging over them, and this all may look like paranoia, but honestly tell me I'm wrong.
    The EFL will not want this in court, front and back pages of the paper for the country to see their handling of all this.
    I find it hard to take that we're being punished for something historically which was approved by the EFL, the punishment doesn't feel like it fits the crime either.
    We've been under embargo for the best part of a year, unable to strengthen the team, can't submit accounts as there is an argument over accountancy methods which are not in the EFL rules.
    We're then being denied an opportunity of an interest free loan that could have helped prevent us going into admin because of the above investigation, so we're hit with -12.
    Yet that doesn't appear to be enough as they want a further 9 point deduction.
    At what point are we allowed to feel a little annoyed by what the EFL have done here, I'm amazed other club fans are actually enjoying this when it could be their club next.
    We have a club down the A52 with an owner sending players between his 2 clubs in plain sight, how is this not been flagged up as a potential FFP issue, can you imagine transfer negotiations? It's a table with 2 chairs and just himself. 
    It just stinks, it really does. Maybe I'm biased as this is my club, but it does absolutely feel like a vendetta that won't end until they have us in League 1.
    When you look at what Rooney and this team are up against, it's incredible the fight they continue to show on the pitch. They don't deserve to have a relegation on their CV's, not one of them.
    If we somehow stay up against the EFL's best efforts to send us down, without a doubt Rooney should be manager of the season, not that the EFL would be brave enough to award it him.
  18. Like
    BucksRam reacted to cstand in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    I always have £15 in one pound coins in my car stashed in a bag always comes in handy.
  19. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Wolfie in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Crikey, I think we'd bite their hand off if this was on offer right now. Get 2 points back and a clean slate?. Got to be too good to be true, surely.
  20. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to SirBrian in English Football League Board Grave Concerns of Two Appointments   
    Below are a couple of emails I have sent and received between Pauline Latham OBE MP and myself. I think it is important to highlight the concerns noted below to your local MPs and particularly anybody in Mrs Latham’s constituency as from her email, she is following the situation of Derby and the EFL very closely and has noted the points I have made.
    Email sent to Pauline Latham OBE MP – Mid-Derbyshire constituency:
    Part of the email received from Mrs Latham:
    I’ve been reading this forum for years, finally decided to create an account as I am a passionate Rams fans. The EFL stand on their alleged morals of being fit and proper, how can Peter Risdale be fit and proper to hold a position on the board of the EFL???
  21. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Key clubber in We always get poo refs.   
    Biggest thing for me is the inconsistency.  I think most, if not all our bookings have probably been deserved, but what's getting me is that when opposition players are doing similar, it's either going un-booked, or, in several cases it's not even been classed a foul.  It's no wonder there's conspiracy theories over it as it's annoyingly obvious.  And to be fair to a lot of us on here, who are all rightly biased toward Derby, I think we're looking at this through objective eyes, not sour grapes.  All I ask for is consistency from the officials, but we're not getting anything like it.  
  22. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Marshall in GOAL   
    Thanks.  Yeah agree - to be fair it's not just keepers affected by loss of confidence, it's across the pitch, it's just that keepers pay far more often for their low confidence mistakes...which affects their confidence more... et al. Neither Allsop nor Roos are bad keepers, they're, well, proficient I guess.  Average Championship level maybe?  I think the likes of Samba and Rodak for example are, overall, a step up but will of course still suffer periods of poop as you rightly outlined.  You only need to look at what De Gea went through - one of the world's best keepers made mistake after mistake due to loss of form and confidence. It happens to the best. 
  23. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Foreveram in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    I was speaking from experience, I was told early in my career never walk round empty handed.
  24. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in We always get poo refs.   
    Biggest thing for me is the inconsistency.  I think most, if not all our bookings have probably been deserved, but what's getting me is that when opposition players are doing similar, it's either going un-booked, or, in several cases it's not even been classed a foul.  It's no wonder there's conspiracy theories over it as it's annoyingly obvious.  And to be fair to a lot of us on here, who are all rightly biased toward Derby, I think we're looking at this through objective eyes, not sour grapes.  All I ask for is consistency from the officials, but we're not getting anything like it.  
  25. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I get the "need to start getting used to living with this" stance, and it's one I agree with.  The problem with COVID, as opposed to flu is that it's a) more contagious and b) more virulent, so living with it is definitely dependent on vaccinations.  In my opinion of course. 
    As mentioned here, I've had flu - twice. It was awful.  Since I started having the flu vaccine, because I knew how ill I felt with it, despite being relatively young and fit at the time, I've never had it again - touch wood.  I therefore readily accepted the COVID jabs.  Having had COVID this past week, still recovering, one thing I, and my wife have been surprised by is how effing bad we've been, despite the vaccinations. It's bordered on how I felt with flu all those years ago. Not near as bad to be fair, but it's not been good. My wife's still really breathless after a week. Vaccinations, including boosters are key to eventually "living with this" like we do with flu. Over time, again like with flu, we'll build immunity, or at least the ability to live with it.   I'm getting on with life...temporarily on hold of course whilst I isolate. 
    If you've not had COVID yet, awesome. Go you!  If you've had it but were OK and barely affected, awesome too. I'm genuinely grateful.  But it's not so awesome for a huge amount of others, as I can personally attest. Luckily for me, it looks as though I'll be able to get back on with life once I've fully recovered.
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