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Posts posted by Chester40

  1. The same group of people who had cleverly planned to look further afield, had carefully identified and scouted this player and seemed on the verge of clinchng the deal with this genius signing.

      ..are also the same short-sighted, penny-pinching, clueless fools taking us back down, all over a few pence.

    This is without knowing anything about the truth of any of it,  about a player pretty much no-one has really ever seen play.

    It's so reactionary its off the scale, but tbh that makes it less annoying than when we shoot down a signing that we have completed and who we actually do know what they have done in this league.

  2. 4 hours ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Surely if he needed the surgery we’d help him no matter if we’re keeping him or not ?

    I think it's more that until he proves his fitness (again) no-one else is going to be gullible to take a punt on him so we are lumbered.

  3. Foden and Kane had 110mins and did absolutely nothing. 

    How the hell are we 5 games into the tournament and still seeing the same issues every time?

    Southgate is really p***ing me off now. In the interview he kept banging on about how it's the best we've played and how amazing the Swiss are.

    The defence is actually pretty strong.  The bit where we have world class players in abundance is where we look so average.

    Hopefully we can s***house our way into winning this thing. If not he's clearly created a much better environment and given youth a chance and the next manager walks into a strong dressing room.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    'The Secret Race' by Tyler Hamilton is a really good read. On Lance Armstrong's US Postal team, spilt the beans on the chicanery involved in Armstrong's success. Unbelievable lengths they went to in their strategies and cover-ups. Strongly recommended.

    Yep - read it and loved it.👍👍

  5. Its so much easier to put weight on than lose it that's for sure.

    I try to set myself little mini-tasks, eg no sweet/pudding/Choc for 2weeks. Or no alcohol. Or no salt added to anything. 

    It resets my thinking and I make better decisions about the rest of my eating by feeling that one pain that is do-able.

    I also exercise every day. Normally first thing. But whether its a decent walk, gym, football... I do something every day.

    I also find that having a big breakfast just makes me hungrier. The longer I can get by on just a small bowl of porridge the better.

    Carbs generally (bread, pasta, potato) are fuel and nothing else.  They make you feel full...then empty again, with little nutritional value. Lots of veg, salad and meat... with treats of nuts, fruit, bit of sugar is the way for me as much as possible.

  6. With cycling there's always the spectre of drugs in the background.

    With Cavendish ...he really just hangs in there most of the time and then uses his skills to get on the right wheel and navigate between other riders, with a burst of power to get clear over a few yards....so to my mind there's a lot less concern that its all a bit 'suspect'.

    His ability and courage are there to be seen and feel very human. Riders powering up mountains after weeks of effort seem almost extra-terrestrial or robotic. His personality helps with that too.  It doesn't feel like it comes easy, it feels emotional and raw.

  7. I think if the story had been he was out with mates, that there would have been more trepidation. 

    Rightly or wrongly, there's an assumption that like an awful lot of men, he behaves himself when his wife is there and the louty behaviour happens when she's not!

  8. 3 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Yeah I have got a feeling there might be something today. I think Kenzo will be announced.

    Leigh Curtis said yesterday that there should be some news on a keeper in the next few days, so potentially a keeper too.

    I think it will be Mat Ryan.

    If so.... the business so far (after all the whining from some quarters) has been really positive and sensible at the same time. Quite different to last year's too.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

    It was one chops post that i didnt agree with, not being booted out of the club.

    I know.😀

    Just kinda addressing your point that 'men' were making jokes and not taking it as seriously as women were... just pointing out some men are taking it incredibly seriously. 

    Agree that until we know more, all responses are going to trigger someone.

  10. 6 hours ago, Kathcairns said:

    You are right, we dont know the facts so why so many comments on here. Alot seem to find it funny, i dont really, especially if it turns out to be true. Perhaps women have different thoughts about it.

    Tbf the posters saying he needs booting out the club before actually having the information that he's done anything....are mainly men!

  11. 3 hours ago, superfit said:

     IF it transpires that he is convicted of theft is that okay? Are we going to educate our children that acting in this manner is acceptable. 

    Seeing as they live in the real world... not an Enid Blyton land of picnics,  fairytales and naughty goblins,  they may not be overly shocked, interested or traumatised either way.

  12. I always wanted him to be the player he flattered to be...

    Great lad, local and proud... whats not to like.

    Just not top level for me. Not that skilful,  not pacey, not powerful and very one footed. 

    Hope he proves me wrong but for me he's a bottom end Championship player and we can get better for the system we will probably play.

  13. House of the Dragon, series 2 episode 2.

    No point trying to deny it anymore. It's utter carp.

    Just constant talking with no action. Can't follow or care who any of them are.

    Game of Thrones was an all-time classic, the only thing they have in common is the theme tune.

    I'm giving up even trying.


  14. 24 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    So it's the players that get the credit when something good happens and Southgates fault when things aren't going well?

    What did these world class players do in the previous 95 minutes?

    You're right though, he could have changed it but he didn't, and as a result we are in a quarter final for the 4th tournament running. 

    So it's the players fault they are all playing terribly, nothing to do with the manager, his tactics or coaching.  Why bother having one at all?

    He changed nothing. And got incredibly lucky...  except he has better players to allow him to be lucky and do exactly what saved him, but he's inhibiting that ability. 

    Anyway. Pointless because you're as clueless as him.


  15. 22 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Kudos to Southgate for having faith in his players to dig themselves out of the hole they were in.

    I don't think anyone is brilliant, I just like to SUPPORT my teams and managers, something you will clearly never understand. 

    Utter tosh!

    He has world class players with the ability to control and win that game with relative ease.  

    Instead they were abject. For the 4th game. He had most of the game to change things and did not one iota.

    We got 1min away from defeat before a world class goal from one of several world class players he is ruining, saved his bacon.

  16. Nobody felt that Denmark's goal needed disallowing, on review I still didn't.

    Nobody felt Germany deserved a penalty, on review I still didn't.

    As Ange said they are re-reffing the game. Badly.

    By eye....any benefit goes the attacking team with offsides, and any handball should be deliberate (whether that means making yourself bigger on purpose or whatever). 

    Both decisions reviewed when they didn't need to be, and in the spirit of the game were then changed to the wrong decision.

    Depressing A F.

  17. 11 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    Presumed Innocent 

    4 part mini-series with Jake Gyllenhall.

    Investigative, court room drama about a lawyer accused of murder.

    Actually really watchable. I always think Gyllenhall is a decent actor anyway.

    Formulaic stuff, but engrossing if you like the sound of it. Lots of little twists that pull you in, just a decent, tight storyline.

    Actually it's an 8 part series, very glad as I was alarmed when I realised there were only 15mins left to wrap it all up !

    New series of The Bear is being advertised heavily,  know there's a few fans on here... I watched one episode and really disliked it. I found Boiling Point really annoying (are they linked in any way) ..so was predisposed to not liking it and wasn't disappointed. I just don't get it/them. Rude characters shouting, being angsty, clichéd and pretentious in a hot kitchen. 


  18. 13 minutes ago, Day said:

    I have to defend BBC Derby slightly, prior to saying aiming for the top he does say he wouldn’t like to say where we will finish. They didn’t even mention it in the post to lure you into watching, it was a line pulled out to start the topic on here with, which you could argue could be seen as potentially more mischievous. 

    Most appear to have understood the context of his words though and I don’t see many going into the season expecting to be challenging for the title.

    Must be time for one of them poll things....

    What are your expectations for the season!!

    Personally I'm going for a mid to lower table finish.

  19. Presumed Innocent 

    4 part mini-series with Jake Gyllenhall.

    Investigative, court room drama about a lawyer accused of murder.

    Actually really watchable. I always think Gyllenhall is a decent actor anyway.

    Formulaic stuff, but engrossing if you like the sound of it. Lots of little twists that pull you in, just a decent, tight storyline.

  20. Finished Dark Matter. 

    Interested in how its been viewed by others...

    Bit like 'Inception', it hit a nice sweet spot for me, where there was some Science-y stuff that let my head accept what was happening was 'possible' and whilst the script was a little creaky at times, it just threw more and more levels/ideas into the mix that kept me hooked.

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