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Posts posted by jono

  1. 15 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Yeah, @jono is well known for his nasty streak. Those of us who know him and the things of which he is capable, always refer to him as, Mr Big Nasty, more out of fear than respect and I'd strongly advise you to do the same. Word to the wise, in a moment of temporary insanity, I once had the temerity to enquire of him why folk used this moniker; with a grin so deeply malevolent that it froze the blood right there in my veins, he replied, 'because my nastiness is BIG' 😱



    Yes Comrade, thank you . Your support has been noted for next month’s committee of summary judgment meeting, but don’t think for a second you will avoid any due nastiness. It is possible that I may relent and send you to Wycombe car park for a week rather than Middlesbrough’s board room toilets, but this is as they say, a one time offer. .. Be afraid, be very 😳 🤪

  2. 7 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    The problem is that I know for an absolute, undeniable fact that I am never wrong. 

    Never have been, never will be.

    A neighbour of mine was asked by his teenage son to “have a word with Mum” .. because she was always on his case 

    at he Dads answer to his sone. You might think it’s Saturday, The TV says it’s Saturday as does the the calendar but if you Mum says it Wednesday … it’s effing Wednesday 

  3. 8 hours ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

    I'm a reasonably diplomatic, boring, steady middle aged bloke.

    I'm reasonably well educated and can write reasonably well so try to choose words on this forum that express an opinion that may be different to others, without deliberately causing offence. I certainly don't have 'poor writing' or 'poor vocabulary' as anything like an excuse if I were to cause offence.........but, without being patronising, I do understand not all so-called offensive posts are intended to be offensive.

    However, it's apparent that I'm not alone in finding it tiresome that almost every single thread deteriorates into a game of point scoring, oneupmanship and, increasingly, forum archeology, in order to be unpleasant to one another.

    There seems to be, in equal measure, deliberate attempts to cause offence and seek offence and it's just not great reading. I'm not in the slightest bit supportive of closing down debates or censoring differences of opinion but the number of personal spats with unpleasant language is getting beyond a joke.

    I can't blame the mods because, individually, most of these posts fall below the threshold of complaint but, collectively, they make this forum so much worse than it could be.

    I came to this forum for camaraderie when we nearly went under as a club - and it was a source of great comfort, information and humour.

    It's got to the point where I'm considering signing off and and using the Telegraph and Radio Derby as my main non-matchday links - they have limitations but they are civil.

    Any ideas what we can do?

    I agree, and to my embarrassment I get sucked in from time to time as wellThere are parallels with current political debate, everting has to be so polarised. I enjoy discourse, chewing the cud, weighing different views. In a sense it’s the concept of debate: being open to be swayed but also hoping to sway. 

    The current “ bete noir “ seems to be Warne in or out. When it comes to this I think I get riled by folk being rigidly in one camp or the other. Why do we have to be in a camp ? I am not. I reckon Warne is pretty good but I am more than happy to chew over any failings (and he has them) but on a personal level I want to balance this with the positives. 

    Not sure what to suggest but I tend to avoid interacting with what I see as extremists but I don’t always succeed (as my recent spat with May Contain nuts illustrates ! 🤣) yet I am delighted there is every view on show. It would be very boring if we all thought the same. Meanwhile get yourself in a camp, there’s no middle ground, there are subversive’s everywhere, we know we are right, Warne should go, Sibley is a 10, we have no ambition, the football is the worst I have seen EVER ! Or everything is going to plan, referees are faultless, all we need is a striker or to play the entire academy. meanwhile the rams say “no to bad language” while being sung to by the south stand boys choir that everything is black and white

  4. 27 minutes ago, norwichram said:

    Surprised by your comments here Jono and disappointed .. the patronising bit was where you say someone has know all entitled medals not the fact that you hold a differing opinion.

    unless of course you were bing highly ironic and I missed it …

    I was patronising someone who said I was patronising them when I wasn’t, so I thought I’d patronise them anyway as I’d probably get away with it without sounding too patronising. If it keeps me out of trouble I think I might have been a bit ironic too. 

  5. 13 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    Not sure you can get much more patronising than claiming someone can't see the full picture just because you disagree with them.  I was’t being patronising, I was, like you, voicing an opinion

    Nothing in your post seems to be based on what's actually playing out in front of us, it's pretty much a list of theories, preconceptions and excuses without any substance or analysis behind them. Pardon ? 

    "11 strong men..." Sorry, what? Are we playing with our U12s? "...busting a gut to put one on us". -  in theory true but it's not what we've actually come up against in the vast majority of matches. This is your opinion and nothing more. “11 strong men” was merely a way of describing opponents of a similar level, often with experience in this league. 

    "It hasn't been an easy ride"... it has been pretty easy actually. Especially this season with 3 very good teams removed and 2 would-be competitors suffering points deductions and ongoing ownership issues. It hasn’t been an easy ride.
    The club is under a monitored business plan, the transfer market has changed fundamentally and 12 months ago we barely had any players. 

    "There isn't a higher cheque book" - no but there's more than most teams have and a promotion level budget.
    You have no evidence to support your supposition in any case . And we are in the playoff places at present so your point is ? 

    "25k a week saying we are Derby..." - Oh please, my posts haven't said anything of the sort. Making out my view is based on us having the name Derby County and a lot of fans is again patronising and insulting.

    Insulting ? Not quite sure where you got that from and I never insinuated that you suggested having a big fan base gave us something special. I was simply stating a fact. A tad touch I think !

    "the obvious structures they would be under given our current level of strength and stability" - which is pretty damn good, just because we came from a bad place doesn't mean we're currently in one and have to pretend we're this meek little things who shouldn't expect to compete from promotion.

    Not true. We are under a business plan. We also have an owner who wants us to succeed but doesn’t have a bottomless pit.
    We do have strictures (with an I) we started with very few players, our foundations were only just setting and we were/are under specific scrutiny from on high. I also don’t see any suggestion that we should be meek from either manager, fans or the owner.

    There's nothing wrong with the structure Warne is working under, he's got more than enough at his disposal to get us promoted and we're told that his only remit is getting us up so his use of the academy can't be brought into discussions, and the Chairman is on record as saying he has patience with him and would understand even if he does somehow fail to get us promoted. He's got it bloody easy and there's no reason to think another manager couldn't at least match what he's done.

    So you want management by fear .. and if the manager isn’t being threatened with the sack that counts as “easy” and there is one round the corner, at no cost that might equal what we already have 🤪

    "many if our signings were designed for Warne's vision"... which was to play with a back 3 with Bradley at the heart of it. Thank god for injuries, quite frankly. It's debatable whether we'd even have signed Niambe had they not happened. Our "compromised style" as you put it has been key to some of our better performances both last season and this. When most of the injured players have played they've looked no better than what we have as 'backups'. 

    as to the above … hindsight city ! And if you’d seen Bradley preseason when his head was a ball magnet against PL opposition you might have a different view and we were all very pleased with Joe Ward. 

    " the patronising b******* goes on. .. I wonder how you would react to such a churlish comment ? Is this factual, scientific, evidential, analytical? A trip to the nearest mirror might be beneficial 




  6. 23 hours ago, norwichram said:

    Can’t understand why it’s not a straightforward - 

    “yes really pleased for Louis and what a strike it was  .. we’ve played him in various positions and he’s always worked hard for the team but obviously enjoyed playing the 10/8 today. he was a real handful today and performed well

    great to have selection problems and it’s that attacking intent we’ve been building on which has enabled us to go  on this run supported by what is currently the best defence in the league”


    The reason is clear to me … If you want PR speak then that’s ok. If you want a manager who relates to real people then it isn’t. I would rather have Warne’s reaction, which was clearly humorous and honest; than some spoon fed insincere managed “content”

  7. 13 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    Not sure you can get much more patronising than claiming someone can't see the full picture just because you disagree with them.  

    Nothing in your post seems to be based on what's actually playing out in front of us, it's pretty much a list of theories, preconceptions and excuses without any substance or analysis behind them.

    "11 strong men..." Sorry, what? Are we playing with our U12s? "...busting a gut to put one on us". -  in theory true but it's not what we've actually come up against in the vast majority of matches.

    "It hasn't been an easy ride"... it has been pretty easy actually. Especially this season with 3 very good teams removed and 2 would-be competitors suffering points deductions and ongoing ownership issues.

    "There isn't a higher cheque book" - no but there's more than most teams have and a promotion level budget. 

    "25k a week saying we are Derby..." - Oh please, my posts haven't said anything of the sort. Making out my view is based on us having the name Derby County and a lot of fans is again patronising and insulting.

    "the obvious structures they would be under given our current level of strength and stability" - which is pretty damn good, just because we came from a bad place doesn't mean we're currently in one and have to pretend we're this meek little things who shouldn't expect to compete from promotion.

    There's nothing wrong with the structure Warne is working under, he's got more than enough at his disposal to get us promoted and we're told that his only remit is getting us up so his use of the academy can't be brought into discussions, and the Chairman is on record as saying he has patience with him and would understand even if he does somehow fail to get us promoted. He's got it bloody easy and there's no reason to think another manager couldn't at least match what he's done.

    "many if our signings were designed for Warne's vision"... which was to play with a back 3 with Bradley at the heart of it. Thank god for injuries, quite frankly. It's debatable whether we'd even have signed Niambe had they not happened. Our "compromised style" as you put it has been key to some of our better performances both last season and this. When most of the injured players have played they've looked no better than what we have as 'backups'.

    "This isn't happy clapping. It's reality. It's support" - the patronising b******* goes on.

    Mwah mwah. What a delightful rebuttal. Like you, I have my opinion. Clearly we disagree. I am sorry you feel “patronised” Have you a self esteem issue ? 

    I find it amusing that you state Warne has had it “easy” but then you you “theorise” that another manager might have matched his performance. Why then would we want another manager so desperately if the suggestion is that he might “match” what we already have. ? 

    Perhaps I get a gold medal for stating the obvious. Probably true, but It would sit nicely with a KAE : aka the know all entitled-medal by its side, you must have a number of these in your personal trophy cabinet. 

    For the record your suppositions and theorising also rank highly in BS department. 

    Oh and if being supportive and having a different opinion than you counts as “patronising” then a fair few of us will need a new dictionary. 

  8. 3 hours ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    No, I'm thinking of Warne (and Rosenior's) full spell in charge. It's just even worse this season than last.

    It's still only a small number of games where the opposition's resilience has been our downfall, I'm not glossing over them - every team has games like that - it's just theyve come along to cost us far less often than our lack of tactical nous and poor game and squad  management.

    As I said, those other big clubs had to spend ages clearing out the s*** before they could do anything - we didn't have that problem. It was as fresh as fresh starts get. We overcame many of our issues within the first couple of months.

    There are more teams who try to play 'football' in League One than there were when they were down here too. You could even attribute someone like Sunderland, say,  finally achieving promotion at least in part due to the changing nature of the league.


    I just don’t think you see the full picture. L1 isn’t vastly different from the Championship. A few weaker clubs yes, some lack of consistency certainly. Yet there are good footballers in this league, many of whom would prosper in the championship. Those few percentage points that move you from average to serious contender are very small. Add in that many of our signings that were “designed” for PW’s vision had injuries and left us both thin on the ground in numbers and having to adopt a compromised style. It hasn’t been an easy ride. There isn’t a huge cheque book, 25k every week a saying we are DCFC also doesn’t cut it when there are 11 strong men in the opposing half who are busting a gut to put one on us.

    This is sport, we are in our roller coaster car with all its dints and scratches. I am just enjoying the competition and thank goodness we are at the very least a competitive group. My attitude would be different if we were below half way … but we aren’t . I seriously doubt there is a manager out there who would guarantee any team promotion with the obvious strictures they would be under given our current level of strength and stability. This isn’t happy clappy this is competition, reality, oh and support.

  9. 16 hours ago, valakari said:

    Misses like yesterday will cost us against better teams...he isn't good enough, but he does put effort in, granted.

    True, and the same can be said of every player who misses a good chance. NML has blasted some, JJ scuffed one the other night. So what ! What I can’t understand is when Collins misses one he’s the one that gets a level of grief that others simply don’t get.

    Hey, I don’t think Collo is a genius, he’s missed some sitters, he’s an aging league one striker. That’s par for the course. He’s also a real grafter and tough guy who gives his all. When he next misses one, all I am thinking is s*i* … go on Collo keep at it. Why do some people have to have a whipping boy ? I just don’t get it. 

    the only time I get seriously  grumpy with an individual player is when the effort and commitment isn’t there. I suppose it is different for everyone, part of the “match experience” but I see no benefit, joy, or relief from adding to the pressure on a player who’s effed up …. and knows it himself.

  10. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    That will encourage him to risk shooting again. 👍 Oh, that is if he gets to play again anytime soon.

    Clearly Sibs is traumatised, has lost his sense of humour, is a complete victim, and never gets picked for the team by his narrow minded oppressive boss. 

    Or …Just maybe it will encourage him, my bet is he enjoyed the banter with his boss and will quite probably say right back to him  “see, play me where I want and the ball is in the net” .. And Clough would have said come and sit down, we’ll have a chat and after about 5 minutes we’ll agree that I’m right. 

    Roy, what’s happened ? Seriously, are you ok ? 


  11. He’s quirky and interesting to me. He’s had a helluav job .. watching the pennies and at the same time the overwhelming expectations of this club. 

    Looking at where we are now, I am happy as the famous Larry. I wasn’t earlier in the season, we had games when the players looked disinterested and lacked passion, a system wasn’t in place or working. Thing is, he has worked on it and the players have bought in. As to the humour .. excellent, love it. Bored to tears of managers who either rant and blame or alternatively sound like a mega corporations PR department. 

  12. 7 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I've given Warne some stick but I am a big fan of him saying we need to be better after a 0-3 win.

    We need to set the standards high to get promoted ASAP.

    What I liked was his reference to it being a good dressing room. The way he said it seemed to suggest he really meant it rather than it being just a clichee. Being a unit / band of brothers wins games. NML playing Barks in at that point was real team play.

  13. All sounded good for to me. 5 in a row, in the playoffs comfortably, good goal difference, game in hand over some. Keep up the good work

    i’ll now leave the thread so we can discuss: 

    1) See, I told you Sibs is a 10

    2) Collins missed again, while it’s had luck on JJ for scuffing one

    3) Bradley is a liability 

    4) Warne won’t be able to prosper in the Championship 

    5) It was only Orient 

    6) Cashin wants to stay


  14. 23 hours ago, Andicis said:

    It means in the average game you'd expect them to have scored 1 and us to have scored 2. We had better than average finishing, and they had worse than average finishing. Indicates that it was a closer game than the score line would suggest. As I'll say yet again, xG is an overview that is more accurately used in the long run, nothing is without flaws but it's a stat that provides more useful context. 

    I was being a bit tongue in cheek. Funnily enough I do “get” stats, particularly in the long view. Fascinating when you have seen bell curves and statistical processes control. But a striker in league 1 isn’t a piece of worn tooling. One day he’ll be on fire and another day it’s in row Z. The thing is, unlike the worn tooling, you don’t know when and which. I think the further up the leagues you go the more applicable and coherent things like XG are. In league one it’s an interesting curiosity; but for me, of limited value given the variables ….. and their variability. Heck who knows but I was just messing about rather than making a serious point. 

  15. 26 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    No not 3 goals, but with better finishing, 5 would be fair.


    So with this XG malarkey, does that mean we should have won by 2.04 to 0.87 ? .. so a bit better than 2-1 ?

    3-0 seems to suggest XG is a tad flawed ? .. id est .. we got 50% more than XG and then they got .. errrm zero, no votes at all, not a sausage 

  16. On 02/11/2023 at 18:40, Matchday Fred said:

    As a very bare minimum, one mobile striker and a midfielder with bite who is also capable of getting forward. Then on top of that, we will need replacements for Bird, Hourihane, Collins if they leave. We can cover for Cashin as Forsyth/Nyambe can move to CB and we have Elder, Ward, Wilson as FB. But we must keep Nyambe.

    Hoping Bird stays because he should be the best player in this division and is capable of being the best player in the Championship if allowed to play his own game and plays at a high tempo where one touch is much easier. Still time for a top 2 finish and that should be the aim. But we will need Bird at his best.

    The games where Bird interacts with our better/faster thinking players are when we can see his talents. He does end up plugging away in some games and looks ordinary but he has so much to offer if only to more of the lads can tune in to his wavelength a bit more often. But you know, I think that just might have started happening ?

  17. On 01/12/2023 at 21:56, europia said:

    Difficult to raise any enthusiasm for this rather meaningless event. Wonder if the gate receipts would even cover the cost of switching the floodlights on ??

    Don’t worry Mel Morris is chained to a bicycle dynamo in the basement doing penance while B4 lectures him about transfer values. All part of our new sustainability measures carbon neutral plan. All will be well

  18. 7 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Mel said he lost £200 million . The £10 million on Beilik was the straw that broke the camels back. 

    Doubt that. Oh yes 200 million was spent but one suspects that was split between Mel, money lenders, HMRC, creditors and DC. Morris never spent 200 mil of his own money !

  19. On 29/11/2023 at 18:47, Bris Vegas said:

    The EFL only enforced said rules because Derby under MM were trying to find loopholes around FFP because we had overspent and had gone beyond the accepted profit and sustainability rules. And the reason we went over is because of bad recruitment. Of course the points deduction got us relegated. But there were a series of events that led to the points deduction.

    And at the very top of the tree is poor recruitment.

    All the events lead back to the summer of 2015/16. We had a squad of players with a wage bill of around 18 million per year and had finished 3rd and 8th the previous two years. Many recognised the reason we fell away in 2014/15 was a lack of cover for key positions such as Martin, Thorne/Mascarell/Eustace and out wide to improve on the ageing Ward after injuries.

    So we decided to then spend 25 million plus that summer on a new GK (Carson), RB/Utility (Baird), CB (Shackell and Pearce), midfield (Butterfield and Johnson, neither being holding midfielders), a wide player (Ince) who was probably the only player identified to fit the role needed, and two ST (Bent and Weimann) when we already had Martin and they were completely different moulds.

    9 players signed. 25 million spent. And only one of those actually fit into our team and could be deemed an upgrade. That is woeful recruitment and started the trainwreck which culminated in our relegation to League One.


    No. We were relegated because we had points deducted. We weren’t relegated because we didn’t win enough games/get enough points. 

    Bris, we can have a cause and effect argument all day long and I am not for one minute excusing Mel Morris and the numerous financial “experts” he had clinging to his coat tails or indeed the numerous over priced goods we bought, but for “the good of the game” we were made an example of and relegation was part of that political process. Just saying it’s all our fault because we bought the wrong players for the wrong price is naive. 

  20. On 27/11/2023 at 23:20, rammieib said:

    If we still had a Rosenoir they’d be a pathway for these kids…

    The pathway widened because we were restricted in our signings. I am not looking for an argument, I like to see young ones blooded and think there should always be a place on the bench for an academy player but sometime when the swamp is full of alligators you have to remember the objective is to drain it - hence managers playing tried and tested. 

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