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  1. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from archram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Jim Wheeler from Rams Trust just gave a reasonable summary on Radio Derby, around 7.40am is if anyone wants to listen back to it, sounded slightly more positive than the Punjabi Rams summary.
  2. Cheers
    Carnero got a reaction from Carl Sagan in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Jim Wheeler from Rams Trust just gave a reasonable summary on Radio Derby, around 7.40am is if anyone wants to listen back to it, sounded slightly more positive than the Punjabi Rams summary.
  3. Cheers
    Carnero got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Jim Wheeler from Rams Trust just gave a reasonable summary on Radio Derby, around 7.40am is if anyone wants to listen back to it, sounded slightly more positive than the Punjabi Rams summary.
  4. Like
    Carnero reacted to Foreveram in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    Then who is going to pay the wages, you.
  5. Like
    Carnero reacted to GboroRam in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    I don't get what it will achieve. He wants to sell but there's no buyer coming forward. 
    Best thing we can do is get behind the team, support as much as we can, and maybe we can help pull together long enough for a sale to be completed. 
  6. Like
    Carnero reacted to Kinder in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    We really are in a perilous state and I’ll be very interested in @David’s write up. Many thanks for going, David, and you don’t deserve any of the abuse you’re apparently getting.
    I love this club. I loved it before Mel and I’ll love it once he’s gone. Same with Rooney. As long as there’s still a club to support, I’ll support it. I think the same applies to all reasonable Rams fans. 
  7. Like
    Carnero reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Would appear a tweet I made blew up in a way I never expected tonight as some of you saw.
    Needless to say many have been blocked, no time for it. 
    Was never intended to be attention seeking, looking for followers or some how trying to tease fans.
    There was a conversation taking place regarding the release of the minutes, thought I was being helpful by letting them know it would write ups only as no minutes were being taken. That’s it. 
    I was on a train with patchy 3G signal and expected to respond to a poo ton of people.
    I have started the write up on my phone, well aware even more so tonight of fan frustration, just stepped off the train now, home in 20 and honestly, I’m off to bed and if that pisses more people off, so be it. 
  8. Like
    Carnero reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Some of the language I'm seeing on twitter is beyond ridiculous. Branding Mel Morris a 'disgrace' etc is really poor imo, the club has clearly been mismanaged, it's an omnishambles at the moment, but I don't think it's appropriate nor fair to use such harsh language. Fans need to understand that there is a fundamental difference between mismanagement and having malicious intent. The sort of owners I reserve that sort of language for are people like the Oystens at Blackpool or that bloke that put Wigan into admin, not Mel Morris. 
  9. Like
    Carnero reacted to G STAR RAM in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    The crowds were much lower at times during the 80s and 90s and believe me, even though the quality has been at much worse levels, it was much more enjoyable than being in the presence of some of the entitled idiots that 'support' us today.
    I actually quite look forward to crowd numbers dropping to Nigel Clough era levels when you know that the fans there actually want to get behind the team.
  10. Like
    Carnero reacted to Scott129 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I actually think Wassall might do a better job with all of the young players that are going to be in and around the 1st team.
  11. Like
    Carnero reacted to SecretDave in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    If he wants us to use more academy players, why has he got Rooney as manager? The young players have regressed since he took charge. Would be better just putting Wassall in charge, at least he knows how to get the best out of them all. Rooney won't even pick Sibley! 
  12. Haha
    Carnero reacted to JJs dms in Mighty Rams are number 1, who are your number 2?   
    Never had a second team in fifty odd years following Derby so I thought for a bit of relief from the obvious it was about time I  had one, Last week the young lad I work with told me he'd ordered a football shirt from a site that sends you a random shirt ,well after teasing him for days that it was bound to be the dogs or Man U he came in monday a proud owner of ,in his words,a well smart Chiezo Verona away shirt. So seeing as the only place in Italy I've been is Verona we decided to adopt them for a season. Knowing very little apart from the obvious about Italian football i thought I'd better google them,Seems the flying donkeys as their known ,after numerous appeals,have been demoted to serie D for financial irregularities and non payment of tax.You couldn't make it up
  13. Like
    Carnero reacted to bimmerman in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    It's ridiculous,david has clearly stated on there he's traveling home with poor signal and would get something up in the morning after he's travelled most of the blooded day! Fair play to him
    Some of our clubs fans really are absolute morons at times
  14. Like
    Carnero reacted to Rev in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    If anyone gives @david grief over tonight they're a moron. (Deliberately not tagged to give him a rest).
    The fella has gone above and beyond his duty, after all he's just the owner of the most popular DCFC forum, not a spokesperson for the fans.
    It would have been so easy to either send someone else, or decline the invitation outright, and no one would have called him for that, in fact I'd guess some people would praise him for a principled action, and not being cowed by a NDA.
    Instead he's put himself out, travelled a decent distance, by crappy public transport, and attended what was probably not a particularly pleasant meeting so he can report back to us whatever he's found out, yet he still gets knocked.
    Tbh, if I were him, I'd switch the forum off once I got home and let everyone stew.
  15. Haha
    Carnero reacted to JfR in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    David tonight
  16. Like
    Carnero reacted to Ambitious in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Logic states that it’s neither wholly good or bad, hence why Dave can’t just come out and say ‘yeah, it was great - cover it all tomorrow’. 
    The club is in a poo position, the HMRC not getting paid proves that, so just relax and wait for the details. Pick through the bones when it comes out. We’ll find out tomorrow and be able to do exactly the same if we found out this second - absolutely nothing unless you’re sat on a couple hundred million. 
    A few of the others may shed more light on the situation tonight. 
  17. Like
    Carnero reacted to Tamworthram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    FFS. Have you not seen the message from @David saying he'll type something up in the morning?
    Rather than this being typical of the poo show that is DCFC at the moment, your post is typical of those that feel the need to have a pop rather than wait to see what is shared. I suggest you be patient, go to bed and then respond appropriately when David has had a chance to share what he can.
  18. Like
    Carnero reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Quick update: I have just left the meeting which is still ongoing otherwise I would miss the last train.
    A decision was made not to release minutes for this meeting in the end, but I am free to get a write up out to you all as soon as I can. 
    I do not have a laptop with me and would prefer to wait until tomorrow once I’m home and can go through all the notes.
    I will aim to have it ready to post on the forum tomorrow.
    Please do not bombard me with questions across the forum by mentioning me, PM, DM or text if you have my number.
    I don’t want to be putting bits and pieces out there all over the place.
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to KBB in Who will be our first signing?   
    He is no mug at this level jagielka. He is the type of player who would play like a god against us, not lose a header all game, bully CKR out the game and run the game from centre half and we would all be on here saying how we could do with a player like him.
  20. Like
    Carnero reacted to angieram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Not sure why you would think David will rush to give us an early update when you insist on pouring scorn on the whole process.
    Can't expect to eat your cake and have it! ?
  21. Haha
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in RamsTV Streaming | How to Watch   
    Looks like Amsterdam has gone. My passport doesn't allow travel to the places you visit. Where do you buy your tickets from?
  22. Like
    Carnero reacted to jimbo jones in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
    Random thing that happened today. I asked on the Facebook page if Mikey Cohen was injured, I couldn't remember an injury, but figured if he's not getting a look in when we are this short of players he must be....
    Next thing, I get a private message from Mikey Cohen himself, where he explains to me how he injured his back trying to hard to bowl Alistair Cook out against Essex and he's out for the season.
    He’s now my favourite Derbyshire player ?
  23. Clap
    Carnero got a reaction from jimbo jones in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
  24. Like
    Carnero reacted to Tamworthram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I'm not concerned that you're not concerned about about my views.
    Maybe @David wouldn't be content (I've think he's said as much) and that's fine. What I am saying though is to insist on NDA's isn't an insult, isn't a sign of contempt and isn't a loss of credibility. 
    The way I see it, assuming there are some sensitive answers Mel wants to give that aren't quite ready for public disclosure or debate, he had three choices:
    1) Continue to keep us completely in the dark
    2) Hold a public Q&A but avoid any sensitive issues
    3) Hold a confidential Q&A with a small group of representatives who, cannot disclose full details of the answers, but may be able to give some comfort to the wider public fan base.
    Whilst not ideal, option three sounds like the best and doesn't sound like an insult, sign of contempt or loss of credibility to me.
    Which would you choose if full disclosure to every one (it would soon be all over social media) is off the table the moment? 
  25. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from Anon in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
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