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  1. Cheers
    Anon got a reaction from Dethorn in So who would we have then?   
    90% of the suggestions in this thread are ex Derby players/coaches. I understand why people like the idea, but we need to ditch this mindset. There's no evidence to suggest that people with previous connections to a club are any better suited to managerial/coaching roles than anyone else.
    Warne must be given the season. I don't like what I'm currently seeing, but as a club we made the call to invest in him and sign the players he wanted. Constantly changing managers for years and having to sign a whole new set of players to suit them landed us in financial trouble. We should at least learn from the experience.
  2. Haha
    Anon reacted to Srg in Women's World Cup   
    Didn't know Sonny Bradley was an Australian woman.
  3. Like
    Anon reacted to TheTinMan in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    Its the general direction of travel I'm not keen on. Signing journeyman players on short term deals, they don't extend their deals (shock horror they are all in it for the money), no resale value, continue to let youngsters get too close to the end of their deals and go for peanuts. Rinse and repeat. How do we as supporters connect to these players because with the exception of Fozzy and maybe Cashin I'm struggling to see any of these as Derby players if you get where I'm coming from, this is a means to and end for most of them for a little bit. Bird won't be here for much longer sadly. That's not being melodramatic that is the reality of this philosophy we seem to be going with. 
  4. Like
    Anon reacted to TheRamOfSwad in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    I honestly think the players we have are enough with one or two loans to be in and around the top 6 but....
    3 Centre backs... it just seems to me as if no one knows who the big man is and command the box, first goal tonight all 3 nowhere near the attackers 
    People talk about on here that the 3 midfielders not working but again I think it's due to formation all playing in a flat line no dynamics... who's the defensive mid, who is playing the creative passes 
    I think we should either go 
    4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1
    Keep it on the floor and pass it round a bit, we don't play more than 5 passes in a row so no wonder we aren't confident on the ball when we get it.
    You can still get crosses in the box but passing it round also gives us time to breathe...
    Last season it was just Bang into McGoldrick coming deep turn 1 touch, second touch and play down the flanks worked so often... I think Waggy could do that for us this season to a certain extent
    so in summary for the Fleetwood game I would play this with waggy in the hole
    Wilson Bradley Cashin Forsyth 
                Bird   Hourihane
    NML        Waggy      Thompson
    My first proper post on here sorry for the waffle what we need is the opposite, just back to basics football on the floor ⚽️ Up The Rams 🐏 
  5. Like
    Anon reacted to Jourdan in Sonny Bradley   
    Idiakez joined us in the 2004-05 season. Osman played for us on loan in 2003-04. They never played in the same Derby team.
    So maybe your memory is playing tricks on you.
    Idiakez finished up player of the year that year and was sorely and decisively missed v Preston away in the play-offs too.
    That said it was a lovely team to watch and everyone played their part. I’d agree with you there.
    But Idiakez v Hourihane at this stage of his career? It’s no contest in terms of influence.
  6. Like
    Anon reacted to Mucker1884 in Vaping   
    Vaper here too.
    Have to concede, there's a lot going off that doesn't endear us to the wider community, and our "bad rep" is getting badderer!
    First off... Totally agree with the comments re accessibility.  I would imagine (pure guesswork, and probably well over-egged) that 80% of vapers nowadays have never ever smoked.  That wasn't the intention when they first came out!
    Dump all the kiddy-sickly-fruity-sodapop flavours.  Fags didn't particularly taste nice anyway, so why should "The replacement"!
    Limit the voltages, and the liquid viscosity, which in itself will reduce these ridiculously vast plumes of vapour which personally, I find embarrassing.  Car windows, pub doorways, high street pavements, and even in the queue at the turnstiles.  Vape everywhere, and those that don't partake just stare, tut, but say nothing.
    I couldn't make that much vape if I tried!  Most of mine ends up in my lungs!  (No, I ain't proud, just addicted to nicotine... and weak, obvs!)
    Zero nicotine?  f*** off!  Go suck on a lolly!

    Max nicotine, I say.  Take it down.  Fill yer lungs.  Get the head rush.  Let out no more than you'd see on a bit of a frosty morning!
    If you want sickly flavours, buy a cake. 
    If you don't like nicotine, stop pretending to smoke.  If you don't swallow... well... quite frankly... you are no friend of mine! 
    And if you think for one minute that it looks cool to blow stuff around that is clearly smoke by another name, you are wrong, your are deluded, you are pathetic... and most of all, you are selfish!  Grow the f*** up!
    As for selling/advertising etc... Make it the same rules as fags.  Hide 'em behind closed doors.  Keep them away from "children" (At least under 21's, if not under 25!)
    If you really, really must, up the price.  Let's see how addicted we are then eh (And yes, I'm including myself in that!)
    People... strangers even... will literally hate me purely based on my opening line above, and the majority of selfish vapers who do the rest of us no favours whatsoever.  
    I want people to hate me because I'm a t***, not because I vape! 
    Right... I need to calm the f*** dow... Ah, that's better!  Bliss!  
  7. Like
    Anon reacted to TigerTedd in Saudi Retirement Home   
    You’re not wrong, life isn’t about accumulating as much money as possible. It’s about being happy, doing whatever it is that makes you happy. For most people, it’s not their work that makes them particularly happy. It’s their work that allows them to do the things that make them happy.
    if you could earn enough money in a year or two to take work out of the equation for the rest of your life, you’d be able to spend all your time just doing things that make you happy.
    so money isn’t the ultimate motivator, but it is the facilitator.
    I hate these films that end with the busy dad missing an important work meeting to be at his kids baseball game. What a lovely moment. But when he turns up to work on Monday and gets sacked, and can’t pay the mortgage and can’t put food on the table, I hope his kid cherishes that moment. Can’t buy food with a home run. Life doesn’t work like that. 
  8. Haha
    Anon got a reaction from CBRammette in The 113 ex Rams still playing - where are they now?   
    I read some Charlotte FC forums to see what their fans make of Jozwiak. He was garbage in his first season, but seems to be winning people around now. Interestingly they all think Byrne is vastly overpaid and a waste of salary cap.
  9. Like
    Anon got a reaction from cstand in How anal can you get about music?   
    I can't keep track of all the sub genres nowadays. Post post math metal core, neo gothic shoegaze etc... I swear music journalists just invent them to sound important.
  10. Like
    Anon reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Jason Knight   
    Nah. He was averaging 1 in 4 at that level. Then the tubster who never trained bust his ankle when he turned up, stuck him out on the wing and the next bloke stuck him at full back.  Warne comes in and demands he runs a lot clearing up everyone's s*** for the afternoon, including constantly chasing back and covering the wingbacks who weren't and couldn't defend.   Strangely he gets goals when played in the position he started with 4 years ago. 
  11. Like
    Anon reacted to Mostyn6 in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    does anyone else get a gut-wrench when they watch these nostalgic videos? A stadium I can never attend again, players I can never enjoy watching live again, a standard of footballer for Derby I am unlikely to see again. In innocence and level playing-field financially that we will never experience again. 
    It actually hurts me watching this, and I pine to be back in those days.
  12. Like
    Anon got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    I remember thinking there's no way we weren't getting promoted after that game. That was a decent Wolves team and we blew them away.
  13. Like
    Anon got a reaction from BaaLocks in Thought Provoking YouTube Videos. NO POLITICS   
    Not quite, I think a modernist version of football would need to be far more subversive. No ball, no players, concrete instead of grass, some dog dirt in the centre circle, and a 3000 word abstract to explain the profound deconstruction of the game. Warneball at least tries to paint a picture, it's just a fairly utilitarian picture.

  14. Haha
    Anon got a reaction from ollycutts1982 in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    Anyone who can achieve a good defensive record whilst playing alongside Claude Davis has to be top class.
  15. Haha
    Anon got a reaction from rynny in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    Anyone who can achieve a good defensive record whilst playing alongside Claude Davis has to be top class.
  16. Haha
    Anon got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    I swear one of Manel's goals that day was an attempted PNE clearance that went in off his, not inconsiderable, backside.
  17. Haha
    Anon reacted to SSD in Women's World Cup   
    USA womens team and their arrogance

  18. Like
    Anon reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Billy Sharp   
    Not like Jamie Ward.  He used too wind up teams on the pitch.  That's all good. He's had an issue with Derby based on one dicks comment in reaction to something he posted about the club after we drew with Forest while he was on loan.  He totally disregarded the efforts made by countless Derby fans supporting his charity with his arsy one liners.  Regarding those chants.  He actually got those against Hull the week before as well, ours was the copycat. Not pleasant, I'll search for the footage of him hoping they wind up in League 1 and how much he loves scoring against them.  
  19. Like
    Anon reacted to admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    I was at this match as a ten year old with my ipswich supporting Dad.
    At the end of the game, a Rams fan put me on his shoulders and walked me up Portman Road with the away crowd. One of my favourite ever matches. 
  20. Like
    Anon reacted to Archied in Ocean Temperature (strictly apolitical)   
    Is it worth it ? It’s clear that unless any of these topics are an echo chamber a little mob go all out to destroy any debate and topics are locked or deleted 🤷🏻‍♂️, would be happy to put the alternative view with you and posters who can behave but that’s not how it works , perhaps mods just need to 100% not allow this stuff ?
  21. Haha
    Anon got a reaction from Jackal in Ryan Woods - gone Bristol Rovers   
    I think he's set to be playing for Scunny in the national league north, so he might be out of our price range.
  22. Haha
    Anon reacted to bucktwo in Ryan Woods - gone Bristol Rovers   
    That's got me thinking ... is Butterfield available ? Seeing as we are getting the band back together ❤️ 
  23. Haha
    Anon reacted to sage in Thought Provoking YouTube Videos. NO POLITICS   
    Is this also a clever metaphor for the potential sale of Max Bird? The end of finesse and grace in the pursuit of high speed Warneball?
  24. Like
    Anon reacted to sage in Thought Provoking YouTube Videos. NO POLITICS   
    I'm enjoying the amount of Romanticism. Dismissing Picasso as 'modern nonsense' is a little silly and his sense of beauty in art is narrow.
    I do agree that current trends in art allow poor examples to be celebrated just because they are 'modern'. However, maybe 150 years ago, people in coffee houses were having the same conversations about impressionism. 
    I guess he sees beauty as timeless and not fashionable.  Replace 'art' with 'music' and the contrast is even larger.
  25. Like
    Anon got a reaction from sage in Thought Provoking YouTube Videos. NO POLITICS   
    I really love this lecture from Scott Burdick. It's a refutation of the aesthetic and intellectual value of modern art. Burdick also shares some interesting theories as to why modernism is so all pervasive with critics and galleries. It also has some shameless self promotion of his own work, but since I'm very much a fan I see that as a bonus.
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