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Posts posted by Anon

  1. 20 hours ago, Archied said:

    Really the issue is not free speech , it always comes down to extremists , those extremists on one side who want to stifle any opinion that they disagree with and those extremists who want to be free to say anything they want which you clearly shouldn’t be able to do ,the vast vast majority are able to discern what’s wrong and dangerous to say 

    Outside of the old shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre and things like death threats, can you give me an example of something it's wrong and dangerous to say? I think "dangerous speech" is extremely subjective. If you're ok to start imposing limits on that speech you need to consider very carefully who will be deciding what is supposedly wrong and dangerous.

  2. No, but I want it to happen. At this point I'm so disillusioned with football that I actively cheer on anything that reveals it to be the soulless corporate husk it has become. Seeing all the Premier League fans mock this as if they're above it is ridiculous. As if the corporate entity they give their custom to doesn't already piss on our football traditions in myriad other ways.

    Do any of you watch the all star games in US sports? Any I've seen really aren't worth the time. I don't really understand what the draw to such a spectacle is. For me the interest in any sport lies in the importance of the result. Why people should be invested when nothing is on the line is a mystery to me.

  3. I think that's a reasonable summation of most of those managers, but in my opinion it's way more complicated than simply walking in and stamping your identity and the way you want to play on a team. Good, passing football is truly a joy to behold, but you have to earn the right to do it. I am absolutely adamant that were it not for the careful building and instillation of virtues like hard work and stoicism done by Clough there is no way McClaren could've come in and do what he did.

    Obviously, everyone has different opinions, but I can't fathom how Clough can be so far down your list. I really enjoyed his tenure. Don't get me wrong, he was incredibly frustrating. Your point about us always managing to go on a dreadful run just when it looked like things were clicking is particularly pertinent. I wonder if Clough regrets binning off Kuqi in favour or Luke Moore?

  4. 27 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    No he's not.

    He probably should be though. He visited Jeffrey Epstein's apartment in New York two years after Epstein had been convicted of child sex offences. Bear in mind he'd been a guest of Epstein and Maxwell before Epstein's conviction. Add the fact that he paid £12m instead of facing his accuser in an American court, I would say it's fair to assume he's a nonce.

    He should count himself very lucky not to be in prison and should be kept out of the public eye completely before he brings the whole monarchy down.


    I don't disagree with you, but let's not pretend Andrew is special in regards to the disgraceful Epstein situation. How can two people be convicted for sex trafficking over multiple decades and not a single punter gets nicked. I was already pretty jaded, but that about did it for me. Those with money and influence are above the law and they use our tax money to have alphabet agencies scurry around cleaning up their mess. f*** the lot of them.

  5. So, now it's been established that we get a bank holiday when the head of state dies, if we can kill 1 per day we'll never have to work again. I suppose we'll eventually run out of heirs, but there are quite a lot of royals and after that we could move on to pretenders, like Perkin Warbeck and Chrissie Hynde.

    Maybe we could space it out and just do 1 per week, then all you you workshy socialists will get your mythical 4 day week you're always banging on about.

  6. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    Many employers do take the view that an employee showing a total lack of respect or judgement on a public forum risk bringing that employer into disrepute. And they are probably right.   

    Big Brother is always watching. I can maybe see the argument about being more careful on a public forum, but we're also seeing people cancelled for leaked messages from private conversations.

  7. Just now, PistoldPete said:

    He is poo at that too.  

    I agree.

    The point I'm getting at though is that his employer is seeking to "make contact" with him regarding views expressed in his own time that were not expressed on their platform. Why? Is everyone here really comfortable with the idea that it is any of your employers business what you say and do in your own free time so long as you don't break the law? Why on earth should talkSPORT even feel the need to have to specify that they don't "support those views expressed"?

  8. On 06/09/2022 at 14:57, BaaLocks said:

    What do you mean by "woke" - I get the rhetoric bit, even though I think it's clear it's far from that but if it fits your agenda so be it. Anyway, your definition of "woke" in what was written?

    As far as I'm aware, "woke" was originally used positively by the intersectional crowd. It was then co-opted by people who made fun of their views. The definition I'd go with at the moment is a very broad pool of extreme progressive ideas/talking points. It doesn't apply to various parts of your post, but I used it deliberately because it amused me considering how negatively you view the word and those who use it.

  9. 6 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    But on the subject of Trevor Sinclair, what does “cancelling” him actually mean?

    Is it Talksport no longer having him on their channel? Surely that is their right if he has said something that doesn’t align with their values? If I tweeted something abhorrent and my account was linked to my workplace in some way have I been cancelled if I am hauled into a disciplinary first thing on Monday morning? No obviously not, I’ve said something ridiculous and faced the consequences

    Its why I don’t quite understand complaints about “cancel culture”. If cancel culture is people facing the consequences of their actions then what is the problem?

    I don’t think anyone is saying he doesn’t have the right to an opinion. Course he does, everyone does. But if that opinion is problematic in some way then his employers have the right to get rid of him as well. It works both ways.

    Can you explain to me how Trevor Sinclair's views on the Queen (however stupid they may be) effect his job, which is talking about football?

  10. 2 hours ago, Heisenberg said:

    Really good podcast with Malcolm here.

    Goes through his up bringing and how his move to Derby came about. Part 2 will be out next week.

    I really enjoyed that. I kind of dismissed all the stories about rags to riches, shelf stacking to premier league stories at the time as I assumed it was mostly embellished. It's fascinating to hear just how awestruck Christie was. He's also a bit of a weirdo. Kind of relatable.

  11. On 01/09/2022 at 20:17, alram said:

    is it just me that really doesnt rate wilder? 


    he rode the momentum at sheff utd with some good players and with a good spirit. once the momentum went he couldnt address the slump and has started the same at boro.


    feels like he only has a very confrontational way of managing and it doesnt work with 90% of footballers.

    I certainly hope he continues to struggle at boro, but his managerial record prior to the Premier League relegation was exemplary, not just with Sheff United, but Oxford and Halifax too.

    I think you might be right about his managerial style not being suited to certain footballers. That confrontational mindset can work very well in the lower leagues, but once you try it on the big time charlies in the higher leagues, they're on the phone to their agent arranging a move.

  12. On 03/09/2022 at 14:10, Kokosnuss said:

    Reverse snobbery annoys me, but it's impossible to accurately express and explain why this is without sounding like a snob, and that annoys me.

    Some things are quantifiably, objectively, simply of a better quality than others regardless of individual tastes. 

    Being accused of being snob because you're able to recognise and point out the difference in quality is a defence mechanism often used by those who either can't, can't afford to, or can't be bothered to learn the difference themselves. See what I mean about it being impossible to say without coming across as a snob!?

    Give us the example. You must've had something in mind when you posted this.

    Part of me agrees with what you're saying, but I think I'd have a real hard time proving that something is objectively better regardless of individual taste.

  13. 2 hours ago, LittleEatonRam said:

    Unless you're one of the 'Big Six' you can guarantee that your number will be up for relegation eventually. I remarked to a Leicester fan I know just before the season started that I thought they would now begin the slow slide. 

    They were never going to be able to compete with the bigger clubs over the long term and it seems silly to think they could, yet that appears to be how some of their fans think.

    Also, I'm not Brendan Rodgers' biggest fan (that would be Brendan Rodgers) but to want him sacked is odd to me. In 40 years time they will speak of him with reverence as 'our FA Cup winning manager', but for now they want him gone as they have lost sight of that.

    That's the nature of modern football. It was the same with Ranieri. Lead the club to a historic league title and got binned 8 months later having taken them to the last 16 of the European Cup.

  14. 4 hours ago, Boycie said:


    I’m noticing a trend of urinal use that involves one hand on the appendage (one assumes) and the other scrolling through the mobile hand held communication device.

    Now, I’m not saying I need two hands (I do) but can’t one go fora slash without checking Twitter etc?

    It's the new form of whistling to stave off anxiety. "How can I be looking at your c*** when I'm so engrossed in this mobile phone?".

    They could also be looking at a wikihow on how to piss correctly.

  15. On 31/08/2022 at 16:16, Bris Vegas said:

    Time-wasting is annoying. I get it. But at the same time, these are top tier athletes who play 3 times a week. You run the risk of injuries the more you push them. And applying a 10 second rule allows for very little time to recover.

    I see this argument an awful lot, whether in regards to this or something like fixture congestion. I don't see why it's an issue. All these clubs have the funds to have insanely large squads. If players get tired they can rotate. They can also manage their games so that they aren't constantly sprinting. Maybe drop the high press for 20 minutes if your players are gassed? I suppose that leaves us with the question whether we'd want that as fans. Whilst time wasting is frustrating, the modern game is played at a lightning quick pace for the 55 minutes the ball is actually in play. We'd see an awful lot more (relatively) dull, cagey periods in games if the time the ball was in play was increased.

  16. Just now, Grumpy Git said:

    Godleman 54 not out in an opening stand of 160/0 with Reece (90 no) chasing 311 v Northants. ?

    I'm going for a lie-down.

    I know it's only a start, but I'm really pleased for Godleman. It's galling to see a good player endure such a rotten run of form. Fingers crossed him and Reece are galvanised by Masood's announcement and stake a claim for the opening spots next season.

  17. On 14/08/2022 at 12:49, Asanovic70 said:


    Any side that is well-run. The previous stadium was run-down & they had been a lower tier side for decades. In the world of the closed-shop league, they offer hope and a model about how it can be done. They were also one of the first sides I ever visited to see Derby in the mid 80s.

    I also learned respect for Swansea after the Bodde saga & exchange of insults between us & them. It was irritating seeing them prosper & us struggle, but enlightening to discover how they did it, knowing that the odds were stocked against them, finding a way to become successful. They are another side who ascended the divisions, reached the PL & won a trophy & a memorable Europa League campaign.

     Getting there by being patient and having a strategy.

    I felt the same about Swansea. Turning over Forest in the play offs certainly helped their cause. Ferrie Bodde is a name I haven't heard in ages. It was pretty grim when he suffered the career ending injury shortly after our attempt to buy and some rams fans treated it as some kind of victory.

  18. 4 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    I think the weird thing is this is what Rowettball was striving to be at Derby, but you need the players to do it or else it becomes a quite boring and negative style. I mean I don’t even consider Liverpool and entertaining side to watch when they are at their best, but it gets worse when you add in championship players doing it!

    I'm with Srg on this one. I see where you're coming from in that Rowett wanted to hit teams on the counter and quickly shift the ball forwards, but this was always from deep. There was no pressing high by our forwards and midfield and I saw nothing that made me think Rowett intended to do this.

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