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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 42 minutes ago, Seth's left foot said:

    Sibley has had enough chances to show us what he can do in his preferred position, a run of games would probably do him good no doubt but he’s a squad player at best for me. 

    I imagine he's one of those that looks unbelievable in training but for whatever reason it just never clicks for him on the pitch. 

  2. 1 minute ago, TheTinMan said:

    Would any other manager with the team in this position in the league divide opinion so much? Strong likelihood those against Warne are correct and those in favour are slightly blinkered by us somehow being 2nd despite Warne. 

    He can't win though people call for us to play football more, he sets up that way and they can't make a simple 2 yard pass for him.

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