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  1. Like
    S8TY reacted to sage in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    This is the most important thing we can do. Create some income to limit redundancies and player sales, make us attractive to purchasers and support the team.
    If you haven't got a season ticket, buy a match ticket. 
    If you have a got a season ticket , encourage a mate to come or if you can afford it, gift a ticket to a mate. 
    Encourage friends and family to come. 
    If you can afford it and know someone who can't afford to go, gift them a ticket for this game.
    If you live too far away and can afford it, gift a mate or family member from home,
    If you are thinking of coming and have kids, bring them along.
    Do whatever we can to fill the ground v Reading.
    We've been let down but now it's our time, our time to stand up and save our club.
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to i-Ram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Three classic comments from the interview:
    1) My putting the Club into Adminstration gives it a better chance of finding a Purchaser it desperately needs. Mmmh. Really not sure it does Mel. Let’s be honest it is much more the case that you are simply not prepared to put any more money into the club, notwithstanding you are still comfortably in the top 500 richest people in the UK.
    2) No one can continue to put money into the club (£3m pm, down to £1.5m pm more recently) in perpetuity. Mmmh. I wonder who created the income/expenditure imbalance and indebtedness? Any ideas Mel?
    3) I’ve been prepared to sell the club for £15m less than I bought it for. Mmmh. Did the club have a Stadium and a decent team when you bought it Mel?
    I have had little time for this guy since around 2016, and today he confirmed all my worst fears.
  3. Angry
    S8TY reacted to angieram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    On the contrary, I want to hear what he has to say. Then I can make my own mind up about it before it is twisted, misinterpreted,  slanted either way to suit people's agendas before posting on here.
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to SuperDerbySuperRams in Wayne Rooney   
    Rooney has been paying for all away travel and accommodation out of his own pocket. He is a credit to our club. 
  5. Haha
    S8TY reacted to DerbySmog in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Bending the rules slightly ????
  6. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Andicis in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  7. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Zag zig in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  8. Like
    S8TY reacted to Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in Wayne Rooney   
    always liked Wayne as a player. he is a true england legend. 
    seeing him play in a Derby shirt is something ill tell my grandchildren about, like my dad tells me about seeing dave mackay. roy mac, todd etc
    wayne doesnt need to be here. hes earnt enough money to sit on his arse in his mansion for 100 lifetimes. hes here because he wants to be here
    in times of crisis u need people to step upto the plate and that’s exactly wot hes doing. hes one of the few positives about this club at the moment, along with the fans
  9. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  10. Haha
    S8TY reacted to DerbySmog in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Yeah by trying to make sure owners don't run the clubs into the ground and the EFL act to protect clubs. What a **** as you put it. Ironically Derby could do with a chairman like him now. Compare Derby's last 35 years to Boro's (that's how long he has been there) 
  11. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Kathcairns in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  12. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  13. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  14. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from i-Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  15. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  16. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Indy in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  17. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Retro_RAM in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  18. Haha
    S8TY reacted to atherstoneram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Hope they don't take anything of value with them if they go to train on the racecourse
  19. Sad
    S8TY got a reaction from Ramarena in Time to walk away Wayne   
    So multi millionaire Morris walks away because he says its costing him every month whilst canteen staff, academy staff, cleaners etc etc will now worry they can't pay there mortgage next month......such a top bloke ......it makes my blood boil to think we sang his praises thinking his stewardship and fact he was a fan would make us trust in whatever he done for DCFC......?
  20. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Time to walk away Wayne   
    So multi millionaire Morris walks away because he says its costing him every month whilst canteen staff, academy staff, cleaners etc etc will now worry they can't pay there mortgage next month......such a top bloke ......it makes my blood boil to think we sang his praises thinking his stewardship and fact he was a fan would make us trust in whatever he done for DCFC......?
  21. Like
    S8TY reacted to Tyler Durden in Time to walk away Wayne   
    If I were Rooney I'd walk away now and my pride and honour and professional reputation would still be in tact.
    No one could blame him with the mess that's being handed down from our so called chairman. 
    At least he could go with some personal dignity rather then the gutless way Morris has abdicated total responsibility for the mismanagement of the football club.
  22. Like
    S8TY reacted to Norman in Time to walk away Wayne   
    Mel has just written off the season. Done. Gone. Finished. As a competition. Fans and players who are left can still give their all. But it's over. 
    Name me someone you think Rooney earns less than. If you're struggling, I'd suggest that would probably mean he would be the first target to enter formal negotiations with. 
  23. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  24. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from hintonsboots in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Gibson is a **** and no i wouldnt be .....should mind his own ******* business 
  25. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Rammy03 in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Morris says losing 1.5m a month but how is this true? our wage bill can't be massive .....don't beleive a word he says ....
    Some time ago i wrote that he was never going to sell the club with what he was asking for it and guess what?? he hasn't......
    Mel for me goes down as one of the worst owners we have ever had....from a well run club when Nigel Clough and the yanks kept a steady ship with many seasons of treading water with gradual improvement and a good squad of players and nearly getting promoted to..................................................... ...going into administration !!!! I mean.....IT IS A DISGRACE MR MORRIS .....all that hard work before mr ego arrived  has been undone !!!.......I think we all thought we were in good hands , a local businessman who's a fan etc etc ....but the club has been run shambolically and we as fans have been lied to and mislead....I truly feel sorry for anyone involved with our great club who is waking up this morning worrying about paying there mortgage etc....a shocking mess....such a sad day for DCFC 
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