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    S8TY reacted to LeedsCityRam in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Totally unexpected but brilliant result.
    Was unsure about the formation throughout but delighted to see Liam Thompson in. Thought we'd get countered a lot with a flat back 4 & two full backs that attacking but it initially enabled us to play high up the pitch. Great finish from Knight for the goal & it didnt feel at all underserved.
    Obviously the equaliser was ridiculous & its high time we abandon this wierd Davies to Roos pass from goal kicks...I don't understand where the advantage is when the opposition have 3 players waiting to pounce. Theres little chance of playing it around them & we had Kazim on early as an outlet to go long. I'm also fast losing patience with Roos & his errors...cruel reality is he just hasnt developed into a reliable CH keeper despite plenty of chances. His spill late on nearly cost us the game too. 
    Bournemouth then grew in confidence & showed their class last 20 mins of the half & with their attacking outlets were always going to find joy against our back 4. Their second was entirely predictable st that stage & if Im honest, I didnt think we'd come back.
    Massive credit then to the team for that second half display. Firstly, Lawrence really stepped up with a wonderful equaliser & then took reaponsibility for the penalty...brilliant play from Buchanan & Shinnie to draw the foul. Had almost forgotten what a Derby penalty looked like!
    Great game management late on & real character to see it out. This is a group of players & a management team that are fighters and whatever off field humiliation we've had to suffer, they've done everything possible to put pride back into the shirt.
    Love the defiance, love the intensity. COYR
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to jono in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    I just can’t help smiling, I kind of bounced along the river back to the car. What a performance and what a great game to watch. Like others I had a tear or two on the way home. Great day. 
    I said in another thread .. 3 points from the next 3 games would give us some heart and any win would be magic. 
    Done it at the first try, AND 3 goals AND a penalty. Epic performance. Triumph to disaster and back to triumph all in 95 minutes.
    Every player gave everything. That Curtis sliding tackle in front of the south stand !  Shinnies shear bloody mindedness battling round his man to get in the box. Festy never say die perseverance , Lawrence, a couple of slide rule passes, a dream of a goal and a solid penalty. Jags marshalling out big number 9’s. Buchanan diving in at the end without a hesitation. Big Colin all bristling muscle, Jason Knight, fearless brave heart who can do it for 90 minutes, extra time and whatever gets thrown at him. He never stops. Roos awful gaff but kept his head, caught a great cross late on and took out half the defence when determined it was “MY” ball. That takes courage ! 
    Then we get Liam Thompson … a real CM .. not a wannabe No 10 or a DM spraying passes from deep. Nope ! He’s a terrier, quick feet, first time passes, moving the ball quickly, grabbing opportunities to move it the right way. Composed too. Looked like he’d been a first team footballer for sometime. I think he added real balance to our midfield. 

    Bourmouth .. one moment when they cut through us with ease but apart from that pretty bang average and if that is 2nd in the league hoping to go top today then this makes Derby Count class of 2021 a worthy outfit to watch. The fat lady may be in the tunnel, the absolutely dreadEFL orchestra is playing …. but she hasn’t sung yet. 
  3. Like
    S8TY reacted to 1967RAMS in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    We have just beaten what would have been the table topping team and the 11 players get around 3 or 4 compliments in total from your review. An harsh critic, if you don’t mind me saying 
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    So so proud of the lads today. Loved the energy and intensity. Clearly a team that hasn’t given up and I hope this causes people to re-evaluate our chances instead of just saying we’re down. It isn’t over until mathematically impossible, we will know in January whether we have a chance when ownership is sorted and we know what squad we have. Everyone knows we’re 15 points adrift, everyone knows it’s unlikely but without hope what else is there this season.
    As for the game,  Really good first 15-20 minutes, got the goal and despite Bournemouth possession we looked comfortable. Then Kelle, I saw it at half time, just sloppy first touch fine then next just kicked it too far ahead of himself. Redeemed himself slightly with the a couple of good takes late on and that save/take where we wiped out 3 players. We know we need a better keeper for the long term. Bournemouth second goal was pure class, created by their embarrassment of riches (thank you parachute payments!)
    It looked ominous but the way they dug in to turn it around was awe inspiring. A piece of brilliance from Lawrence put the game back in our favour and then heart and desire from Shinnie won the penalty (with some help from the officials it seems - it is definitely about bloody time) 
    Curtis was outstanding some unbelievable tackles. Bird Shinnie excellent. Knight was incredible (my MOM) need to change the chant to he’s here he’s there he’s every ducking where Jason Knight!! Which then leaves Liam Thompson. Saw him preseason for first time and really impressed. First half he was tidy but for me was taking the safe option too often - don’t think he passed the the ball forward once - but second half showed what a talent he is. Definitely has a part to play between now and the end of the season.
    Keep believing. The players and staff deserve that from us as a minimum.
    COYR!!! ????????
  5. Clap
    S8TY reacted to ossieram in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Cracking day. In the pub before 10, 3-2 win with every player giving their all and back to the pub for some northern soul from 3 till 8! Who could ask for more. 
  6. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from LazloW in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Once upon a time not that long ago football was about the players who pulled on the great jersey of a fans beloved team 
    it was about  growing up watching your heroes on the pitch and trying to emulate them in your own football matches 
    football is lost !!!
    it’s about amortisation and ffp and players leaving for free with greedy agents pocketing money that never returns to the game and football clubs losing money to greed
    For the last 18 months or so the headlines have not been about a great goal or a terrific signing it’s about finance and ffp and some things we never used to know anything about like amortisation blah blah blah !! because we just love the game and are fans this whole charade is both upsetting and has probably put us back years 
    sick to death with how the EFL have treated us and how a so called fan has dragged us through the mire and made us a laughing stock ...someone we trusted 
     ....and I’ve had enough 
    THE END 
  7. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Once upon a time not that long ago football was about the players who pulled on the great jersey of a fans beloved team 
    it was about  growing up watching your heroes on the pitch and trying to emulate them in your own football matches 
    football is lost !!!
    it’s about amortisation and ffp and players leaving for free with greedy agents pocketing money that never returns to the game and football clubs losing money to greed
    For the last 18 months or so the headlines have not been about a great goal or a terrific signing it’s about finance and ffp and some things we never used to know anything about like amortisation blah blah blah !! because we just love the game and are fans this whole charade is both upsetting and has probably put us back years 
    sick to death with how the EFL have treated us and how a so called fan has dragged us through the mire and made us a laughing stock ...someone we trusted 
     ....and I’ve had enough 
    THE END 
  8. Haha
    S8TY reacted to JfR in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Anyway, there's no point complaining about the decision. What's done is done, and the deduction can't be changed, now.
    Instead, let's all put our curly wigs on and compile a list of all the other clubs that we suspect have broken the rules to try and drag some down below us. It's our only real chance at staying up, now!
    Let's start with Middlesbrough, who wrongly claim to be a "Boro", despite only containing one of the required "Os" in their name. Blatant false advertising.
  9. Like
    S8TY reacted to Archied in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    For me it’s a case of saving my sanity ,nerves and emotional well being by accepting that this season is going to be a very tough watch and it’s almost certain we are going down ( hopefully we survive as a club to fight another day) ,there really is no point screaming at managers and players , I’m taking my pride from the Derby fans being fantastically vocal in the support of our club in grounds around the country,,,that’s my tribe not any players , managers or owners ,certainly since the days of Kevin hector types are well gone??‍♂️
  10. Like
    S8TY reacted to Nuwtfly in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    He'd have to hire them with his own money if he wanted to do this. Come on, man. You know the financial situation.
    I'm not sold on Rooney as a manager and never have been, but what he has got out of this group of players so far this season has been admirable. Let's not forget who we've got at centre-half at the moment and how we all expected those two to do against anyone with half a yard of pace.
    It's a mismatched squad of players past their best, players too young for this sort of pressure, and journeymen who have never done the job anywhere. Rooney has done an incredible job to bring this group together and get them playing against all odds.
    I'm all for fair criticism of any manager - but this thread isn't fair. 
  11. Like
    S8TY reacted to Ramarena in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    I’m starting to wonder if the others are starting to get ****ed off with him. Byrne looked pretty peed off a couple of times during the Blackburn game having bust a gut to get into an attacking position only for Morrison to ignore him and give it away cheaply, and it’s not just Byrne.
    We’ve seen a decrease in movement from the players in the last couple of games, wonder if this is having an effect? Why bother going the extra yards to show for it when you’re only going to get ignored?
    Hopefully the midfield of Bird, Knight and Shinnie will improve matters in the final third!
  12. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Ramarena in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Defensively shakey tonight and Barnsley deserved there win 
    they had a younger side than us tonight and it showed against some ageing legs 
    also Morrison …yes a good player but he does seem to over complicate things when an easy through ball is on it’s all well and good seeing a thread of the needle pass when it’s required but tonight again he delayed the obvious pass to try and do something different I wasn’t impressed tonight 
    Lawrence tries but actually doesn’t do much and poor old Fozzy had a stinker aided by a keeper beaten at his near post 
    I’m glad Morrison is not eligible for Millwall but it needs to improve as it’s very worrying how we seem to have gone backwards in last few games
    also Rooney was right to criticise the performance after but the problem is he really doesn’t have many different options to change things about 
  13. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from LazloW in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    What ?? one scout??? You think one scout will make a difference ….all you do is moan all of the time …I sometimes think you’re just a wum 
  14. Like
    S8TY reacted to Leeds Ram in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    That was depressing to watch and you have to feel unless something drastically changes quickly we're definitely done for. The defence has utterly gone to pieces. Essentially playing 2 wingbacks when you have the ageing non-dynamic duo of davies and jagielka is nothing less than tactical suicide but the lack of concentration and basic organisation was downright appalling to see. Just for the second goal alone we deserved to lose the game quite honestly. 

    The midfield of Bird, Knight and Morrison lacked bite and made Barnsley look like world beaters when in fact they'd lost 8 in a row and not won in 13. The 3 simultaneously didn't help the defence out enough and they collectively offered little going forward. I'm tired of watching Morrison's over glorified style that slows down our counter, missing players in acres of space and instead choosing to play a 5 yard pass. 

    Going forward it's the same old story quite honestly. Too often we didn't look threatening against what was clearly a fragile backline until the final moments of the game by which time it's too late. It's not just the forwards fault (yes they are poor) but oftentimes the supply to them is insufficient for them to make a real impact. For a bloke who is England's record goal scorer I'll never not be astonished at how often he makes us look utterly toothless. 

    The final question is what are the manager and coaching staff doing? It's increasingly looking like the same old dirge that was served up last season with only 3 wins from 16 games and one win since mid august. Rooney's cultivated a lot of goodwill that is well deserved for his standing by the club and doing what he can to get us through but he's won what 4 from the last 32 league games? 
  15. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  16. Like
    S8TY reacted to tomsdubs in Wayne Rooney   
    We had to beg Morrison to take 3.5k a week, a player that no other club wanted. We got outbid by clubs in League One for free transfers.
    If we had no deduction we'd be safe right now despite lacking the quality to score goals. I find your criticism way out of touch with reality.
  17. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  18. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from archram in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  19. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RedSox in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  20. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  21. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from IslandExile in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  22. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Crewton in Wayne Rooney   
    How can you compare Florist and us? As usual you’re making it sound comparable and yet the only comparison is league positions …that’s it!! don’t think they’re on an embargo are there? Players not paid? very thin squad? bereft of strikers ? Absolute nonsense ….whether Rooney is right for us or not he has been magnificent in how he’s dealt with the rubbish he’s had to deal with …in his first job …he hasn’t jacked it in or run away he’s stayed and remained dignified and that’s what we needed …we would’ve been in an even bigger mess if we had no manager no one pulling in players on short term deals etc etc he has been dealt a very difficult hand and to me is handling it well when we needed some form of stability when everything else was falling around our ears …give  the bloke a break he may not be right for us long term but I’ve welcomed his loyalty and shouldn’t be over scrutinised as this juncture that time will come but not now….just give the bloke a break for pity’s sake !!
  23. Like
    S8TY reacted to Crewton in Wayne Rooney   
    Blackpool, Coventry and Luton have amongst the smallest budgets in the division, that's true, but they've been able to build and develop their squads without interference from the EFL. 
    And I'm sorry, but your opinion that the Forest job was equally unappealing is laughable. You seem unable to comprehend the debilitating effect of the restrictions that Rooney is operating under. Your obviously in a very entrenched position and so I see no point in debating this with you further. 
  24. Like
    S8TY reacted to LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    Best interests to stay at a club that wasn't able to sign players for most of the summer, had a chairman that refused to communicate with him, couldn't even use his own youth players & then suffer a 12 point deduction for decisions taken elsewhere?
    No, I dont think that stands up to scrutiny.
    Re new owners, Rooney would be a key reason why they'd be minded to look at Derby as an investment. Therefore its unlikely any new owner would be looking to replace Rooney for some time.
    As for the fans, yes some have short memories but quite frankly if fans demand loyalty from their managers & players, they should show it in reverse. Incidentally, I dont think we're anywhere near a 'playing crisis'...just talking hypothetically.
  25. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Premier ram in Derby vs. Tottenham, 20th January 1991   
    Also what good signings Gary Micklewhite and Geraint Williams were and we didn't overpay from QPR and Bristol Rovers respectively unless I'm mistaken.
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