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  1. Like
    S8TY reacted to i-Ram in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    Do you actually believe the guff you sometimes write? He (Morris) ran up £56m of debt before the Club went into administration; a lot of the creditors (particularly the unsecured ones) presumably relying on his repeated assurances that he would continue being a benefactor until a new owner was found. Your assertion that going into admin. actually protected the creditors is as fatuous as it is insensitive.
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to Tyler Durden in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    Just like he did St John's Ambulance a favour and we had to have a whip round to settle Morris' debts. 
    Think your rose tinted glasses are becoming a little fogged up.
  3. Like
    S8TY reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    Well I argue that he has at times and results have proved this results such as WBA away Fulham away bourmonth at home blackpool are home bourmonth at home and stoke city at home so for me he doing best he can in what he has.
    So for crying out loud get off his back and support him and the team.
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to Eaststander7 in The Administration Thread   
    Good god - I forgot how much drivel is posted on here….now have I sank too many ales or eaten too many turkey sandwiches?? Wtf! Are we forgetting that DCFC are in administration and been under an embargo for what 2 seasons?? Who exactly could he attract other than jags, Morrison etc??? 
    Mount, wilson and tomori would have involved hefty loan fees as woukd lingard, bamford and wisdom under Mac….
    wakey wakey!!!!
  5. Like
    S8TY reacted to derby8 in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley for a few years would be a good move.
  6. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from GenBr in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think Ashley got a bit of bad press at Newcastle but he certainly funded them for some big money signings
  7. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Archied in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
  8. Like
    S8TY reacted to Indy in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    If it’s Appleby, then a “wealthy man with a sports background” could well be David Tepper or someone of that ilk. As I’ve said before, I do hope that someone like that would be willing to go ahead immediately, knowing that their lawyers would make mincemeat of Boro and Wycombe in a court of law. 
  9. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think Ashley got a bit of bad press at Newcastle but he certainly funded them for some big money signings
  10. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Mike Ashley fits the bill and think he'd be great for us...knows the pitfalls and 2 parasite clubs might think twice about taking him on 
  11. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Gaspode in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Folk need to remember that the administrators have to follow a set process and are bound by rules that ensure they do their best for the creditors (not the fans!). If they breach those rules they’d be in deep do-do with the authorities and wouldn’t be able to practice again. They’re not allowed to drag the process out to line their own pockets (as some are suggesting), they’re not obliged (or allowed) to make all of the details of bids public, nor are they allowed to sell the club to the loudest bidder just because some supporters think he’s the messiah…. If we end up going bust, it’s Morris that’s to blame, not the admins….
  12. Haha
    S8TY reacted to hintonsboots in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I only selected this GIF for the finger tapping, which accurately depicts the waiting game we are subjected too. ?

  13. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Eddie in Tom Lawrence - Joined Rangers   
    Challenge accepted.
    I looked at every player who made at least one start in season 2020-21 (I ignored appearances from the bench, but if people are desperately interested, I might take this analysis a stage further and include substitute appearances, look at minutes played etc) with a view to examining how the team performed overall when each player made an appearance.
    It's a bit quick and dirty at the moment (it took me a couple of hours to build the data table, but only a few minutes to write a couple of scripts to give me the figures below)
    A grand total of 30 players were in the respective starting lineups. We accumulated a staggering total of 44 points from the 46 games. The highest number of starts made by a player was made by Clarke (42) followed by Shinnie and Knight (both 41) Points per game (Best 6 - minimum qualification, 5 games) Evans 2.000000 (10 points from 5 starts) Gregory 1.666667 (10 points from 6 starts) Bielik 1.615385 (21 points from 13 starts) Holmes 1.285714 (9 points from 7 starts) Jozwiak 1.133333 (34 points from 30 starts) Kazim-Richards 1.103448 (32 points from 29 starts) 4 players failed to get either a win or draw bonus - these were Marriott 0 points from 3 starts Whittaker, Baningime and MacDonald, 0 points from a single start Points per game (Worst 6 - minimum qualification, 5 games) Roberts 0.142857 (1 point from 7 starts) Rooney 0.444444 (4 points from 9 starts Lawrence 0.526316 (10 points from 19 starts Mengi 0.571429 (4 points from 7 starts) Bird 0.619048 (13 points from 21 starts) Edmundson 0.625000 (5 points from 8 starts Shinnie and Clarke were the only two to appear in all 11 wins
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    S8TY reacted to minesahartington in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    One of the great songs thanks x
  15. Clap
    S8TY reacted to strawhillram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    If I find out that we have given boro or WW a single penny, I’m done with football for good.
  16. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Gaspode in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Weasel words? - good grief, I was trying not to be confrontational - though I appreciate that's not in your nature....
    Whatever words I used, you're still not entitled to an update......
  17. Like
    S8TY reacted to Inverurie Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Sing up........
  18. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Rev in Mel Morris fan club   
    Thank you, I quite honestly wasn't being an arse, I couldn't remember the content, or the context for that matter.
    Memento is a film with Guy Pierce (Mike from Neighbours), about a man with very short term memory loss investigating the death of his wife, who tattoos information on his body because he can't remember it.
    I believe it was Christopher Nolan's first feature film, and is well worth a watch if you've never seen it, it's quite brilliant.
    I may post this again in 20 minutes, so forgive me in advance.
  19. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Foreveram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Yeah but some of us are superfans.?
  20. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from BBG83 in Mel Morris fan club   
    of course we can't change the past but for anyone to make excuses for Mel is beyond belief it really is!!
    Our Football club is in deep trouble and owes millions to HMRC ( No Excuses ) and yet some see that Mel is not totally to blame !!! it beggars belief!!  We seriously might not even have a football club soon and although I agree ranting and raving will cure nothing I cannot and will not forgive MM of how he's treated this football club...Covid is not an excuse ...I don't see other clubs in a total embarrasing mess like us and I don't see other clubs making a complete hash of it regarding amortisation etc etc ...its a shambles full stop and starts and finishes with the head man who generously  walked away.l...yeah thanks Mel.....lol..........The worst thing that ever happened to our club was the day MM gained control....we were not far away before he intervened and have gone backwards since and now face liquidation if we dont find 30m owed in taxes!!! I'll go further to say had we been run correctly we might be a lot nearer the prem than league1 if we have a football club to actually play in the 3rd tier ......shambles!!! and a disgrace!! 
  21. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don't think he can .....DCFC is a limited organisation so if he walks away the debt doesn't follow him it follows us...also how would it look if he paid the HMRC but then didn't pay other creditors ?? If he was going to pay that bill then surely he would've done so before being put into admin.....also if it was true some players like Buchanan were being touted by clubs for a few million why didn't he sell ?? when Collymore let it out of the bag that we were in deeper trouble than anyone imagined and could mean the club goes under he wasn't wrong and whats more is.....it hasn't happened overnight....well before covid was even mentioned we were being run very badly ....its actually heart breaking whats happened to us it really is ?
  22. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Gritstone Tup in Mel Morris fan club   
    Its not meant to be  repeating but if it is so what??...my point was there are some on here who defend MM and i find that incredible to find any defence....you say you can't have your say yet leave derisory remarks about others having there say!! ...we're all fans on here mate
  23. Sad
    S8TY got a reaction from Philmycock in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don't think he can .....DCFC is a limited organisation so if he walks away the debt doesn't follow him it follows us...also how would it look if he paid the HMRC but then didn't pay other creditors ?? If he was going to pay that bill then surely he would've done so before being put into admin.....also if it was true some players like Buchanan were being touted by clubs for a few million why didn't he sell ?? when Collymore let it out of the bag that we were in deeper trouble than anyone imagined and could mean the club goes under he wasn't wrong and whats more is.....it hasn't happened overnight....well before covid was even mentioned we were being run very badly ....its actually heart breaking whats happened to us it really is ?
  24. Like
    S8TY reacted to Pearl Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Of course they are, what with you being a super fan and all that.
    My point is if it makes somebody feel better to express their contempt against the previous owner they should be free to do so without flippant remarks such as the one you made. 
    Everybody knows ranting and raving achieves little given the predicament of the club but if it allows an author to let off steam and feel better, the kind of trite reply you posted only serves to antagonise in my opinion.
  25. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Kingpin in Mel Morris fan club   
    Page 1 Rule number one of owning a football club..
    Don’t put it at risk of going bust and into non existence. 
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