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  1. Like
    BPV reacted to Ghost of Clough in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    It's almost as if they aren't being managed in a way which gets the best out of them.
  2. Clap
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    I just don’t understand it. We’ve got (for this level) a good bunch of footballers. Why can’t we play some decent football? 
  3. Clap
    BPV reacted to CapeTownRams in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    We are horrendous. We don’t have a midfield at all. Hourihane awful mistakes.
    We need to get a grip.
  4. Haha
    BPV reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Match Thread: (A) Peterborough United   
    This is dreadful. 
    He wanted a full week on the training pitch with them. Imagine what damage he could do with 2 weeks 
  5. Like
    BPV reacted to Mucker1884 in All 3 kits   
    Not as wow as I had envisaged/hoped.
    Was hoping for more "Bottle Green" (Where you have to almost squint to differentiate it from black!).  This is a couple of shades off for me.
    Not keen on the collar design.
    Black collar with white cuffs doesn't work well, imo.
    It was always gonna be a long shot, as I'm a self-confessed meh-meister when it comes to forking out on replica shirts, and again, this will now be yet another season where I won't bother.
    Hey, they're all fine.  Certainly nothing disgusting about any of them, and I'll be more than proud enough to cheer on the players, regardless of which shirt they're wearing!
    But I need excess wow factor if I'm gonna fork out real money, and wear one myself. 
    I'll stick with the training/casual/polo tops I already have, keep an eye out on anything new that comes in the shop in the coming months, and hope for something special next season.  It's no biggy.
    My last replica shirt was that Ajax Bob Marley number  (The only non-DCFC shirt I have ever contemplated buying).  That get's (favourable) comments on the odd occasion I wear that to the match.  There's a reason for that!
  6. Like
    BPV reacted to LazloW in All 3 kits   
    Third kit - collar excellent in principle but not the colour or mismatch with the white bits on the sleeves.  Shame as it had potential. 
  7. Clap
    BPV reacted to Srg in Eiran Cashin   
    He is nowhere near good enough on the ball or has good enough touch in tight spaces. His lack of lateral movement and short area quickness would be exposed big time. Keep seeing this suggested and it would be awful. 
  8. Like
    BPV reacted to duncanjwitham in Where's this new midfielder?   
    My biggest personal issue with Warne as a manager is his seeming inability (or unwillingness) to really understand or care what players are good and bad at.  I think that's why we keep getting players played out of position, players doing jobs they can't really do, players not getting the service or support they need and so on.  He appears to treat every midfielder as a box-to-box midfielder, every wide player as a wingback and so on.  To me, it's at the root of all the issues we've had on the pitch since he's been the manager.
    So I'm more than prepared to admit that that's probably colouring my opinions of the signings somewhat.  But when the manager basically comes out and says (or at least indicates by his actions) that he really wants to play wingbacks, and we go and sign a fullback that's (as far as I can see) never played wingback in his career, and he immediately starts struggling to play wingback, it's hard to not jump to conclusions.
  9. Clap
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Where's this new midfielder?   
    Why? And even if good young players don't hang around we could try signing a few.
  10. Clap
    BPV reacted to Lokidoki in Where's this new midfielder?   
    I don’t think your statement reflects the sentiment held with all the other supporters who completed the infamous march , in what seems an age ago. What happened to the club belongs to the supporters mantra?
    I have no more sense of entitlement than I do, say, with my local council. At least they follow due process.  Perhaps my 60 years + of watching this club warrants my involvement and many I am sure, think likewise.
  11. Like
    BPV reacted to 21CSchizoidRam in All 3 kits   
    i agree. Black collar and white sleeve ends don't match
    Black collar with green just doesn't look right to me.  Maybe would have worked with a collarless black edge instead, like the home shirt? Each to their own. Will take another look if and when the team actually need wear it.
    My fave out of the 3 is the home shirt.  Simple and looks classy
  12. Clap
    BPV reacted to Ambitious in All 3 kits   
    Love the colour, but not sold on the design. Home kit is still definitely my favourite of the three. 
  13. Clap
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Where's this new midfielder?   
    But last season with a cobbled together squad we (according to Warne) failed when we achieved 7th place. 
    What is happening this season compared to last?
  14. Clap
    BPV reacted to Loughborough Ram in Where's this new midfielder?   
    The problem with this is that it makes us look a bit shambolic.
    If you tell somebody once to expect something, and it doesn't happen, it can be forgiven. But to repeat this on a few occasions, it is bound to create a negative picture, and cause fans to become a little disillusioned and distrusting
  15. Clap
    BPV reacted to CBRammette in Not a top 3 team.   
    That is the sort of player I really thought we would sign this summer with a few more "risks" taken on promising lower league or younger players. Although if no/very low fee and low wages not much of a risk if we are aiming for a steady sustainable rebuild.
    I think the sort of player we have signed is the main reason I am so disappointed at the start of the season - not results, not style, not PW but the short-term-ism of the recruitment (not blaming anyone in particular) and the fact our youngsters who havent broken through yet only seem to get a proper chance when there is no other choice like on Saturday. Pre-season it looked as if the next batch would get their chance but I dont think they will. Despite the off-field nonsense I really felt connected to the team with blend of our youngsters and more experienced pros bringing them through over the last 2-3 seasons. By accident it seemed we had ironically found "the Derby way". But with Bird and Cashin probably off/being sold to fund more journeyman (nothing personal) I find it all a bit sad and disappointing. Would have rather built a younger more long-term team I am invested in than get a quick promotion but thats just me I suspect!
    Again dont really want to blame anyone but suspect financially us getting out of this league is a priority but ironically the short-term signings with that aim may make it less likely.
    Ignore my depressed ramblings, think this is the year the ramifications (no pun intended) of Mel's mess really come to fruition. And last night I watched the Leeds v Derby playoff semi second leg!
  16. Like
    BPV reacted to May Contain Nuts in Summer Rumour Mill   
    The telltale sign for how we played on Sat was the gaps between the defenders, which started off tight and noticeable increased as the game wore on as we slowly reverted toward the back 5. Fleetwood started picking up the ball in those gaps, in exactly the same way Oxford did only Fleetwood didn't punish us for it.
  17. Clap
    BPV reacted to Chris_Martin in Not a top 3 team.   
    ask any manager in the football league, i'm sure they will all say they want more. The managers job is to find a way to get the best out of what he has available. Warne is currently falling well short on that.
  18. Clap
    BPV reacted to Bris Vegas in Not a top 3 team.   
    Warne comes across as an average manager. He is a manager that meets expectations rather than exceeds them.
    I’m pretty sure any manager in League One could have had Derby finishing in the top 8 last season.
    If he says we don’t have a top 3 squad, then we won’t finish top 3.
    Good managers exceed expectations. Warne got promoted with Rotherham because he inherited a squad good enough to be promoted. He got relegated every season because he couldn’t get that extra out of them.
    Rosenior had the same players playing better football and picking up more PPG. We downgraded with Warne.
  19. Clap
    BPV reacted to Steve How Hard? in Not a top 3 team.   
    It could be argued that a good manager makes average players think and play like a top 3 team. Calling them out in the press is going to do little to motivate them.
    PW could do with taking the old  advice-"If thas got nowt to say. Shut tha gob."
  20. Clap
    BPV reacted to Nuwtfly in Not a top 3 team.   
    Am I the only one that was irked by these comments?
    Whose fault is it exactly if we are not a top three team in this league?
    Perhaps I’m being arrogant/entitled/both but Derby County should be a top one team in League One and if we’re not the manager is also heavily responsible for this. 
  21. Haha
    BPV reacted to nottingram in Cameron Humphreys   
    Bet Clowes is wishing he’d just bought Rotherham
  22. Haha
    BPV reacted to BigTravIsGod in Cameron Humphreys   
    Rotherham United you say.....
  23. Like
    BPV reacted to Charlie G in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I understand what your saying but apparently yesterday was his 50th game in charge. Ask yourself, are we any better now than when he took over? In my opinion I would say both in attack and midfield we are weaker. Remember this is also his 2nd transfer window regardless of restrictions or not. 
    Along with throwing a couple of players under the bus in an interview from a self confessed relationships manager and some awful football, I think people are well within there rights to question if he is the right person for the job.
  24. Clap
    BPV reacted to Jayram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    That would see us finish in the lowest position in the 139 year history of this football club. Do you honestly think that would acceptable? I don’t. We have the players here to have a real crack at the top 6 and it’s only Warne and his s*** football that’s holding us back.
  25. Clap
    BPV reacted to Gerry Daly in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    What ‘rebuild’. All of our signings, Wilson and to some extent Ward apart, have been old players on short term contracts. That’s to go with all the other old  players we already had on short term contracts. A rebuild would be about bringing in players for the future and setting the foundations for a team like Arthur Cox did. This is about trying to get promotion and then there will need to be the mother of all rebuilds
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