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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Tough match for a young U18 side - a few U16s getting game time too. I imagine a lot of those Peterborough lads were 18. They would have fielded the best team they had available to cause an upset

    Why would we not field the best team we were capable of putting out when it's the FA Youth Cup?

  2. 2 hours ago, Crewton said:

    I'm not sure they would have - he gained no advantage being offside when the first cross was blocked, and was certainly onside from the second, so where's the offence?

    I criticised the officials last night for other poor & inadequate officiating, but I can't pull them up for that one.

    Huge advantage gained. I think it was Fozzy who ended up being unable to block the second cross because he'd had to block the first one to the offside player.

  3. 15 hours ago, rammieib said:

    Having just seen the QPR winner, that’s not offside for me. Not sure which Derby one you refer to.

    Two players grabbing each other’s shirts and then no penalty being given is the right decision!!

    The winning goal was a mile offside. Clear in real time watching live. Checked on the replay. The winger aimed a cross to the back stick where the player was a yard off, but the cross was blocked so the ball went back to the winger. I was astonished the lino didn't flag. Instead the winger crossed again to the same player, now onside, who headed against the post. VAR would definitely have ruled it out.

  4. Canada's Cleopatrick on Thursday. Loved being back in the mosh pit:

    Then it's matey from Dexter (Michael C Hall) at Bush Hall on Tuesday night. Like Cleopatrick, another appallingly named band. His is Princess Goes to the Butterfly Museum, but when I heard him on Colin Murray the other night, the music seemed decent and I saw him a few times as the Bowie figure in Lazarus and he was great then.

  5. On 23/11/2021 at 12:19, TuffLuff said:

    Noticed the RamsTV forum has gone so just wondered if there would be room for this now, especially as we have so many threads on the takeover in the main dcfc section. Just wonder, for example if a thread called ‘Kamil Jozwiak’ where all Kamil Jozwiak news and opinions in is better than a new thread being made and being lost from the first page every few weeks? It’s not the most important thing in the world but might just help keep things tidy.

    Been lurking rather than posting these last few weeks for a few reasons so feel a bit cheeky for coming straight in with a new suggestion, but thought it was worth a shout!

    I've always thought we should have a single thread for every player just with first and last names (spelt properly!). In its own forum works for me. Then we wouldn't get the "Keogh always has a mistake in him" type threads that we do. It's a yes from me.

    chuck norris approved GIF


  6. I tend to think the support is better when attendances are smaller because it's the hard core who do get properly behind the team. 

    People blame Covid for the fall in attendances, but the problem is unique to Derby so I think it's much more a mixture of the demoralized fanbase following administration and the fact we're not very good and hardly ever score or look like scoring. If it weren't for the points deduction we'd be projected at 53 points for the season, which would mean a relegation struggle anyway. With 21 points taken off that we're doomed so we know this will be a season of misery with the occasional high (eg Bournemouth).

    Football should be entertaining but we do not play entertaining football.

  7. On 23/11/2021 at 19:22, TigerTedd said:

    Who remembers walkers cheese and onion being green? And when did they make salt and vinegar green instead?


    The answer is: they never were, and they never did. 

    I was just listening to a pod cast that sited this as proof that we live in the matrix and this was a glitch. Apparently loads of people swear they remember cheese and onion, I’m one of them. Am I just insane, or is anyone with me?

    jusf to really freak you out, the podcast went on to say that it’s now a mainstream scientific theory that there’s a large chance we are living in the matrix. We will soon have the technology to create our own simulated reality with AIs who wouldn’t know the difference. If we can do it, then it could have already happened a billion times. The chances of us being the original are incredibly slim. Old Elon Musk reckons it’s billions to one that were not living in the matrix.

    I need a warm drink and a blanket.


    Apparently they call this the Mandela Effect as a lot of people seem to remember him dying in prison. The original paper by Nick Bostrom called "Are you living in a computer simulation?" which gives an intellectual grounding for the simulation hypothesis is very compelling. As it happens, I've just written a novel along these lines.


    But Walkers salt and vinegar have always been green!

  8. Very tough fixture, but we've done well against the better teams so you never know. And the boys will be buzzing after the weekend.

    With Baldock and Stretton out surely Luke Plange has to make the bench for this one, having been scoring for the U23s. A shame about Buchanan but Fozzy with Williams as cover are good options. Festy was struggling towards the end on Sunday, but if he's recovered I'd take him over Byrne at the moment. Also, I would bring Ravel back in as I think we will need his presence in midfield.

    Sadly I'll miss the game. I hope the final score encourages me to come back and read through the match thread and see how events unfolded, rather than go and hide in the Jim Smith room.

  9. 1 hour ago, Seaside Ram said:

    While we are at it , why don’t teams put players on posts at corners anymore  ? I saw at least 3 goals in the prem yesterday that would’ve been prevented ! 

    IMHO another daft innovation of modern coaching. The idea is that it becomes much easier to push out and play offside after a corner  because you don't start with 2 defenders on your own goal line. Serves all there smarty pants right whenever the ball trickles into the corner of the goal at quarter of a mile an hour when there's no one standing by the post to clear it.

  10. At least when questioned about it on Radio Derby post-match, when the ignorant interviewer blamed the players, Rooney corrected him and said it was all on him (Rooney) and that he was ordering the players to do this, believing that although players will sometimes make mistakes trying to implement the instructions, we benefit in the long run from this. I would say Rooney is an utter fool and it's a total nonsense, but sadly there was zero indication he was going to stop making the players play in such an idiotic fashion.

  11. 1 minute ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

    The plan is too draw them in, beat the press and then expose the open space in midfield but we shouldn't be doing it because our defenders aren't good enough or clever enough on the ball and Roos panics and has no compusure and makes pathetic mistakes like that. 

    We've already drawn them in. They're surrounding our area ready to charge. No need to take any risk whatsoever. Just play over the top of them and we immediately have a significant advantage. They can afford to crowd the age of our area because they know we will not use common sense and will commit defensive suicide.

  12. People will blame Roos for that stupid, crazy goal, but it is entirely the fault of the coaching staff. What a stupid way to play. I'm also disappointed with Davies. Passing across the six-yard area with 4 Bournemouth players around our box. When they're pressing so high, just go long and cut all their players out of the game. Overload them further up the pitch.

    Utterly senseless and ridiculous.

  13. 5 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    I like Mrs Sagan.

    Saw Shame in Brighton last night. Great live band. Lived up to the hype.

    As do I. I realize I worded that terribly and I meant to say it was a bizarre decision by British Sea Power, not by her. 

    Shame look excellent. Both me and Mrs Sagan are now very disappointed to have missed them at the Electric in Brixton at the weekend, though we were at OMD that night and I did catch a drumstick at the end!

  14. On 10/11/2021 at 12:38, Bob Mash said:

    Went to the Sea Power in Edinburgh, Jarvis and Black Pumas in Birmingham. All fantastic. Going to see Shame in Brum tonight also. Sadly Idlewild at Stourbridge this Saturday has been postponed til next year due to a covid outbreak in the band. Been to a few pub gigs over the last week too at The Flapper and Sunflower lounge. Amazing raucous atmosphere at all the gigs. Great stuff. The only thing I haven't missed is the price of drinks in the larger venues - £6+ on average!! 

    What do you think of the change from British Sea Power to Sea Power? Mrs Sagan refuses to see them ever again on account of their wokery. One of the greatest live bands so it's a shame, but I thought it was a bizarre decision.

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