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Hector was the best

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    Hector was the best reacted to Ratpackram in Crowd-funding to keep us playing?   
    Unbelievable.    I'm totally gobsmacked .... What a pro our manager is...... Mel is a disgrace I'm afraid .   It really is Wayne Rooney's Derby county now 
  2. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Carl Sagan in Crowd-funding to keep us playing?   
    From the Wayne Rooney thread:
  3. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to NottsRammy in Mel Morris fan club   
    Nope im a bit in that camp , you never know whats being discussed that cant be discussed . But it will come out in the wash wont it , all we can do now is wait for the required time to lapse and see what leaks out over time . 
    There could be gentlemans ageements in place already with someone you never know . 
    My points deduction im expecting though is -12 for admin and -4 for the 4 million loss .The -4 being implemented this year or next whenever those poor little efl chiefs decide to hit us some more . If we get more than a total of -16 i will be a little shocked i must admit . 
  4. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to hintonsboots in Mel Morris fan club   
    I’m also in that camp. Until we all the information which should be revealed in due course it’s hard to know what the outcome will be. Many posters have already decided we will be liquidated, Mel has already been hung drawn and quartered without a trial. He is now being referred to as “Morris” which is the usual form when someone has been convicted. I would rather get behind the team and deal with any recriminations later if needed.
  5. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Mel Morris fan club   
    I may be one of the only people who listened to the radio Derby interview and thought, there's still a chance Mel knows what he is doing. It's a long hard road, but he knows it will end up 'ok'.
    That isn't positive, more deluded optimism, but that is all I have.
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rich84 in Mel Morris fan club   
    I'm another one that loved the fact a rich fan took over and has tried to bring success, the academy on the face of it was the right thing to invest in, raising the profile of the club with the gamble on Lamps was something I applauded, giving a young English ex player a chance (I'd still love Jody Morris to be involved again down the line) and it nearly worked, it wasn't Mel that screwed up the team selection for the final!
    Talking of his health, take a moment for the health of some of the 25k+ fans, not everyone is resilient and can shrug their shoulders at the situation,  some (maybe only a few hundred) rely on the Rams for socialising, camaraderie and a purpose, you can already see some people struggling with the uncertainty,  @B4ev6isis a perfect example of people that live and breath the club, take a moment and think about their wellbeing,  because a certain MM hasn't. Let alone those that have been in furlough from the club for best part of 17 months and are likely to now be out of work!
    Even if he has a grand plan (I'm still clutching at straws) to somehow allow DCFC to carry on by using the administration route, the way he has run the club in the last 2 years is appalling, and if he ends up sitting in his Palace with PP and the Academy buildings still in his name, and no club.... I don't know how he can sleep at night.
  7. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to GenBr in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Could be a goid idea.
    If we do have to phoenix we could look at building a stadium gradually. New stands as we get promoted up the league and as we can afford it
  8. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to RoyMac5 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I meant that looking for a buyer we're not looking for someone to put the full amount of the money owed in one go! So it's now a case of convincing the administrator 'you' can afford to buy the club, and then the EFL I presume?
  9. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to SamUltraRam in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    What a week for DCFC
    1st team beat Stoke City
    U23s beat West Ham
    U18s beat Liverpool
    Oh & the club goes into administration !!!
    Forget the owner, this great club has to be saved
  10. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to California Ram. in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Keep going @B4ev6is - we need your enthusiasm on here to brighten the mood. We’ve been through plenty of tough times with DCFC and we’ve always come out the other side. We’ll be back ! 
  11. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Jimbo Ram in The future of Pride Park and Moor Farm?   
    If Mel owns the stadium the very least he could do is lease the stadium back to the club at a peppercorn rent, surely……
  12. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to brady1993 in Sheffield United v Derby County match day thread   
    I think our strongest 11 right now is probably
    Byrne* Jagielka Davies Buchanan
    Knight Bird
    Sibley Morrison Jozwiak
    *Think there is an argument we might be better off with Ebosele
    But I think going unchanged is probably the right call as keeping up moral and team spirit right now is vitally important.
  13. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to SamUltraRam in Sheffield United v Derby County match day thread   
    1,565 allocation sold out - more to be made available
  14. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to sage in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    We have now got to hope that either a) a new buyer is found in the 2 weeks before we go into formal administration or at least b) a new buyer is in place before the January window, so it doesn't turn into a fire sale,  
  15. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to MuespachRam in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I can’t come over,  but will be getting  my son and his mate a ticket and would also like putting on the list to buy a ticket for someone please @sage
    (when do they come out, I checked this morning and they aren’t for sale yet?) 
    I am coming over for the WBA and Stoke games at Christmas…if we still have a club by then 
  16. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Day in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    Great thread @sage, pinned it to keep in view. ?
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to 66DegreesNorth in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    Have just booked flights (from Iceland) for Swans game and the double header in Feb v P'boro and Millwall.
    Hate the position the club finds itself in and sincerley sorry that I cannot do more from afar, but really encouraged in how the fans are coming together and showing unity.
    We can but hope that the club come out the otherside and that we can still watch on from the terraces, wherever we are.
  18. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to deano180 in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    Me and my family from Ipswich who have been ST holders for 9 years will still be coming, more now than ever when we are needed.
  19. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to BriggRam in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  20. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to sage in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    This is the most important thing we can do. Create some income to limit redundancies and player sales, make us attractive to purchasers and support the team.
    If you haven't got a season ticket, buy a match ticket. 
    If you have a got a season ticket , encourage a mate to come or if you can afford it, gift a ticket to a mate. 
    Encourage friends and family to come. 
    If you can afford it and know someone who can't afford to go, gift them a ticket for this game.
    If you live too far away and can afford it, gift a mate or family member from home,
    If you are thinking of coming and have kids, bring them along.
    Do whatever we can to fill the ground v Reading.
    We've been let down but now it's our time, our time to stand up and save our club.
  21. Sad
    Hector was the best reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    "Once you can fake the sincerity, the rest is easy" - Tony Blair.
  22. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to superfit in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    About the lack of apology from Mel in his interview. 
    I think people need to remember or know is that the conduct of the directors could be investigated once in administration. I would have thought Mel could have been advised to be careful how he words his apology. Hence, I’m sorry about the outcome but not for how the club got there in the first instance. 
    I’m not defending Mel, you simply look at where we were on and off the pitch when he took over and where we are today. It’s unforgivable. 
    Warren Buffet once said something along the lines of ‘once the tide goes out you see whose swimming naked.’ 
    Covid may well have broke the camels back but the camel was on his last legs already, there’s one person to blame for that. 
    However one thing that resonates with me that has also come out of this is the poison chalice that is the Premier League and it’s vast riches. Unless something is done to distribute the wealth in football more clubs will go to the wall in the pursuit of this holy grail.
    For many owners of clubs in the championship without parachute payments is the stark choice, throw everything at going up and risk financial ruin or run your club sensibly with little or no chance of achieving promotion, and simply die slowly.
  23. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to BaaLocks in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    All the damage was done in the two weeks we signed about £20m of players on long contracts that we then sold for next to nothing. Everything after that has been accounting aimed at avoiding the impact of those decisions. If Blackman had gone on to be a twenty goal a season striker nobody here would have a bad word to say. I'd argue the club could be forgiven for getting one signing wrong but the fact that all five, or six, didn't work or shows either extreme bad luck or some pretty appalling scouting and governance.
  24. Sad
    Hector was the best reacted to Gringo in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    WigAn were charged  £2,266,930.25 by Begbies a 3rd rate outfit and we will be more complicated than them¢64,  I have been thru 4 administrations 1 putting into administration and 3 buying from an administrator.
    They only want to clock as many hours as possible because they charge an hourly rate , including admin staff back in their offices at £150/hour thru to  ¢650-700/hr for a partner.
    Wigans average was £367/hour  well over 4000 hours
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to deano180 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Theres one point Mel made about us and how we can influence this position which hasn't been mentioned here, the fans.
    We need to continue with the great support from yesterday, fully back the team win or lose, turn up in our numbers and make loads of noise, make the club feel welcoming, we need to continue this so potential owners see the potential in us.
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