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Hector was the best

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  1. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Carnero in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Anyone who thought that was a deliberate stamp obviously doesn't know Fozzy.
    Know your players.
  2. Angry
    Hector was the best reacted to Kingpin in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    The odd good save. But all round he’s awful as we know, illustrating the state we're in as nothing better is within our means. 
  3. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    It's a shame people can only form their opinions on players based on what Sky pundits (who are paid to create talking points) and slow motion replays tell them.
    If you look at Fozzy's "stamp" in real time, he is just trying to extricate himself from the tangle. Not looking, no intent but they insist on making a meal of it.
    Similarly the Forest equaliser in real time - appalling marking, crisp shot. Roos did well to nearly get down to it and many keepers (Marshall included) wouldn't have got anywhere near. But play it in slo-mo, it's suddenly an "error". 
  4. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Barney1991 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    In all fairness to Rooney and I’ve criticised him a lot but who does hi bring on to change the game off that bench have you seen it. Add a baldock ckr or bielik and it’s a whole different bench with options 
  5. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to tinman in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    It wasn’ta mistake by Roos, but he’ll be disappointed it went in. 
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Mucker1884 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Thoroughly enjoyed the first half.  Excellent on and off the pitch.  Atmosphere was right up there with the best of them, including full houses and 5-0 wins.  Surrounded by feel good factor, sunshine, song and smiles.
    Thoroughly endured that second half.  All a bit meh, on and off the pitch.  Much like many previous Derby games.  (Lower case being deliberate!).
    Ah well.  What with an upcoming holiday, international breaks, and travelling back from Dorset whilst we're at home to Stoke, it's a full month off for me, until the Reading game on 29/9.  Such a shame it wasn't on a bit more of a high!  
    Not normally as down as this after a draw, but that game really was there for the taking.  Missed opportunity!
    UTR, and all that!  ?
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Jourdan in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    I think you have to give Forest credit for coming back into the game and giving us something to think about. They adjusted and there were some good chances for Johnson, Worrall and Grabban before the eventual goal.
    For us, there were encouraging signs. We actually played some good football at times. There was bravery, intent and desire. We looked like a team out there, and better yet one that could cause other teams problems. The goal was a really well worked move, for example. Personally I can’t wait to see Lawrence and Morrison playing together in full flow.
    But there is bound to be frustration too, as we really should have got the second goal and won that game. We have dropped seven points from winning positions already. We have conceded numerous goals from set pieces and crosses into the box. These are worrying patterns.
    All in all I think we can take heart from today but at the same time, we have to smarten up, learn fast and start to make our good moments count. Especially with the threat of a points deduction ever looming.
    We don’t want to be looking back in a few months wondering what could have been and rueing missed opportunities.
  8. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to RoyMac5 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    ? And it wasn't what cost us the goal.
  9. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Barney1991 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    I thought jozwiak was the best player on the pitch tbh but then again I would say the same about Lawrence. I just thought jozwiaks in game decisions were better overall 
  10. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to roboto in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Game changed when Lawrence went off. Stretton and Buchanan came and and did well, but Lawrence was the best player on the pitch today.
    Without more squad options we will struggle to see out games comfortably and it is hard for Rooney to make positive attacking substitutions with what he has available.
    But local derbies aren’t always a true reflection of form and I believe we can kick on after the international break and secure more points.
    Shout out to Jozwiak who had another good game for us going forward, yeah he made a couple of errors here and there, but overall he was a real threat and made problems for the Forest defence.
  11. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Andicis in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    I can't help thinking that Sibley needs to toughen up a bit. Too often the ball is played into him and he is pushed off it, or he doesn't challenge the aerial ball. He needs to add it to his game.
  12. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rammy03 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Rooney is spot on in his post match interview. We got what we deserved in the end. We didn't keep the ball well enough in the second half. When we did get the ball down and make a few passes, we got into very dangerous positions. We should have won it but in the end we got what we deserved.
  13. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Jase116 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    We do seem to tire in the 2nd half, more so than game management probably, thought sibbo should have been the one to come off rather than joz, thought sibbo and rav were out on their feet after an hour, this is where our bench is weak and means a lack of options.
  14. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to IslandExile in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Roos mistake - it happens.
    But we brought it on ourselves, sitting back when they were there for the taking.
    Sure, the Lawrence injury didn't help but Sibley and Morrison were mostly anonymous in the second half.
    Please can we stop this faffing about with goal kicks.
  15. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Make no mistake, that Forest team is dross and we should have seen that out. We need to be beating teams like Forest and Peterborough if we want to stay up. We've not played anyone good yet.
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Just a note on Nathan Byrne.
    If he is going to be making those runs, we simply have to pass the ball to him or the attack end with the ball out of play (preferably in the opposition net). We were caught out on the counter numerous times down our right as he was pushed so high.
    Tom Lawrence and Ravel Morrison were guilty of ignoring him in acres of space, only to lose the ball and then we face a counter down that side. The coaching staff need to work on this.
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Norman in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Game management. We have no Championship experience apart from the back 4. They all have a season or two behind them, if that. It's not enough to make the correct decisions at a late stage in a game. That's why it's so hard to win consistently with so many young players. 
  18. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Chester40 in Points deduction incoming?   
    No way is Mel sitting talking to the EFL if he genuinely believes they are dead set on issuing a 12 point deduction. 
    He would be out fighting and pushing our side in the media. 
    He obviously wants to draw a line under things, get a couple of signings over the line, steady the ship and then sell up. 
    So - my view..
    In an ideal world he wants 0 point deduction and a small fine or suspended points deduction. 
    He would take 3 points as a compromise, a disappointment but not a disaster. 
    6 points is a very bitter pill to swallow but possibly just about bearable if we can get a few more points on the board and ultimately a takeover is the result. 
    Anything more than that is a definite, no. 
  19. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to AbuDerbyDave in Points deduction incoming?   
    This is one of those times when I’m talking to a person I just nod ?
  20. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Ram-Alf in Embargo.   
    1. Fact DCFC and the EFL are both at loggerheads concerning the spending/accounting of monies, DCFC have already been fined £100,000 and have a suspended 3 points hovering over them for non payment of wages.
    2. Everything else is supposition by supporters and Journalists, Until there's a statement from either DCFC/the EFL it's as you were.
  21. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Crewton in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Waghorn and a pre-injury Keogh, possibly, but I wouldn't pick Bogle ahead of Byrne or Ebosele, and Lowe would be our 4th best full-back right now. Scott Malone, given his form for Millwall, would stand a better chance. 
  22. Clap
  23. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Miggins in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    The youngsters did really well and have gained valuable experience. Couple of crucial mistakes and the end result was disappointing considering how well they played. More than satisfied with that performance. Great support from the Derby fans too! Well done, lads!
  24. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Sparkle in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    The only negative I can give it is that they miss out on an opportunity for another start ( all together) 
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Bris Vegas in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    There are no negatives to take out from this. The young lads gained valuable experience and we seemingly played well. Our opponents this weekend, meanwhile, are getting the run around at home and have barely crossed the half way line.
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