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Ewe Ram

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  1. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    And while I’m ranting, the hospitals have huge departments dealing with patient complaints. I get it if you or a loved one have been failed in some way, this needs attention, but complaining that you didn’t like what someone said to you causes hours of work, lots of people to process it and is expensive. Just tell them, or are you looking for £££, because that’s how society is now. 
  2. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I’ve not read all through this thread, but I work in the NHS. It can’t carry on as it is and that’s the only certainty. 
    the waste is criminal and will never be sorted while those who are taking huge salaries are in charge of trying to save the money and waste, they’re part of the problem. Diversity managers, people champions etc earn more than those at the sharp end.
    today was well-being Wednesday. We had presented to us many many options to help with our mental health, options for solving issues (bullying is rife in the NHS), we did Zumba and massages, there’s diet advice, dog walking, Tai Chi, music, Thera bands etc etc, columns of choices to help us stay happy and healthy. 
    The most overweight people I know are nurses, they have awful eating habits, lots smoke and work ridiculous hours.
    I saw a recent tweet from someone complaining GP’s only work 3 days a week. Maybe they do, some work more, but those days are 11 hours. They don’t work weekends… erm Yes, they do. 
    The government wanted to tackle ‘bed blockers’ so made a ‘task force’ to get them back home and it was thrown together with a project manager who couldn’t tell us what his actual job was. 
    It’s broken beyond repair. 
  3. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    And while I’m ranting, the hospitals have huge departments dealing with patient complaints. I get it if you or a loved one have been failed in some way, this needs attention, but complaining that you didn’t like what someone said to you causes hours of work, lots of people to process it and is expensive. Just tell them, or are you looking for £££, because that’s how society is now. 
  4. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from angieram in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    And while I’m ranting, the hospitals have huge departments dealing with patient complaints. I get it if you or a loved one have been failed in some way, this needs attention, but complaining that you didn’t like what someone said to you causes hours of work, lots of people to process it and is expensive. Just tell them, or are you looking for £££, because that’s how society is now. 
  5. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I’ve not read all through this thread, but I work in the NHS. It can’t carry on as it is and that’s the only certainty. 
    the waste is criminal and will never be sorted while those who are taking huge salaries are in charge of trying to save the money and waste, they’re part of the problem. Diversity managers, people champions etc earn more than those at the sharp end.
    today was well-being Wednesday. We had presented to us many many options to help with our mental health, options for solving issues (bullying is rife in the NHS), we did Zumba and massages, there’s diet advice, dog walking, Tai Chi, music, Thera bands etc etc, columns of choices to help us stay happy and healthy. 
    The most overweight people I know are nurses, they have awful eating habits, lots smoke and work ridiculous hours.
    I saw a recent tweet from someone complaining GP’s only work 3 days a week. Maybe they do, some work more, but those days are 11 hours. They don’t work weekends… erm Yes, they do. 
    The government wanted to tackle ‘bed blockers’ so made a ‘task force’ to get them back home and it was thrown together with a project manager who couldn’t tell us what his actual job was. 
    It’s broken beyond repair. 
  6. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from EranioIsGod in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    I started off saying in my head ‘I will not get annoyed, I will not shout at the lino (right in front of me), I will not boo the cheating, feigning injury and their bloody goalkeeper, or get irate at the time it takes to take throw ins, goal kicks and free kicks. 
    I failed. I’m now sitting at home with a throbbing head and my throat is killing me. I hate football at times like these. 
  7. Haha
    Ewe Ram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    You should have gone on and took your frustration out on the pitch .  I doubt the linesman would have noticed. . 
  8. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in The Feb curse   
    I thought that. Or if he’s been on a diet, I want his secret! 
  9. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    I started off saying in my head ‘I will not get annoyed, I will not shout at the lino (right in front of me), I will not boo the cheating, feigning injury and their bloody goalkeeper, or get irate at the time it takes to take throw ins, goal kicks and free kicks. 
    I failed. I’m now sitting at home with a throbbing head and my throat is killing me. I hate football at times like these. 
  10. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Steve Buckley’s Dog in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    I started off saying in my head ‘I will not get annoyed, I will not shout at the lino (right in front of me), I will not boo the cheating, feigning injury and their bloody goalkeeper, or get irate at the time it takes to take throw ins, goal kicks and free kicks. 
    I failed. I’m now sitting at home with a throbbing head and my throat is killing me. I hate football at times like these. 
  11. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to G STAR RAM in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Tonight's game epitomised everything about why its so easy to fall out of love with the game of football.
    Spending your hard earned on a cold Tuesday night to watch about 20 minutes of game time and 70 minutes of time wasting, feigning injury and cheating.
    For their goalkeeper not to be booked tonight is laughable and just goes to show how weak the officials are.
    As for the game itself, first half was poor, second half improved after the sending off.
    The amount of bad crosses under no pressure was the most frustrating thing.
    Would be worried to see either the same starting line up or level of performance on Saturday.
  12. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Carl Sagan in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    We had a trans person come to my work to lecture us on inclusivity. Part of this was to inform us of the "correct vocabulary" to use. Apparently having your breasts removed is to be called "top surgery".
    I would suggest no it isn't - it's a double mastectomy. We do need to stop the normalizing of mutilation. For a few years the UK had quite an enlightened approach to female genital mutilation and pursued perpetrators vigorously. Yet now we're moving towards a situation where the mutilation of young boys and girls is being encouraged by some sections of society. Or where they look on and do or say nothing. It should not be tolerated and history will look back on it as a time of scandalous child abuse.
    Yes, almost every kid has a difficult time approaching and going through puberty, but this part of the human process of growing up. Equally, almost every kid progresses through on the other side where they end up fine, either straight or bi or gay - who cares which? Pretty much no one nowadays, which is great.
    The idea that you can magically change your biological sex because there's a brief time in your life where your hormones are playing havoc with you, and you should have your puberty blocked and bits of your body chopped off etc, is just bizarre and wrong.
  13. COYR
    Ewe Ram reacted to Curtains in Warne wins January Manager of the Month   
    That bloke Warne is doing a fantastic job whatever happens this season .
    We are proud and loud us Derby fans. 
    Paul Warne has a Black and White Barmy army .
    PS The team are doing us and him proud .
  14. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Steve How Hard? in Haydon Roberts   
    I'm pretty sure he said in his latest interview that there had been little to no contact from Brighton during his loan spell. 
    Poor from Brighton regardless of their intentions regarding him. Get him signed up if we can I say. 
  15. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Haydon Roberts   
    I really like him. I’d be very happy if he stayed here 
  16. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Blondest Goat in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Both managers are doing well.  Hopefully noone will feel the need to resurrect the tedious Warne vs Rosenior debate.
  17. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Vimto Enjoyer in Wednesday fan in peace   
    Don’t know what you’re on about. This is the most fun I’ve had in 20+ years following the Rams!
  18. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to uttoxram75 in Multicookers   
    Left over chippy chips are better warmed up int air fryer than when first bought.
  19. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to jono in Haydon Roberts   
    Very impressed last night. He ran miles and miles, gave everything. You could see he’d drained every reserve as the game ended. By no means flashy but skilled and works so hard for the team. Seems comfortable in every area of the pitch. Good player ! 
  20. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Cisse in Holiday Plans 2023   
    I'm hoping to make two trips. First time ever to Spain and then a very exciting trip to Belper and Derby. Can't wait.
  21. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to ram59 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Most important thing tonight, is not to pick up any injuries. ?
  22. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to YouRams in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    I have a teenage daughter who at 11 decided she likes girls before doing a uturn and having a boyfriend, don't know which one I was more alarmed about! And a brother/sister in law thats a boy but now wants to be called by a girl's name and wears make up. The common denominator... they're both glued to TikTok. I'll leave it at that on my views. 
  23. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to sage in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    The whole area is a minefield.
    The only thing I can say with sense of certainty is gender reassignment surgery or medication before the age of 18 is an accident waiting to happen.
  24. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Alph in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Because of my job I find out a lot of stuff I really wish I didn’t. 
    kids in lovely families with good homes being radicalised online. This isn’t just Islam or whatever, it’s street gangs recruiting. 
    kids who are 10 years old saying they’re going to kill themselves and know how to do it. 
    parents who seriously want to have their children in gender reassignment clinics before they’ve even reached puberty. 
    Parents who have no filter or moral code, their kids are exposed to porn, drugs, alcohol abuse and actually think it’s all normal somehow. 
    I wish I didn’t know these things because I think it’s all becoming too ‘normal’ and it’s frightening 
  25. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Archied in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Because of my job I find out a lot of stuff I really wish I didn’t. 
    kids in lovely families with good homes being radicalised online. This isn’t just Islam or whatever, it’s street gangs recruiting. 
    kids who are 10 years old saying they’re going to kill themselves and know how to do it. 
    parents who seriously want to have their children in gender reassignment clinics before they’ve even reached puberty. 
    Parents who have no filter or moral code, their kids are exposed to porn, drugs, alcohol abuse and actually think it’s all normal somehow. 
    I wish I didn’t know these things because I think it’s all becoming too ‘normal’ and it’s frightening 
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