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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 25 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    It looked as if it was all set for him to come here. He wanted the move and thought it would happen but we just wouldn't stump up the cash. Disappointing, especially when it's a player your manager has specifically identified. 

    Don't you think 'couldn't stump up the cash' might be more accurate?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I think that's a wee bit harsh.

    It's not like he's gone with a story without it having some meat on the bones, after all.

    As of this moment, nothing official has been forthcoming, he may yet have nailed it or not?

    It's modern 'journalism' - splash a headline you don't have to stand by. Just be the first.

    You only have to look on here to see the effect it had. People simply believed him, started new rumours, which got believed and so on.

    All the time he and his employer are tweaking the story because it might not be true - it's 'developing'. 

    The approach is rubbish. Not Dawes' fault as such but he yums it up.

  3. 4 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Who’s played him as a fiddle?

    I know Ed isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, he’s not really mine and I’ll criticise him where it’s appropriate, but today he did the right thing and it’s fair to give him credit where it’s due. Kirchner might not like it, Nixon might not like it but they were both sat on the information as to why the takeover had hit a snag, but because it didn’t suit their versions they were keeping quiet. 

    Ed went OTT with his morning message yes, and it was classic Dawes, but because he did Nixon came out giving us what he knew all of a sudden. Simon Stone was tweeting to add pressure on. White and Jordan at the very least gave it national coverage and did speak to Kirchner. By midday at least is the fans could paint a picture of what was happening and make our decisions. Look on here today, no huge dramas or too much gloom, we chatted, debated and had a bit of a laugh about what was happening. Imagine if we’d had another day of silence, the fans deserved to know what was happening. 

    Ed started to pull back a little after lunch, and so did Radio Derby on their news bulletins until sportscene. There Ed said pretty much everything he knew at that point, which was a changing story and that Ashley and Appleby were now in the background. 

    He did well today and it gave the fans a clearer picture. It’s only right that we give credit where it’s due.

    Dawes looks a berk. Under no circumstances can the sort of rumour mongering he indulged in be described as 'journalism'. Start with some headline rumour, quote 'sources', then spend the next few hours basking in the limelight whilst busily rowing back.

  4. 1 minute ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I don't get the love for Mike Ashley

    I don't think Quantuma have covered themselves in glory, but it's a reasonable question to ask here:

    If MA's bid was the best for the club, why was he not the preferred bidder ?

    The obvious answer is that his bid was no good

    I've said all along that he's a vulture waiting to pick the bones off our corpse

    Yes - MA buying the club is better than the club being liquidated, but I still think it will be a(nother) disaster if he takes over

    Because he didn't make a bid.

    Today is an example of the much-predicted mischief-making by a potential rival 'bidder'

  5. 4 minutes ago, Jase116 said:

    Radio Derby definitely pushing Ashley, if there is no statement by EFL/Administrators tonight, surely the only thing we can surmise is there still expecting to go through.

    You think Radio Derby have been played here?

    It's like Inception. Someone put the idea into Ed Dawes mind, knowing that it's going to make it to air sooner rather than later. And Bob's your uncle, panic stations and the path opens up for another bid.

  6. 2 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Dont feel sorry for the dick, he brings it on himself. 

    I'm not sure I can bring myself to feel sorry for anybody in any of this.

    I think I might be a psychopath. Or people are over-reacting to a risible level.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Local radio commentator says DCFC purchase looks to be collapsing...Some Derby supporters go into panic mode

    Media asks CK questions concerning his purchase of DCFC the video shows him walking away with a comment "It'll all come out soon"

    Now all of a sudden the saviour is the villain without any sort of evidence.

    Holy shyte!




    Amazing, isn't it?

  8. 54 minutes ago, Diego said:

    I’d have been more confident if he wasn’t spouting on twitter every other day. Never sat right from day 1.

    He’s had too long, preferred bidder status extended etc etc etc

    Get him gone. 

    These business men who have to keep shouting from the rooftops are complete frauds, Alonso now CK.

    I’ll take -15 with Ashley and him doing an interview every 3 years.

    File Kirchner under Alonso. Utter fraud.

    This is the equivalent of 'I never fancied her anyway'

  9. 1 minute ago, Strider said:

    The BBC don't generally report on something unless they've heard it from 2 different independent sources. I'd believe them over Nixon.

    A few years ago, BBC Derby reported a story about a fan from Norway who'd spent a load of money to travel for a match that was then moved for TV, meaning he couldn't go. 

    On this forum I questioned how accurate the reported amount of money was. A BBC Radio employee stated categorically on here and on Twitter, naming me in his Tweet that it was the case. 

    It turned out that the amount was exaggerated by the fan and reported verbatim by Radio Derby, who went on to adjust their figure as the day went on.

    It's absolute nonsense that the BBC, or any other news organisation, is careful about the truth of what they report.

  10. Just now, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


    If this turns out to be false, Dawes has just risked Radio Derby’s access to the club for years to come. There’s no way he comes out with a statement like this unless he’s sure the information is accurate.

    Journalistic rigour is not what it once was. Being first with a story is nowadays more important than being accurate.

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