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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 1 minute ago, Carnero said:

    We will, he's under 24 and was offered new terms (as per the EFL retained list) so we'll be entitled to compensation either by an agreed fee or via tribunal.

    I don't understand. I thought the club is not allowed to offer new contracts. That's why we only have 7 players next week.

    It seems to me that the retained list means absolutely nothing.

  2. 16 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    We can’t be too over the top on this. Plange and him weren’t even here last year, we’ve made some money out of Plange and hopefully we’ll get a few hundred grand for Malcolm. I think this could’ve happened anyway regardless of our situation. It’s the ones like Kellyman that upset me more.

    Huge talent, think he’ll get a champ loan next season and rip it up. 

    We don't get any money for this

  3. 4 minutes ago, Gladram said:

    Another "not good enough" player who's signed for a League One team, after Charles Verman and Kyle McAllister, who we'll play against this season.


  4. 1 minute ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

    I fear the inevitable. 9 months on absolutely no closer to a resolution. I alone cannot believe how this whole mess has been managed from top to toe.

    Everyone has to carry a portion of blame wrt the process. MM 100% for getting us in to this mess but Q, EFL, MM have made a digs dinner of things since Sept.

    Imo Q now know they have completely ballsed up and are looking for the quickest roure out. All the time lost dealing with CK and racking up more debt during that time has knocked even more value off the club and bidders are rightly offering even less.

    MM won't budge to lower his ask so we reach impasse. There will be a final deadline sometime around October and we will miss it and that will be that.

    In the meantime the club will lose every match heavily as they won't be able to bring players in. Rooney will already have walked.

    Grim grim grim


    If it's inevitable, just embrace it. There's nothing anyone can do.

  5. 15 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    Usual woolly answer which basically means I don't really know, but I shan't say that, I'll just repeat what everyone has said in that it shouldn't cost £50m to buy Derby. 

    It's not really woolly at all. Pretty clear in fact.

  6. 27 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    Yup. What if we’d had no bidders at all, no one willing to pay anything with Q trying to drum up non existent interest from around the world? Or what if the sheikh and alonso were it?  That would be a bigger fiasco.
    From the outside it looks as if we have 3 possible bidders (at least) all of whom have good credentials for running a football club, one of them is so keen on winning our business that he’s prepared to threaten to take the decision makers to court in order to make winning more likely. Whether it will ever get to court is a whole different matter. This is a negotiating tactic first and foremost to put pressure on.

    You must work in marketing

  7. 2 minutes ago, alram said:

    I certainly hope Kirchners "funds" dont clear. he should not be in the running.

    throughout this process he is not only shown he is incompetent but also a complete coward. his silence has really rubbed me up the wrong way, if you seriously intend to still own the club - he should be saying so. you think people will just forget if it gets over the line?

    ashley is letting the press do his talking, ck is communicating to nobody and appears like a sulking teenager. not old enough, not wise enough, not wealthy enough. should be moved on, but he wont be because he offers the best deal for the creditor and thats Q job.

    Does he have your number? Perhaps he could call you personally.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    Why does southgate go for the same defencive line up where we struggle to score? Why not go attack?

    It's not defensive. It just emphasises possession. Losing possession is bad; quick forward passes lose possession.

    Result - it's like watching Derby

  9. 7 minutes ago, sage said:

    It's very clear that more than one party are manipulating the media to further their cause. Even though it creates extra stress for fans. 

    Fans won't forget. Especially if the one they are pushing wins and it all goes pear-shaped a couple of years down the line. 

    Imagine the spectacle of, say, a radio journalist failing to ask those searching questions from inside the owner's pocket.

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