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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 2 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

    Any words of encouragement for me? We've always had two cats, and that's never been a problem. They largely look after themselves, but Mrs Pesley and Master Pesley have outvoted me on the idea of having a dog

    I really don't want a dog. They really do want a dog. We live in a democracy

    Can I vote the dog out in 5 years if it doesn't live up to its promises?

    Democracy be damned. I once lost a 4-way family vote 3-2, so I'm understandably skeptical of the process.

    The 3 others in this house all want a dog and I just put my foot down. Veto. To be fair to the rest of the household, they understand my desperation to never have a dog.


  2. 3 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    Double edged sword isn’t it. 
    Looking at the table I think Dirties have enough for auto.... but..... big but...... imagine two teams playing in white reaching the  play offs from very opposite extremes ...... it couldn’t......  could it? 
    As an aside I’d say this is the best ‘canned crowd’ I’ve heard, I’m not a fan of it but this at least has some credibility 

    There was canned booing when a Leeds player took a tumble in the box, which was nice.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Surely there’s got to be some sort of precendent for this though? It’s literally flashed up GOAL on his watch at half time when the system came back online! It’s a technological glitch, that can’t be what stops Sheff United from getting top four!

    Check the laws of the game.

    As for it costing Sheffield United a place in the top 4, there are so many variables in one single game, multiplied by 38 that means one single incident can't be shown to have cost anything of the sort. Who's to say that Villa wouldn't have run it upfield from the restart and equalised? Or any other combination of events caused by players and ball being repositioned after the goal. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Disgraceful. That one goal could cost a team like Sheff Utd a place in Europe (which would be massive for them); or keep Villa in the league at the expense of another team. There's enough technology around that stuff like this shouldn't happen anymore. 

    Here's hoping for a Blades win now!

    Relax. It's just a game of football.

  5. Just now, Millenniumram said:

    I thought that as well but sky said they could have done.

    Sky have also just said goal line technology wasn’t working and the referee has now been informed it was a goal after the system came online.... yet it hasn’t been given retrospectively. Unbelievable. Abosolutely unbelievable.

    You do know that it can't be given retrospectively, don't you?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    Your effects pedals need better organisation. At least show willing by putting them parallel to each other! I am finding it a bit distressing!

    Would be curious as to your home recording software and hardware set up though. I have an old 4-track in the garage still which might need some upgrading! 

    Fear not. Those pedals are the ones I took out and are not currently being used.


    The software is Ableton Live - the reason computers were invented.

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