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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. My own patent method, that rarely fails, is that if the points gap is larger than the number of games a team has left, they won't overtake the team above them. Villa are 4 points behind Watford with 3 games to play. Therefore, they won't make it.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    Is Jose secretly trying to ruin Spurs? They really are a dreadful team to watch at the moment - suspect most of there fans would be more than happy to go back to entertaining football (without winning anything) rather than Jose's verion of dull football (also without winning anything)....

    I used to look forward to games on tv that featured Spurs. Now, I can barely believe I kept it on to the end yesterday. 12 mins of added on time too. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    They're praying Wigan and Wednesday get their points deductions. Apparently there will be an announcement tomorrow regarding Wednesday's verdict. If Wigan, Wednesday and ourselves get 12 points stolen off us, this is what the revised table will look like.


    They should take points off Middlesborough and Barnsley for being mardy bar stewards and give the points to us by way of compensation.

  4. 17 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I kind of do feel for the "underside" of Oxford - the ordinary folks who support their local team but have to live in a town made into a hellhole by posh students who live lives of zero consequence. There's a lot of Oxford that's very ordinary and that's who Oxford town are for. That, and George Thorne ?

    Oxford’s a complete dump

  5. 1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

    A rule change brought in due to the number of pundits previously calling for handball whenever the ball hit a players arm - the same pundits that now are moaning about the decision. They should revert back to the 'deliberate/accidental' element where common sense was applied, but that would be too simple.....

    This exactly.

    Instead of gobshite pundits reading the laws of the game, the powers that be changed the laws for them. An act of football cowardice that is, frankly, typical. Stupidity trumps knowledge. It's the modern way.

  6. 18 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    If that's a handball by Spurs we might as well pack up and go home.

    VAR is the enemy of football.

    This is the world that those who advocated VAR have created. A world where bitching and moaning wins; a world where we don't accept human frailties.

    They should be proud.


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