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Posts posted by Spanish

  1. 6 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    Not according to the judgement of the panel that looked into the charges - they initially stated the approach was fine but we should have made it clearer what we were doing and after appeal we were fined because the 2nd panel decided we'd done it to circumvent (or at least bend) the rules to give us a bigger budget.

    I'm not sure even now (way after the event) that the EFL have managed to update their rules to outlaw this method of depreciation. It's one of the key problems - they didn't set out how depreciation needed to be done yet objected when we took an alternative approach to he rest of the league clubs - a tin pot organisation that's unfit to run a bath.....

    they had no rules only the need to be compliant with standard accountancy rules.  That should have been sufficient if you think about it.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Scott129 said:

    Nah, forget the EFL. Forget Morris and the board too, if only for 90 minutes tomorrow.

    Get behind Rooney, Tom, and the lads wearing the shirt. They're the ones who need our full support.

    if the rumours  about WBA are true I doubt Tom will be playing.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Norman said:

    But what if it means it pays a tax bill, the embargo is lifted to a soft one and we can sign 5 or 6 players who we've had on trial? Bearing in mind his wage is reported to be about 20 to 30k a week too. 

    Lawrence out

    Jagielka, Carroll, Morrison (doubtful), Aluko, Baldock in. 

    I'd take that. We'd be able to sign decent players on loan too. 

    if he is about to go, he won't play against udders.  the others won't be available until..........

  4. 9 minutes ago, DCFCJim87 said:

    I can't believe this thread ever existed. Just let it sink in that without a takeover there will probably be no Derby County next season. Hide behind the EFL and covid all you like the facts are this situation has happened due to serious mismanagement at the top of this football club. Nobody else has control of the finances. 

    wasting your time

    even if we did go under there will be still some who won't hear a word against him.  I would guess these people would be the first to complain if this was an outsider

  5. 1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

    We have to restate them because DC2 couldn't overrule the LAP decision, only decide on the punishment.  It's pretty clear from the DC2 written reasons that they don't agree with the decision.  There's a comment in there about the club operating in good faith, believing what it was doing was absolutely allowed with the rules, even to the extent that the original DC thought what we were doing was allowed.  It's hard to criticise the club for that particular aspect when so many other accountants think what we were doing is fine.

    I'm not saying don't criticise the club, I'm just not in the business of piling blame on someone when we don't even know what their actual responsibility for it was. 

    He is the CEO

    do the job responsibly or resign, it is really simple 

  6. 2 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Like I said, every actual accountant that's looked at them thought they were fine...

    The original DC with an accountant on it explicitly decided to ignore his evidence because he had no experience of practical accounting.  The LAP with no accountant decided his lack of experience made him perfect for the role. DC2 came back and said that there was basically no reason for the club to think what we were doing wasn't fine.

    Why have we had to restate the accounts then?  No point in discussing this as you have blinded yourself to any argument that suggests the CEO has a responsibility for the mess we find ourselves in.  Corporate governance is a board responsibility. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hathersage Ram said:

    And I respectfully disagree, if the points could be gained in our first couple of games. Twofold advantage - Builds confidence and consigns last seasons diabolical ending to history and secondly maybe the difference between staying up or not!

    our early season is most likely to see us pitched against relegation candidates, not games to give up on lightly

  8. 1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

    The point isn't whether he is a disgrace or not, it's that we're not in a position to actually know.  We have no idea what advice he's been giving Mel, what decisions he's made himself, what decisions have been made against his advice and so on. I'm not saying don't criticise (hell I've been very critical of the lot of them on here), I'm just saying there's no point singling out individual members of a group when the only info we have is decisions that have been made collectively by that group.  

    We do know that the actual accountancy decisions (amortisation, stadium sale etc) have either been signed off by the EFL (the stadium), or are so debatable (amortisation) that every independent accountant that's looked at them (including the on on the disciplinary commission) thought they were fine.

    The professor of accounting didn't agree.  The DC dismissed his evidence, the LAP agreed with the Professor that is was far from fine.

  9. 22 minutes ago, dcfcreece1601 said:

    Does sound like he's really not happy with having to keep funding them after being let down with takeovers atleast 3 times , suppose if you want out of a business and you're forced to keep paying out I can understand,  but most of it is his own doing by the sounds of it

    Agreed, arrived as a God who could be trusted over outsiders.  If he is truly saying he’s lost interest and is going to abandon us, words fail me

  10. 29 minutes ago, David said:

    It won’t be on Twitter tonight. 

    There is an agreement in place which is that the meeting cannot be discussed until the minutes are released to all groups on the club website. 

    Give the timing of tonight’s meeting and the current situation, I will be asking for no delay in releasing the minutes as we’ve seen in the past.

    Ideally I would like them out tomorrow if possible. 

    Do you think they be sent in draft to all attendees for approval? It’s just if they are tomorrow may not be possible.  Managing expectations really

  11. 17 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    If everyone is locked in their house and nobody allowed out then, yes, clearly it will lead to a reduction. 

    If some people are still having to go out but then potentially taking the virus home, as the professor says, that is an environment where the disease is more likely to spread? Or do you disagree with that?

    We are not near herd immumity @GboroRam said.

    What about the people who weigh up the risks and decide that, even if just for now, they don't believe having the vaccine is in their best interests, do you support their right to lead a normal life? From what I can see, you are trying to avoid the question?

    Regarding the emboldened line how have you concluded this?

    Does the vaccine stop the spread? If so, then no need for masks is there? If not, how can vaccinated people have protected unvaccinated people?

    I don’t believe scientists are aware of the virus’ capabilities to mutate and whether it is potentially far more dangerous in the future.  I agree with a cautious approach adopted currently because I realise I don’t have all the answers to make a better decision.

  12. 2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    If they are unable to take the vaccination for medical reason, then clearly they should be able to continue to live a normal life.

    Fortunately, the actions of the many who have taken the vaccine end up protecting the few who didn't want to take it.

    Hopefully, with the mass vaccinations reducing cases and hospitalisations to very low levels, there should be no need to set rules between vaccinationated and non-vaccinated people.

    Will be interesting to see if non-vaxxed people have a change of heart if they are unable to travel abroad due to new restrictions.

    Remembering of course the rules of at least 2 countries will need to be adhered to

  13. 4 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Worldwide would think there’d be many 55+ year old fans who worshipped one or more players from the Clough era. But most will by now be no more than half fans

    There will be a lot that followed us from afar from 70’s aka glory hunters.  They will have changed allegiances many times since and are not even half fans. I have spent 49 years outside Uk so probably know what I’m talking about. The ones that hold true to the faith have a much deeper relationship and are every bit as much as a fan as you.  What we get is being ragged by newby manure, cited, pool or worse.  By my standards you can’t call yourself a real fan unless you have experienced massive disappointments and still wear the shirt and other pride

  14. 54 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Don’t be ridiculous. There are clearly some sensitive subjects that will be discussed at the meeting. I don’t see it as an insult, evidence of contempt or loss of credibility but rather Mel recognising the concern and unease amongst the fans and wants to try to give some comfort. If the best way to do this is to hold such a meeting and then allowing those in attendance to at least report back on how they’re feeling now having heard responses that wouldn’t normally be given - so be it.

    Assuming Mel doesn’t want to/isn’t allowed to share the answers more widely, what would you prefer? The meeting to be cancelled? Any sensitive questions to be off limits?

    This is a place is express opinions, the fact you find mine ridiculous is of no concern to me.  I don’t believe that @David would expect us to be content with a don’t worry lads feedback.  It’s not that there is a trust problem, it is not something he would be happy to do IMO

  15. I thought the point of inviting representatives of fan groups would be to efficiently get info to the wider fan base.  NDAs are an insult to the attendees and also to the rest of us and evidences an element of contempt that is staggering. Better off not holding a meeting rather than have a “I have a secret” thing going on.  The club have lost all credibility if this is what they intend to do.

  16. 13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Certainly not what Im seeing in the real world, a lot of people could not wait to disband their masks. 

    And despite this and the end of social distancing cases continue to plummet.

    Have any of the scientists who's opinions you are sure we should be listening to been able to explain this yet? I remember there were quite a few that were very quick to criticise the re-opening and predicting it would lead to the apocalypse, just wondered what they were saying now?

    After 2days in Derby I can’t say that I have seen much consistency. Almost everybody wearing a mask in Sainsbury’s, 50% in Asda, 0 in intu.

    the other thing about mask wearing is the ones who dont want tend to be the most vehemently committed to their views.  Mask wearers tend to keep their distances but the ones without appear to delight in getting too close.  Everybody should keep a safe distance but I don’t see that happening in the real world.  Just my experience of a few days in UK.

    on another subject I spent more time getting all the correct forms completed than the flight time and more money on testing (some b.. must be making a fortune out of this) than I expected.  Talk about freedoms but international travel seems to exclude anybody who is not computer savvy.

  17. 34 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Why would we delay agreeing with the EFL? Because if we capitulate in the discussions with the EFL about accounts, it might lead to a points deduction now and in future seasons. Yes like you I’m certainly worried that if we don’t sort everything soon, trialists will find other options 

    Some believe that even using the standard amortisation we would be ok, are they wrong?

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