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Posts posted by Spanish

  1. 17 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    Just deleted the notes for the sake of keeping my post a little shorter

    From what I can tell - A person can put money in providing they are buying shares in the club 

    Morris owns (as far as I know) 100% of the shares in the club - So he can't put money in that way

    But don't the P&S regulations specify how much an owner can put in? I thought it specified an annual amount the owner is allowed to cover losses by?

    I dunno - I can't find the post about it now but I'm 90% certain (but getting less so by the minute) it's what Nixon said 

    you can increase shareholdings whenever you want to.

  2. 15 hours ago, Stagtime said:

    Ours seems to be back under control with the seven day lockdown finishing yesterday. The big difference was the 2 three day lockdowns we had previously the cases got back to zero where yesterday there was still 9 cases but they had been in quarantine the whole time. Not sure if it’s the same over there but the majority of the delta cases here were children linked to a karate class, the teacher is a student doctor working at a main hospital.

    I believe you’ll find vaccinations rates will soar when they become available. Noticed Sydney will give exemptions to tradies from the western suburbs (around 80% of their tradies live out there) that have vaccinations so they can get back to work.

    On a brighter note the PM’s ratings have tanked over the last week and with a election due early next year the libs will have to pull their fingers out to have any chance of another term.

    It’s been interesting to see how things have gone over there with your vaccinations rates, gives a glimmer of hope that things might calm down shortly.

    My daughter's partner has just out this together, she did a bit of the camera work and appears occasionally.  Hope it raises the spirits a bit



  3. 2 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Not that I'm aware of but I got the impression from one of his earlier posts that some people might be p***ed off with him.

    Maybe, and as I said it's totally none of our business and it's right we give him space, he has personal things that rightly take priority. Again, as I said on Saturday, I had to drop everything on Saturday (and miss the match) to be at the hospital with my mum for 11 hours (special dispensation given to allow visitors) so I know other things rightly take priority. I'd just like him to know that if the reason he's not posted his report is through fear as to how we will react then he should have nothing to worry about. 

    missed the bit about your mum, sorry.  Best of luck

  4. 12 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    I will add, that it is possible (only in the last few days), to "get away" with a £30 lateral flow test for fit-to-fly. But on a trip last week it cost me £30 fit-to-fly out, £50 fit-to-fly home and £80 day 2, so £160. A German engineer on the same job last week (in Scandinavia) had to pay a sum total of £0, as they have an EU agreement if you're double-jabbed, (a similar trip in March cost me £340 in tests). I guess that's my B r e x i t bonus?

    Boris bonus????

  5. 4 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Check on this website and enter the the specific country you are visiting.


    I've spent about £2,000 on tests in the last 12 months due to working abroad, (nearly twice as much as I have on flights). The whole set-up is a con. A PCR test here is £99, but in Italy it's €50 (£43).

    Anyone think there are a few cabinet ministers with shares in these "start-up" businesses?

    Yep someone is making a fortune out of the rules.  In Gib; £30 for fit to fly, 2 day test FREE

  6. 25 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    That wasn't my understanding of it - Otherwise how would he not have been able to do that for years now? I thought the regulations were that an owner had an upper limit to the amount they could put in to balance the books?

    Wouldn't that payment also factor into the accounts we submit though? 

    I appreciate the sources aren't exactly 100% reliable but the impression I've got from Coles and Nixon is that HMRC have told the club they need to wait until they know the exact amount to pay - Which is tied into the club accounts and the EFLs decisions in some way

    this is the only ref I can see in respect of owner funding

    1.1.13 Secure Funding means funds which have been or will be made available to the Club in an amount equal to or in excess of any Cash Losses which the Club has made in respect of the period from T-2 or is forecast to make up to the end of T+2. Secure Funding may not be a loan and shall consist of:

    (a)  contributions that an equity participant has made by way of payments for shares through the Club’s share capital account or share premium reserve account; or

    (b)  an irrevocable commitment by an equity participant to make future payments for shares through the Club’s share capital account or share premium reserve account. This irrevocable commitment shall be evidenced by a legally binding agreement between the Club and the equity participant and may if the Executive so requires be secured by one of the following:

    (i)  a personal guarantee from the ultimate beneficial owner of the Club, provided that the Executive is satisfied that

    1)  he is of sufficient standing; and

    2)  the terms of the guarantee are satisfactory;

    (ii)  a guarantee from the Club’s Parent Undertaking or another company in the Club’s Group, provided that the Executive is satisfied that

    1)  the guaranteeing company is of sufficient standing; and

    2)  the terms of the guarantee are satisfactory;

    (iii)  a letter of credit from a Financial Institution of sufficient standing and an undertaking from the Club’s directors to The League to call on the letter of credit in default of the payments from the equity participant being made;

    (iv)  payments into an escrow account, to be paid to the Club on terms satisfactory to the Executive; or

    (v)  such other form of security as the Executive considers satisfactory; or

    (c)  such other form of secure funding as the Executive considers satisfactory.

  7. 10 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    That's fair

    But won't the cashflow (in part) depend on the amount of money we owe HMRC and that's based on the accounts the EFL need to sign off?

    Wouldn't Morris also need to know how much cash he can inject and stay within P&S regulations before he can make that promise too?

    yep and it is a key part of the EFL role to ensure that teams keep up HMRC payments.  I don't there will be a profit in the accounts that will affect HMRC in any way

    he can inject anything he wants to as long as it is capitalised and not a loan.  He may still owe us for the stadium and can repay that anytime he wants to .

  8. 1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

    Not that I'm aware of but I got the impression from one of his earlier posts that some people might be p***ed off with him.

    Maybe, and as I said it's totally none of our business and it's right we give him space, he has personal things that rightly take priority. Again, as I said on Saturday, I had to drop everything on Saturday (and miss the match) to be at the hospital with my mum for 11 hours (special dispensation given to allow visitors) so I know other things rightly take priority. I'd just like him to know that if the reason he's not posted his report is through fear as to how we will react then he should have nothing to worry about. 

    clearly, for me at least, the delays are down to the club and not David.

  9. 2 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    I fully confess to not being a financial wizard - But I don't understand how Morris could commit to funding the club for a year before the EFL have confirmed our accounting method is correct? If they ask us to change the accounting method again then it might be the difference of hundreds of thousands of pounds extra which he'd have to put in - Asking him to write a blank cheque at this point seems a bit odd/unfair?

    Feels quite chicken and egg to me - The EFL want Morris to say he'll support the club for the season but haven't given us the means to calculate how much that would cost him / whether it's feasible 

    I think the EFL want to know that the cashflow is secure to pay wages and creditors.  The other stuff is balance sheet in the main and is a different issue.  They want to avoid a club not being able to fulfill their fixtures because of the disruption it would cause.  as we have already started it seems a bit late to worry about it

  10. 1 hour ago, SFox1993 said:

    Won us a fairly important penalty final game of the season i seem to remember, wish people would give the lad a break tbh.

    I thought at the time though, that if they hadn't desperately chopped him down there was very little hope he would score.  Being very unkind but I can only  judge on what I had seen from him through the season.

  11. 36 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    In terms of the delay, I’d dn’t David say in his last post that it wasn’t the clubs fault?

    I know David must be wrestling with some challenges that are none of our business. It’s a shame we can’t convince him that we’re all friends (well, most of us) despite the occasional falling outs and the vast majority of us just want to see what he is able to report back before the judging the club on a) our current position and b) how they’ve handled this communication exercise. We shouldn’t be be judging David in any way. If the details he is able to provide amount to sweet FA (as looks like it may the case judging by that article from the Rams Trust) well it’s none David’s fault.

    If you read this David. Take care.

    has anybody been blaming David?  Seems bloody odd if so

  12. 1 hour ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Thanks for that. Am i right in thinking that we dont need PCR (only lateral flow) for getting on the plane unless the destination country needs it?

    Also do you have to register somewhere what will be your day 2? Reason for asking is because i got 2 return flights booked and not sure which one i will take.

    just done this in reverse, Gib UK Gib.  Much depends if you are double jabbed.  You must have details of your day 2 test on your passenger location form otherwise you will be stopped and denied entry.  It is a test before day 3 and you can arrange this at the arrival airport.  EMA has a cheaper drive through option, check their site.  Remember you need to comply with 2 countries' rules and there maybe a location form for the country you are visiting.  I spent more time filling forms than I was actually airborne and had 3 tests in 5 days

  13. 4 hours ago, rammieib said:

    We are slowing down a little on the vaccinations but the key is all those who need it have it.

    Step by step we’re just getting on with life. Politicians are wasting energy with the will they, won’t they on vaccine passports and in my eyes, just trying to coerce younger people into taking it. I don’t see a court ever allowing them to be honest.

    Still, I haven’t worn a mask since freedom day and neither have many others when I’ve been out. Went to an indoor play this morning, maybe 10% of parents were. Maybe 5% at the Derby game and that was mainly in the concourses.

    Basically in a few months the only person who will be is Eddie.

    I made a quick trip to UK last week, I am not sure what will happen to allow airports and airlines to allow people to travel who are not fully vaxed.  If you want to make a stand against masks and vaxes that is not a place to try it currently

  14. 11 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Missed something there. Are you saying that now that Morrison is our last signing whilst embargoed (who brings us up to 23 professional standing players) that Cashin and Thompson cannot play or just that they couldn't play before signing Morrison?

    agreed, that makes no sense, we don't have a cap on professional players as long as we dont try to register more new players.  the more we 'promote' the less likely it is that we can recruit jags as an example

  15. 18 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    In fairness, one game is certainly not enough to judge. Indeed, one game, plus preseason, isn't enough for the players themselves to implement the strategy perfectly.

    But of those who saw the game, either in person or from their holiday villa in Spain, could you discern the foundations for a pattern of play that the team are trying to fulfill?

    I'm pleased Rooney has said that having a preseason has enabled him to communicate the style that he wants the team to adopt. That's a better approach, IMHO, than just matching what the opposition do.

    So what were the signs? Were there any indicators?

    Play faster from the back? Long balls to the flanks? Intricate triangles from an interchanging front four? Possession football across the backline?

    (Thought of posting this on the matchday thread but that's just turned into a series of posts slamming Jozwiak).

    Not sure how he can be judged as he has been dealt a difficult hand.  He’s not really had the opportunity to change the squad compared to every other manager of DCFC in human memory.  He maybe krap I just don’t know how to assess success or failure

  16. 1 hour ago, Owen87ITK said:

    You can’t buy the rights to an individual game.

    No-one can show 3pm games in the UK.

    Sky Sports have the domestic package so if a game is picked for Sky, we can’t show it in the UK. 

    Pitch International have the overseas package, so if a game is picked there we can’t show it abroad except for countries that don’t have a broadcaster with an EFL deal, hence the dark markets.

    I think that covers everything !

    Not just picked, if they have the option even if they don’t show it, it is blacked out.  Very frustrating no the club’s fault just an odd result from broadcasters rights.

  17. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Who signs the contracts?

    normally 2 parties  ?

    any chance of a 3 pm screening of all the matches in the EPL?

    Don't be awkward Roy, you know the score, the EFL didn't get enuf money for the deal but they were never ever going to negotiate a deal that allowed uk res to access any game they wished and bypass the broadcaster that has bought the rights

  18. 5 minutes ago, RAM1966 said:

    Example 5 year contract play worth £1m deprecates at £200K a year at the end of the 5 year contract has a zero value.

    My understanding is we were not doing that I think we were perhaps depreciating at say £100k a year leaving a value of £500k at the end of the contract, that has to be considered as a residual value and that's where we differed from other clubs.

    I could be wrong but that's the way I understand it, anyone help?

    no they were carrying an estimated value at year 4 but wrote the rest off in year 5 down to zero

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