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Posts posted by Spanish

  1. 1 hour ago, Eatonram said:

    We’re they not already? Compliant with accounting standards but diverged from EFL rules and there is the problem? 


    1 hour ago, Rambalin said:

    They were and the EFL did not have a rule saying which method that should be used 

    We were fined and have to restate.  A professor of accounting said they were non compliant (some say that he had no practical experience and his opinions are worthless), DC1 and our auditors did not find our process to be non compliant.  It is all about the interpretation of normal accounting standards as arrived at by DC and LAP.

  2. 10 hours ago, Rambalin said:

    That's right but has nobody has any idea what the rules are because they change them on a whim, it would be interesting too see what would happen if they did. 




    Don’t think they have changed the rules they need to be compliant with accounting standards. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Honestly wouldn't surprise me if we're fine with straight-line amortization anyway, but we're insisting on submitting basically what we submitted before because it's a matter of principle now.

    hmm..   straightline accounts compliant but hang it, this is a point of 'principle', so we are happy to stay in embargo land as long as possible

  4. 7 minutes ago, David said:

    Just telling you how it is, do you think the moderators don't have enough to deal with as it is right now?

    As I say, not all Derby fans wish to talk with Forest fans, that's not why they joined this forum so when they are in a match topic discussing a defeat and you have a Forest fan coming on taking the pee, that usually leads to all kinds of profanity which then a mod has to clean up.

    I haven't just sat here and thought what new rule can I randomly create, it's been done for a reason. The alternative which is being considered is an away fans board on the forum. If they don't like it, they shouldn't have had a little more respect for where they were, their fault, not mine.

    the mods issue is something I didn't recognise and you are right because we can't be trusted to play nicely.

    I would like mr popadom or whatever it is really, to put his views over on this site but it would be a car crash wouldn't it.

  5. 7 minutes ago, tinman said:

    I know someone on here was going on about clubs launching their own Bitcoin thing. Villa have just done it. But it looks a rather pointless exercise. It’s suppose to drive fan engagement but you don’t get a say on anything useful. At best you might make a few quid, but on the field or off the field activities doesn’t really make much difference. 


    I used to collect Esso football coins

  6. 43 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    But aren't the likes of Watson and Hutchinson being included with the aim of raising the skill level in what otherwise has been quite a sterile midfield?

    are you not worried about whether bringing them in too soon will ultimately damage their development?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    What's apparent so far after the few games I've seen and which is different to last season when we had little/no creativity going forward and just the same outlet (Byrne) each game, is that Watson, Ebosole, Sibley and Hutchinson, as well as Ravel are looking to thread defence-splitting passes through the lines. Expect to see more of that...reminds me of the Will Hughes era. ?

    I tend to fear that throwing the kids into battle that is beyond them slowly stifles their joy of playing football.  Playing in a successful u23 and younger side gives them freedom to express their skills.  not sure how best to manage them but I'm not being paid millions for doing so.  Not convinced that the old phrase of if they a good enough they are old enough when playing in s ide short on skill and confidence

  8. 7 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I don't think 12 certificates were a thing for long time, it went from PG to 15 they only brought in 12 and 12a later, and Jaws was deffo a PG.

    Alien - gennuinly terrifying.

    Airplane! - ok the years have dated it a bit, but oh my god the first time i saw that I was in pain from too much laughing.

    The Goonies.

    Jurrasic Park - again the CGI might be dated now, but it was magical when it was in cinimas.




    on a similar stance, Raiders of the lost ark,  saw it in a small cinema in IOM and it was awesome.  not the same now, still great but.....

  9. 19 hours ago, SillyBilly said:

    No idea what the policy is these days but this sort of general intrusion is one of many a reason why I increasingly buy less things, full stop. Albeit I am clearly in a very small minority; I am the tin foil hatter type that will use cash as long as I am "allowed" and wherever I can. Increasingly you are looked on as a leper when using cash and this was pre-COVID, let alone since. 

    I had a standoff in Currys before now where I couldn't buy something without giving my name and address (for a warranty I didn't even want you understand); we agreed with management in earshot to settle on a fake identity just so the system could be populated and the transaction to go through. Last time I went in there too. I will be sufficiently condescending to remind those in total favour of personal data mining (for security, safety, whatever reasons) that the sort of society they wanted is the sort of society they deserve. 


    you are chris samuelson and I claim my £5

  10. 3 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I think the intention was genuinly good. Just the execution of it and the communication after it has been, i'll say, "sub-optimal".

    What do fans want to know? Well, all kinds of things that it would be inadvisable to put into the public domain. So, tell some but they can't tell anyone else (under a legal NDA) or just don't tell them at all. It really sucks.

    Then we're going onto trying to read subtexts, impressions of how someone felt it went based of a tweet etc etc.

    I don't think anyone is going to feel great about it until there is resolution.

    from a distance it looks like Mel entered the dressing again to vent his frustrations.  Add that to the weeping evidence to DC1 about the EFL being beastly to him

  11. 10 minutes ago, ImARam2 said:

    Why should Derby County inform the supporters of anything that might be confidential to their negotiations with a buyer or investors, as well as the complex issues with the EFL?

    If they were to issue some details of those negotiations, and it was then misconstrued through the social media platforms which many people use to spread rumour and untruth, then all of those matters would collapse into chaos and repercussions.

    If I was running any business, from a football club to a corner shop, and I was negotiating a buy-out, or having to deal with an accountancy issue which could end up in a court of law, then I would refuse to tell anyone until the matters were resolved.

    The fans do not own the club. The fans do not have any shareholding in the club.

    All we are asked to do is to pay for a ticket, be it on a match-to-match basis, or by season ticket, where we get some discount. If we don't like what's going on, we can either grin and bear it (like we're doing at the present), or don't attend and save your money.

    I thought this was supposed to be a comms exercise by the club to improve relationships.  Failed abysmally, I agree the rights of the supporters must be limited but really, was this yet another venting exercise from our great leader?

  12. On 09/08/2021 at 08:46, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Jim Wheeler has basically written exactly what he paraphrased in his interviews last week.

    We wait to see David’s minutes for balance but from what has been said, and the cryptic tweets of a sun journo who seems to have “some” (only some) insight as to the EFL situation and how it’s affecting transfers, the main thing that has come out is Mel isn’t willing to (or at least won’t commit to at this point) backing the club for the remainder of this season. This could be because it would prejudice ongoing negotiations if he came out and said this which is a fair position.

    While he’s made mistakes Mel has in recent years had my backing (or I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt at least) on the basis that he stands behind those mistakes until he passes over his custodianship to someone else. However I’m now for the first time questioning whether he will stand behind his mistakes which is concerning.

    We will see with how quickly the embargo is lifted as to whether that is the case. If as Nixon seems to be indicating the current hurdle is the EFL want proof Mel will see through the season if he can’t sell the club, that seems a reasonable and responsible request from the EFL to me. 

    I think some posters have been premature to say he’s ruined the club, but he could still ruin it and I think we will find out soon enough. Let’s hope not!!

    Good on you with your support (I mean it), but I'm not sure what he has done to garner such loyalty.  I can't see a single thing worthwhile that he has done and the debacle of the 'meeting' just adds to my fears.

    No ground, not paying HMRC, under embargo, survived relegation by the skin of our teeth, not allowed to bring in players (maybe a money issue not just embargo), the club having no real identity apart from being associated with problems.  It is awful, awful, awful

    if we were owned by a foreigner the pitchforks would be out long ago.

  13. 7 hours ago, Stagtime said:

    Top video, amazing how much of that reminds of Queensland. We were booked to go over there next week but they have shut the border?so we’re going to Melbourne in a couple of weeks and then to Tasmania early October. Our year has been a bit like that, traveled everywhere from the Snowy Mountains down south up to the tropics in Far North Qld a few times. Makes you realise how lucky we’ve been. It’s been the one upside of not being able to go OS it’s been able to finally travel around Oz.?

    That was a year of travelling south to north on both islands, making the best out of the situation

  14. 1 minute ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    But we knew he’s been dealing with Samuelson, who has been in football for years built a decent standing and successfully brokered deals for Reading and Villa. Samuelson is the story and he’s in massive trouble now.

    Mel is a target because he’s made it clear he wants out. I think it shows how easy it is to be the victim of criminal wrongdoing in this situation, why should we see him a different light? Enlighten me? Or do I need to watch it (I will watch it)

    I don’t think he looks now like the guy who would never sell the club down the river.  I am very worried about the state of the club and it’s relationship with efl and I don’t believe these revelations will have helped us.  If he wasn’t one of our own I imagine he wouldn’t be getting the support he is getting

  15. 2 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

    Dave is hardly in a win win situation here.

    I'm glad he went & i don't blame him. We'd all go given half the chance. Were all nosey enough to want to know whats going on. Its like a drama series supporting Derby 

    If he didn't go he'd be getting abuse by some helmets on here for not finding out whats going on. Also he doesn't post min by min live updates from the fans Forum with mel he also gets tagged in posts & people demand updates thinking he's mels yes man paid in sausage sandwiches 

    Its good that the forum have a representative that can attend. Its not daves fault if can or can't post updates. Its the clubs. 

    Personally I'm not bothered if the updates never get posted on here. Its a bloody good forum & i enjoy coming on here. If stuff can't be said then so be it & protecting the forum from liable is the main thing ? 

    Honestly some of the stick david gets on here i wouldn't blame him for packing the forum in. Doesn't deserve it. Imagine running a forum for fans to enjoy, vent after games and lock horns over different opinions from signings to tactics. Then for the pleasure get some stick  

    Who is giving him stick makes no sense

  16. 4 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Here we go. People whipping themselves into a frenzy. I’ll watch it but reading the article doesn’t seem like he’s done anything wrong to me. Shows how easily football owners looking to get out can be exploited, Derby and Mel were nearly victims. That’s the main story.

    You don’t think this shows Mel in a different light?

  17. 36 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I've just listened to a bit of the advanced audio. I thought it was interesting that clearly A) he appeared desperate to sell given they contacted the 'interested party' even after he pulled out but b) is it just me who thought the asking price was a tad high? 100 million quid including the stadium for a second division club?  I might have heard it wrong as was doing some writing as listening but maybe this is why we haven't had serious buyers as of yet because he's sticking by a high valuation for a club that's in the toilet. 

    I'm not a financial expert of any kind either but the part about Mel wanting loans being paid back over a long period of time rather than in one go, doesn't that contradict previous interviews where he's stated the money he's sunk in he's never getting back? Or is he simply discussing writing them off over time as opposed to one go? 

    Hardly selling it for a £1.  Buyer needs to find 140m just to get to the starting line and what about PP

  18. 51 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    In simple terms...

    Mel's loans were made to the parent company.

    The parent company invested in DCFC as share capital.

    Mel will be selling the parent company shares, which puts DCFC under new ultimate ownership.

    Where does this fit with related party transactions.  Can’t see how we will be escape embargo in this environment

  19. 5 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Investors are not purchasers, for your further information they are investors, also any SPA would have a clause that the club was debt free at the point of signing that SPA.

    Selling the club does not circumvent FFP, in fact if it was sold debt free that would render FFP non applicable.

    Your faux outrage at everything to do with the club is very boring.

    What debts do we owe Mel?  I thought he had injected capital?  Doesn’t he owe the club a wedge for PP?

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