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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. On 28/07/2023 at 09:16, cstand said:

    Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
    After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

    I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

    Maybe a store of value to some people though.


    This just adds support to btc quite honestly

    the btc blockchain is fully viewable by any person anywhere in the world.

    it is totally transparent and traceable so any transaction can be viewed.

    The fact they used crypto to try and hide their gains is more the fool them.

    it would have been a very easy case for the prosecution

    they would have been much better advised trying to hide their monies in regular paper fiat 


  2. 5 hours ago, cstand said:

    Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
    After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

    I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

    Maybe a store of value to some people though.


    It is a store of value. Just ask 2 of the 3 biggest investment hedgefunds in the world.(black rock and fidelity) 

    Its dropped from 69 to 15k…. Its back up to 30k already and were well before the halving.

    Its also gone from 3k to 19k,  if u bought 8 years ago…. If u bought even further back then ur laughing

    its a store of value that cant be manipilated, exploited or controlled 

    unlike our own fiat currencies that are in the control by a privileged few to the detriment to the rest of us.

    if u watch that video of saylor he explains exactly why it will continue to increase in value against our rapidly diluted currencies 


  3. 18 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I'd have Michael Forsyth ahead of Dorigo.  Good going forward but a fanny of a defender.  He was consistent for the 7 years or so he was here as well.  


    Time at derby for sure, agree 

    quality on the ball though theyre poles apart, 15 caps for england at a time where There was some very clear favourites in that department suggests he wasnt a bad defender 


  4. 4 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

    Yeah bought a round for me and the Mrs in the Crystal Palace last Saturday. She had a double Bacardi and coke and I had a pint of London Pride. £17.50

    Jesus h christ 

    2004 u coukd still go places and get a £1 pint happy hour 

    for more infomation on how to beat inflation please visit the My World of crypto thread on here

    ts and cs apply, not financial advice, ur capital maybe at risk etc etc 


    a shameless plug lol

  5. 20 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Not really.  He openly stated he spoke to the Huddersfield manager after we played them to see if he could get a move.  The fact he was s**** and someone was happy to pay meant we were delighted to get him out the door.  Would have been a different story for someone else.   We sold a player in 200* who I know well who advised the club that an approach had been made to him after a deal had been sorted .  Said club then paid more to avoid the situation becoming public.  Happens more than you think.  We had the TUPE brothers last year for starters.


    his representatives would not have been allowed to speak to huds had derby not given them permission 

    End of story

    otherwise its an illegal approach 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    You should have had a word with them when they signed Holmes a month before they signed him. 

    If he was under contract derby would have had to have granted them permission to speak to him.. them the rules 

    anything else is tittle tattle and speculation

  7. Feel free to move or delete this admin, not sure if its already been posted, just couldnt see it.

    Thought the big man deserved his own thread for his game and not just have it crambed in amongst all the other meaningless pre season fixtures.

    10 years is incredible in this day an age, two horrible injuries and when u think, “ thats fozzy done - thinking that sheff wednesday game when he had a pig of a game… he bounce's back better than ever.

    Will always be remembered fondly but “that” season under mac mk1 he was absolutely sublime. His first time low crosses were an absolute thing of beauty and is half the reason chrissy martin got as many as he did. He must have been a centre forwards dream to play with

    hope it goes well for him and theres a good turn out

    thanks for the memories foz 🐏🐏

  8. 9 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Just because we're interested or even agreed a deal with Rhodes, until an agreement is reached between the 2 clubs he is always going to continue training with them, he is their player, so why wouldn't he? The same as Knight continuing to train with us until a deal was agreed with Bristol City. To think a player stops training all because a team wants them or a deal is close is ridiculous.

    It seems that the hold up in the deal is that we're waiting for Huddersfield to sign a striker before letting Rhodes go, it is quite obvious he isn't in Warnock's plans for the season. He may even play in their next friendly, it still doesn't mean a deal isn't close. Collins played for Cardiff in a preseason game a few days before joining us even though it was widely reported we were close to signing him.

    Im pretty confident we would have to have met huds valuation of him to be granted permission to speak to him.

    the only way we could circumnavigate that is if he was out of contract or had only 6 months left … which neither is the case 

    We cant just go and speak to an under contract player from another club without their permission… which usually comes about by meeting their valuation of him


  9. On 18/07/2023 at 00:20, sage said:

    There was talk of a relaxation of the business plan and small fees being paid out, but having raised maybe £2m to £2.5m in sales and 11 people leaving Inc end of loans, we don't seem to be upping the ante at all.

    I'm not suggesting MM style frittering but I was hoping for a couple of real upgrades. 

    We didnt have a budget last year 

    so yes it is lol

  10. 51 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Nothing to do with how he arrived, he was just genuinely bloody awful in his first season.

    While it wasn't his fault he was brought into a club who'd clearly not watched him play the season before and proceeded to throw him into a completely different role, it absolutely was his fault that he constantly made stupid decisions by not understanding his own limitations as a footballer, which saw him lose possession and put his own team in danger an ungodly amount of times, whilst repeatedly failing to track his man defensively to the point that whenever he was on the pitch he posed more danger to his own team than the opposition (sometimes literally, with a few of the hospital passes!)

    McLaren came in and managed to simplify things for him, and when we had that good run he played his part well... then the bad run came and started to go back toward being the frustrating player who'd earlier stank up the place. Thankfully, he never got there and in came Rowett.

    He was decent enough from then-on, once he'd come to understand the things he couldn't do; never brilliant but a good squad player who'd recovered from a terrible start and repaired his reputation.

    Very happy to see him back in his new role.

    He came to us on the back of a promotion with norwich where somehow they sold us the notion he was a wide left.

    he was neither quick, tricky or could put in a good ball.

    we eventually reinvented him centrally where his physical power was made use of

    but jesus it was a lot of money for a bit of muscle in the middle of the park, when other teams were picking up as good and better for way way less 

  11. Was never a fan of him as a player and never struck me as the most intelligent player.

    competitive sure , strong yer, could shield the back line well enough, not with the know how that johnny eustace would or the grace the gorgeous george did. But he was ok after we realised he was crap as a left half. 

    makes me wonder why we binned off daz waz 


  12. 2 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    Think it’s worth pointing out that we are seemingly moving away from a formation that is 1 striker to playing with 2, which means we need more bodies up there then we’ve been used to for two decades now! It’s moving away from strikers being part of the build up play through the middle and moving towards getting the ball into the box from out wide. You need players who are positionally smart and do their work inside the box.

    Im ok with it, still room for two more as well!

    Take a bow son, excellent point and post 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  13. Enjoyable watch

    bardell looks a v v promising young player

    thought wilson looked miles off it but to be expected. Thompson was v tidy and industrious and found it insightful that warne was literally berating the opposite side and midfielders to get into the box when the ball when out to a flank.

    some good and some bad.. but he knows what we need and friendlies are all about learning for both players and management 

  14. 1 minute ago, Rampant said:

    Derby vs Salford today.....kick off in under an hour at 1100 apparently. 

    Just bumping this thread in the hope that somebody who is watching the match can update the forum on line ups, score etc.

    I was literally about to post a seperate new topic in the hope Of the same 👍👏🏻

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