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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You are kidding right? We actually passed the ball about in the first half. What we got in the second half was more aimless balls high into the box and 5 at the back! 😄

    Was clearly a 3 5 2 

    think i even saw cashin popping up on the left wing spot a few times 

  2. 1 minute ago, The Last Post said:

    Obviously not seen the penalty...but your comment "it's a penalty in todays game" is where we are unfortunately, Any semblance of a touch or near touch then the player goes down...a sad reflection on where football has gone...imo

    Yep.. some numpties on here need to realise this 

  3. That was about as low on quality and composure as i think iv seen in a game of football.

    iv seen worst performances but in terms of lack of quality from derby thats about as s*** as it gets

    not pinning that on warne , players need to step up and be counted, 

    must be better derby that was s**** 

    still looking to see wtf the fuss is about sibley will hughes he aint

  4. Lets not sugar coat this 

    our passing has literally been bloody shocking.. like if i was losing the ball in a kick around with my mates like we’re turning over possession id be gutted never mind in a professional game of football

    shocking, players need to wake up

    and fozzy, is having one of his 2 a season absolute shockers with the ball  

  5. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:



    I was referring to the tweet that turned out not to be the one you meant 😂


    Apologies lol

    i dont think it’ll legal tender in the west anytime soon. Maybe countries like argentina and el salvador  that are being held to ransom to the US dollar 

    its a scenario that we pretty sheltered from 

  6. On 07/12/2023 at 17:30, cstand said:

    Bitcoin v Gold.

    Love this video Pomp v Shiff. Two years old.

    Pomp loves Bitcoin. Shiff loves gold.

    Loads of banter even though they disagree with each other which is exactly how life should be today. 


    These are brilliant.. banter and united in the recognition that fiat money is a scam / way of keeping us all poor

  7. On 06/12/2023 at 09:41, Stive Pesley said:

    It's understandable that people are sick of the crippling inflation on the peso, and will be desperate enough to vote in a populist far-right leader who promises to tear it all down and start again, but you'd have to be a special type of idiot to think that moving to BTC as legal tender will give "the people" the stability they want.

    The crypto bros will be rubbing their hands in glee at the idea of a nation with an adult population of 30 million, suddenly trying to buy up as much BTC as they can.






    No one said anything about bitcoin becoming legal tender.

    its seen as a store of value and a hedge against inflation. Hence why greyscale, fidelity and co are desperate to be able to offer it to their customers as part of an inflation beating portfollio… cos lets not muck about .. not a lot does right now 

  8. On 05/12/2023 at 18:57, Stive Pesley said:

    the tweet doesn't exist - but the account does. Is it this that you were linking to @NottsRam77


    Mmm thats weird

    no wasnt that, was bitcoin / crypto being discussed in parliment. Forger the chaps name but an mp calling for the uk to embrace the space as a source lf innovation … and potential tax revenues 

  9. 3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    This is $ though right - not £?

    Anyway - i read that there are 50 million unique Bitcoin addresses that hold a non-zero balance, and around 19.6 million BTC in circulation

    So that's an average of 0.39 BTC per holder (in reality that's not going to be close to true as I think the majority of those 50 million addresses will only hold small amounts, and a small number will hold huge amounts...but anyway - even at 0.39 BTC as an average, that means the average wallet is worth $15,600 (or just over £12k). That figure surprised me as the way the cryptobros talk I assumed we were talking values of several 100k 

    Its in dollars yes 

    in terms of wallet size and value .. one everyones definition of a lot varies

    if i can wack a load off my mortgage thats a big fat win for me 

    others may want to to walk away as millionaires .. who knows its all relative 

    Re 40k … imo weve not even begun 

    halving still 5 months away and etf expected jan 

    My expected exit point will be circa mid 2025 , but who knows 

    not financial advice .. just sharing for s**** and giggles 

  10. Just crossed 40k .. highest price in 18 months and still 5 months til halving 

    Who knows with the impending etf approval in jan but expecting a december sell off but pretty safe to say the bear market is over

    with pending etf approval soo

    19k (start of this thread) seems a long time ago 😉 

  11. 7 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

    Yeah agree we haven’t got much option. Feel like we’re missing that magic in the middle but can’t see us pursuing that kind of player until Hourihane has gone.

    I thought albeit briefly but embleton gave us a little more energy and movement higher up the pitch… but then obviously got crocked

    warne will know what we need , its just a case of can we get it 

  12. 5 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Yeah I'm not complaining 👍

    I said months ago that if we can get into the top 6 by Christmas we'll be an attractive proposition for players that want to come in for a promotion push.  Last season we lost out due to still being under EFL restrictions, all the teams around us strengthened and we ran out of stamina. 

    We've got some money this season and hopefully this season we've identified some players that can get us into the top 2.

    100% this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  13. 4 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Yeah I'm not complaining 👍

    I said months ago that if we can get into the top 6 by Christmas we'll be an attractive proposition for players that want to come in for a promotion push.  Last season we lost out due to still being under EFL restrictions, all the teams around us strengthened and we ran out of stamina. 

    We've got some money this season and hopefully this season we've identified some players that can get us into the top 2.

    Sorry wasnt having a pop at u .. when i said people , meant in general 👍

  14. 5 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    Rubbish first half. Seriously rubbish, the only positive was the B4 applause. I heard a lot of people talking about him around me in the ground and it was actually a very emotional experience.

    Second half was better, but Rovers were dire throughout which helped. I don’t want to call Korey Smith a scapegoat because my interpretation of the word is someone who undeservedly gets singled out for criticism. Cutting him for Fornah made the world of difference. We wouldn’t have 3 points without Fornah. Likewise, I thought Wilson was positive and had a good performance off the bench, so credit to Warne for the changes, but before that the entire game was dire.

    Did we deserve the 3 points? Maybe, just. But only because Rovers came for a point and weren’t really very good in trying for it.

    We’re six points off autos, but we are going to have to improve a lot before we  get there.

    Agree with that 

    one thing that does intrigue me 

    The number of times i see on here “derby won , but so and so were rubbish” 

    not a dig at u .. but at what point do we give our lads credit for making them look rubbish.

    pressing , harrying them, being physical, out running them , winning challenges, getting in tight .. for too long these were things we didnt do which makes other team look bad.

    while the football is crap, there is an ugly side to the game that allows u to win football matches

    obviously we all want the football to he 200 times better but i think we do the lads a little dis service sometimes


  15. 15 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Despite some forum users sharpening their knives with a couple of minutes to go, it ended up being a good day at the office 🙂

    Yeah the performances still aren't there, but we're in the top six, 6pts off the autos and making noises about January transfers - a better transfer window than last January could see us do well this season.

    And Forest scored 2 and still lost at home.  Good day all round 😛 

    U say that… but last home game we destroyed Barnsley

    some people have selective short memories 

    Weve been v v average yet 6th spot, 6 points off top two and the gaffer will be able to strengthan in jan 

    Were the big fish in this league and teams will be out to do us, the whole town come out when derby are in town fact… leeds had it, wendies had it 

    Its other clubs big day out so its not been plain sailing , far from it especially when they come to PP (today being a perfect example) 

    but despite being underwhelming were sat v v nicely ready for a second half of the season push



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