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  1. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    When he's on the pitch I'd like to see Collo actually try to compete for high balls, even if he knows he's not going to get the ball. It puts the defender under pressure and will lead to mistakes which might give another Derby player the chance to create something...
  2. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from TomG in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    As long as Posh don't win at Barnsley our result on Sunday is irrelevant, we'll be in the playoffs.
  3. Haha
    MadAmster got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Best Club badge - ever?   
    Always thought theirs should be more of a 

  4. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Best Club badge - ever?   
    It has gone through changes over the years but the original designer said 11, for the reason I stated earlier.
  5. Haha
    MadAmster reacted to sage in Next season   
    Well, with respect, you have made quite a strong position on this without having checked the pertinent facts beforehand.
    Luckily that kind of thinking couldn't happen on a national scale and hamstring a country's economy...oh wait
  6. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Next season   
    Not aware that there is a 2 year limit on contracts. Not saying you're wrong but I haven't read anywhere that there's a 2 year limit. The only young uns we got in were loans so they'd, logically, be half a season or season long. The others we brought in were all 30+ except for Barks who was 29. Considering the age of the incoming players, surely, 1 or 2 year contracts is eminently sensible and is, as far as I am aware, of DCFC's choosing.
    Not being privy to the make up of the skeleton I don't know who decided no transfer fees. I do know that the requirements from the EFL are that the 2 year business plan has to be  sustainable, realistic and not budgeting to make a loss. Last summer the club could only guess at what the season's income might be. They erred on the side of caution and there is an £8M limit on spending this season. If we've kept within that and made a decent profit... maybe we'll be allowed to spend small amount next season.
  7. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Next season   
    Yes, there's a skeleton blueprint. The meat on the bones is supplied by the club. Transfer restrictions? Yes there have to be some but you decide what you think reasonable and the EFL agrees or it disagrees. Wage cap idem ditto. If there's a disparity between what the club puts in the plan and what the EFL thinks, you negotiate. It is my understanding that the plan David Clowes wrote was accepted at the  first time of asking by the EFL.
  8. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Kathcairns in Best Club badge - ever?   
    Did you know that the Ram in the logo consists of 11 lines? One for each player in a side.
  9. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from 21CSchizoidRam in Best Club badge - ever?   
    Did you know that the Ram in the logo consists of 11 lines? One for each player in a side.
  10. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Crewton in Best Club badge - ever?   
    Did you know that the Ram in the logo consists of 11 lines? One for each player in a side.
  11. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Next season   
    I keep reading posts online that DCFC agreed to the EFL business plan. Wrong. DCFC wrote a business plan to which the EFL agreed.
  12. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    Not numpties kev lad. Being abusive to a ref is a card. It falls under "dissent by word or action". It's just one of the many (parts of) Laws that refs don't, or hardly ever, make use of. Ergo, the numpties are the refs for not enforcing the Laws, not folk like you who wonder why a card and/or free kick hasn't been given when, according to the Laws of the game, it should have been.
    Then there's the several ways  of preventing a free kick, corner or throw in being taken quickly. Players being hurt and off the field and then crawling back on. Even Fozzy did it recently. It's a yellow but doesn't tend to get given.
    I have a fair few pet peeves about things refs don't do which the Laws say they should. I emailed Howard Webb at PGMOL recently listing them and asking why they aren't enforced. I also explained that enforcement would lead to the ball being in play more and thus add to fans' enjoyment. Not surprisingly I haven't had a reply.
  13. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Asanovic70 in Next season   
    I keep reading posts online that DCFC agreed to the EFL business plan. Wrong. DCFC wrote a business plan to which the EFL agreed.
  14. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Ellafella in Run in to play offs...   
    Posh have Ipswich (H), Bristol Rovers (H) and Barnsley (A)
    We have Burton (H) Pompey (H) and Wendy (A)
    I give Posh 3 points from that. We need 4 to go ahead of them. That would also see Wycombe needing 3 wins (Lincoln and Cheltenham (H) and Pompey (A) ) to pass both of us. Beat both Burton and Pompey and we're there. Easy to write, harder to complete.
    A hatful against Burton would also see us gain a better GD than Posh.
    Quietly confident we'll make the playoffs. Warne says if we get into them we'll win them. 
    If we get the chance to go up, we take it. Simple. 
    Promotion itself will not give us a pointer to how we might perform next season in the SBC.  We have no idea who PW wants to keep, who he will sell, who he will give away. We have no idea if the planned EFL review of the business plan will see restrictions eased. I don't think they'll be lifted. Promotion first and then approach next season second. Rosenior put together a squad that has competed. Given the time he had, hardly anybody expected us to be where we are. 3 (or 5 or 6) games to go and promotion is still a possibility. I had expected midtable obscurity so I'm well happy. No saying Warne can't do the same in the SBC but this time with a full pre season. No next season predictions from me until we see what the squad looks like.
  15. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Is PP becoming second rate?   
    10 minute walk from the Alex and the Brunny. Good enough for me. Couple in there and then another 5 minute hike to the Telegraph for another one or two and then on to the Neppy. Cultural and social excellence. After the Neppy on to the Viceroy for a curry and then a small wander back to the hotel. 
  16. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from GangwayD in Free agents in the summer   
    Deeney will be 35 in June. No thanks. Ash Barnes might be a good shout but his wages might be prohibitive.
    Whoever we get in, we have to get them in for the right reasons. Namely, they can do a job we want doing and we play to their strengths. No more buying a Centre Forward and then play him on the left wing or buying a player who score rucks of goals from knockdowns and flicks on from his strike partner and using pace to latch on to through balls and then play him as a target man. That's what we did with Hales. Zak would not be the hero is today if we'd got him to play the O'Hare role. Horses for courses please, not more square pegs in round holes.
  17. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from DavesaRam in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    When I ref I visit both dressing rooms pre match and tell the teams what I expect of them and what they may expect of me. I also tell them what I, absolutely, will not accept. I deliver on what I say. Never any problems. Why? Because I tell what I'm going to do and then do it. 
    A couple of seasons ago, I gave a penalty. The defending team got uppity. Their skipper shouted "calm down, I'll ask the question in a civil manner". He did. I then explained what I'd seen (said pre match I would if asked properly). He looked at me and said "if that's what you saw then it's a penalty". He informed his players that the decision was correct and the penalty was duly scored. 
    O leave players in no uncertainty as to how I intend to handle the game and what will happen if they get verbally or physically abusive. Only ever handed out 2 red cards. One for the last defender chopping down the attacker and the other was for a "tackle" that would have seen the perpetrator get 6 months inside had the violence occurred on the street. Say what you'll do and then do as you said. Players don't have a leg to stand on. Love football but hate players' attitudes.
  18. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from archram in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    When I ref I visit both dressing rooms pre match and tell the teams what I expect of them and what they may expect of me. I also tell them what I, absolutely, will not accept. I deliver on what I say. Never any problems. Why? Because I tell what I'm going to do and then do it. 
    A couple of seasons ago, I gave a penalty. The defending team got uppity. Their skipper shouted "calm down, I'll ask the question in a civil manner". He did. I then explained what I'd seen (said pre match I would if asked properly). He looked at me and said "if that's what you saw then it's a penalty". He informed his players that the decision was correct and the penalty was duly scored. 
    O leave players in no uncertainty as to how I intend to handle the game and what will happen if they get verbally or physically abusive. Only ever handed out 2 red cards. One for the last defender chopping down the attacker and the other was for a "tackle" that would have seen the perpetrator get 6 months inside had the violence occurred on the street. Say what you'll do and then do as you said. Players don't have a leg to stand on. Love football but hate players' attitudes.
  19. COYR
    MadAmster got a reaction from Premier ram in Run in to play offs...   
    Posh have Ipswich (H), Bristol Rovers (H) and Barnsley (A)
    We have Burton (H) Pompey (H) and Wendy (A)
    I give Posh 3 points from that. We need 4 to go ahead of them. That would also see Wycombe needing 3 wins (Lincoln and Cheltenham (H) and Pompey (A) ) to pass both of us. Beat both Burton and Pompey and we're there. Easy to write, harder to complete.
    A hatful against Burton would also see us gain a better GD than Posh.
    Quietly confident we'll make the playoffs. Warne says if we get into them we'll win them. 
    If we get the chance to go up, we take it. Simple. 
    Promotion itself will not give us a pointer to how we might perform next season in the SBC.  We have no idea who PW wants to keep, who he will sell, who he will give away. We have no idea if the planned EFL review of the business plan will see restrictions eased. I don't think they'll be lifted. Promotion first and then approach next season second. Rosenior put together a squad that has competed. Given the time he had, hardly anybody expected us to be where we are. 3 (or 5 or 6) games to go and promotion is still a possibility. I had expected midtable obscurity so I'm well happy. No saying Warne can't do the same in the SBC but this time with a full pre season. No next season predictions from me until we see what the squad looks like.
  20. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Crewton in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    When I ref I visit both dressing rooms pre match and tell the teams what I expect of them and what they may expect of me. I also tell them what I, absolutely, will not accept. I deliver on what I say. Never any problems. Why? Because I tell what I'm going to do and then do it. 
    A couple of seasons ago, I gave a penalty. The defending team got uppity. Their skipper shouted "calm down, I'll ask the question in a civil manner". He did. I then explained what I'd seen (said pre match I would if asked properly). He looked at me and said "if that's what you saw then it's a penalty". He informed his players that the decision was correct and the penalty was duly scored. 
    O leave players in no uncertainty as to how I intend to handle the game and what will happen if they get verbally or physically abusive. Only ever handed out 2 red cards. One for the last defender chopping down the attacker and the other was for a "tackle" that would have seen the perpetrator get 6 months inside had the violence occurred on the street. Say what you'll do and then do as you said. Players don't have a leg to stand on. Love football but hate players' attitudes.
  21. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from jono in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    When I ref I visit both dressing rooms pre match and tell the teams what I expect of them and what they may expect of me. I also tell them what I, absolutely, will not accept. I deliver on what I say. Never any problems. Why? Because I tell what I'm going to do and then do it. 
    A couple of seasons ago, I gave a penalty. The defending team got uppity. Their skipper shouted "calm down, I'll ask the question in a civil manner". He did. I then explained what I'd seen (said pre match I would if asked properly). He looked at me and said "if that's what you saw then it's a penalty". He informed his players that the decision was correct and the penalty was duly scored. 
    O leave players in no uncertainty as to how I intend to handle the game and what will happen if they get verbally or physically abusive. Only ever handed out 2 red cards. One for the last defender chopping down the attacker and the other was for a "tackle" that would have seen the perpetrator get 6 months inside had the violence occurred on the street. Say what you'll do and then do as you said. Players don't have a leg to stand on. Love football but hate players' attitudes.
  22. COYR
    MadAmster got a reaction from Jortat in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    Posh have what looks like an easy ride this evening at Accrington. After that it's Ipswich, Bristol Rover and Barnsley. I see them getting between 4 and 6 points from their last 4. That leaves us wanting between 6 and 8 points from 4 games if we don't improve our GD which is 1 less than theirs. Can we do it? It's a hard ask but we are Derby and we never do things the easy way. 
    We have to beat Exeter and Burton and get a point off Pompey. All achievable you'd think but we have just 5 points from the last 5 games. Edge of the seat stuff again. Would we have it any other way?
  23. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from ram59 in Referees   
    In fairness, most of the refs have been poor. Rebecca Welch is probably the best we've had. 
  24. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Kathcairns in Referees   
    In fairness, most of the refs have been poor. Rebecca Welch is probably the best we've had. 
  25. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Referees   
    In fairness, most of the refs have been poor. Rebecca Welch is probably the best we've had. 
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