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Kayden Jackson - signed on a 2 year deal

Jimbo Ram

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Just now, Millenniumram said:

I get that squad depth is important, I’ve made that point myself many times before, and I understand Jackson will likely not be a regular starter. But I think you’re neglecting a bit the step up in quality between League One and the Championship. We need to see a significant improvement in our starting 11 if we’re going to survive - We should be recruiting improvements on our regular starters from last season, so that they then get regelated to being squad players at this higher level. That’s how you successfully step up a division. 

There’s plenty of the window left so maybe things will improve, but at the moment I’m not too optimistic for the season based on the players we’re being heavily linked with. Feels very much like we’re recruiting for another season in League One, rather than one in the Championship.

As for the rest of your comment… absolute rubbish. Are we only allowed to post positive comments on here? Not allowed to express any doubts? I know certain posters like you would rather this was an a go chamber where everyone was a happy clapper and agreed with you, but that ain’t what a forum is for. I will keep expressing my concerns where I have them, thank you very much. 

He was good enough for a side that got automatic promotion in the Championship as a squad player. The idea it's a "league one" signing is just you playing the role of antagonist yet again and being extreme. It's massively tedious.

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13 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

Genuine question, why are we assuming he's been signed to do so? Maybe he's seen as a pacey alternative to NML on the right flank? In which case you'd measure his success on metrics other than goals.

It's just idle speculation, not to be taken seriously. I'm happy to admit I know f*** all, but that would apply to 99% of posters here. Jackson's been used quite a bit at RW and I assume NML will be first choice, but lord knows he needed some rest last season!

Given that we're supposed to be in for Yates, who seems to be more of an out-and-out CF with a better goal-scoring record at this level, I assume Jackson will be an option for RW/CF and not first-choice. But we'll see. His stats, and Ipswich fan comments, suggest he's a solid, hard-working pro, which counts for a lot. Plus, he's got a great fitness record, which will be a big upgrade.

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Just now, Gabby'sThighs said:

It's just idle speculation, not to be taken seriously. I'm happy to admit I know f*** all, but that would apply to 99% of posters here. Jackson's been used quite a bit at RW and I assume NML will be first choice, but lord knows he needed some rest last season!

Given that we're supposed to be in for Yates, who seems to be more of an out-and-out CF with a better goal-scoring record at this level, I assume Jackson will be an option for RW/CF and not first-choice. But we'll see. His stats, and Ipswich fan comments, suggest he's a solid, hard-working pro, which counts for a lot. Plus, he's got a great fitness record, which will be a big upgrade.

need a rotation of forward players to allow for form and injuries, for sure. I suspect we may even get one more, and/or someone that could be more central too (Dembele? Please?).

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10 minutes ago, Andicis said:

I always find the reaction of the fans of the former team very telling about a player, and Ipswich fans have on the whole been very complimentary. I think this will be a good signing.

Me too! On the DCFC Facebook page announcing the signing there are loads of positive comments from Ipswich fans praising him and wishing him good luck and happy he's signing for a "big club". And he's a great guy to have around the club apparently! Very happy with this signing.

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5 minutes ago, Patrick Rams said:

Really? Well on the DCFC Facebook page there is literally dozens of positive comments from Ipswich fans praising him and are so pleased he's joining a "big club"!. In fact I've never read such complimentary comments about a departing player from fans of his previous club. Not just about his playing abilities but how he's a great guy and a pleasure to have around the club.Very pleased with this signing.

Indeed, and I’m heartened to read those comments. We will need more than just “good characters” though to make me pleased with a signing as I’ve said in the past (and I hope Warne is focusing on real quality as well) but it’s not a bad trait to have. I value the views of fans who have watched him play regularly, so the fact Ipswich fans rate him so highly does give me hope that he may contribute more than his record suggests

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22 minutes ago, Big Bad Bob said:

I agree, let's write him off before he's kicked a ball for us ........ actually we could welcome the incoming players and wish them luck 🙄

Where have I written him off? I’ve just suggested I’m concerned about the signing, are we not allowed to have any sort of negative opinion on here? He may prove my concerns unfounded, and I hope he does.

If you bothered to read the thread, you’d see I’ve already welcomed him and wished him good luck…

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7 minutes ago, Andicis said:

He was good enough for a side that got automatic promotion in the Championship as a squad player. The idea it's a "league one" signing is just you playing the role of antagonist yet again and being extreme. It's massively tedious.

I’m not trying to be antagonistic, I’m just giving my honest opinion, as I always do. If I was a WUM I’d have been banned like a certain other individual was. Just because you don’t like my opinion doesn’t make it “extreme” - feel free to disagree with me, to be honest I don’t have time to argue. But I’m not going to stop posting my concerns just because some fans want an echo chamber where there’s no negativity allowed.

FWIW my league one point was about our rumoured targets as a whole, rather than a specific point about Jackson.

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Where he fits in the side, I see it as on the right hand side. NML, may have been effective there, but how many times have we been concerned about his fitness and fatigue?

I'm reminded of SMc when discussing Ward, Russell, Dawkins and Bamford? Ibe? I cant remember; but essentially 4 players for 2 spots and they all know there is some rotating going on. They can run themselves ragged knowing that there is cover there and they dont need to worry about losing their spot.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the plan is.

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Just now, Millenniumram said:

I’m not trying to be antagonistic, I’m just giving my honest opinion, as I always do. If I was a WUM I’d have been banned like a certain other individual was. Just because you don’t like my opinion doesn’t make it “extreme” - feel free to disagree with me, to be honest I don’t have time to argue. But I’m not going to stop posting my concerns just because some fans want an echo chamber where there’s no negativity allowed.

FWIW my league one point was about our rumoured targets as a whole, rather than a specific point about Jackson.

You are certainly a WUM though, I am almost positive that you haven't watched him play 10 matches, and yet you have all these concerns, based on what? 

It's not about being an echo chamber (although it it a fan forum, so it will always be like that) but it's just irritating to read the persistent scramble to find something negative to post.

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4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

I get that squad depth is important, I’ve made that point myself many times before, and I understand Jackson will likely not be a regular starter. But I think you’re neglecting a bit the step up in quality between League One and the Championship. We need to see a significant improvement in our starting 11 if we’re going to survive - We should be recruiting improvements on our regular starters from last season, so that they then get regelated to being squad players at this higher level. That’s how you successfully step up a division. 

There’s plenty of the window left so maybe things will improve, but at the moment I’m not too optimistic for the season based on the players we’re being heavily linked with. Feels very much like we’re recruiting for another season in League One, rather than one in the Championship.

As for the rest of your comment… absolute rubbish. Are we only allowed to post positive comments on here? Not allowed to express any doubts? I know certain posters like you would rather this was an a go chamber where everyone was a happy clapper and agreed with you, but that ain’t what a forum is for. I will keep expressing my concerns where I have them, thank you very much. 

All those words to not answer the question: what do you gain from voicing your negativity?

Never stop posting, I really wouldn't want to be seen to be propagating censorship. However calling you out for being overly negative is more than fair. We're entering an exciting period for the club, and you seem to want to rain on every parade in every transfer thread. It's perfectly acceptable to ask why.

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7 minutes ago, Andicis said:

You are certainly a WUM though, I am almost positive that you haven't watched him play 10 matches, and yet you have all these concerns, based on what? 

It's not about being an echo chamber (although it it a fan forum, so it will always be like that) but it's just irritating to read the persistent scramble to find something negative to post.

That’s very bold statement to say I’m certainly a WUM. Maybe you’d like to raise your grievances with a mod?

I haven’t seen him play much no, which is why, and I emphasise the point again, I am NOT writing him off. I’m just saying I’m concerned based on his past record at this level. 

My posts really aren’t as persistently negative as you make out, you just see what you want to see.

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24 minutes ago, Andicis said:

You are certainly a WUM though, I am almost positive that you haven't watched him play 10 matches, and yet you have all these concerns, based on what? 

It's not about being an echo chamber (although it it a fan forum, so it will always be like that) but it's just irritating to read the persistent scramble to find something negative to post.

I blocked him ages ago. The only member I have on my block list ever. Says alot.   

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56 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Problem is, they are basing their opinions on actually watching him play for a couple of years.

Much more inclined to agree with people that have never seen him play, looked up his stats on the internet and decided he is a bad player, contract is too long and wages too high.


And PW tried to sign him for Rothrum 

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57 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Yes, I remember Reading fans saying just how sh!t Nick Blackman was, for example.

They did, actually. Couldn't believe they'd got a good fee for a one-season wonder with 6 months left on his contract.

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1 hour ago, Andrew3000 said:

We do now seem to have a lot of right sided attacking players, with Wilson, Ward, NML and now Jackson.  Options for different formations I guess, wing backs versus wingers/wide forwards. Do we think we keep them all?

At the moment they will be playing in central midfield 😅 we do seem to be acquiring lots of similar types so we may well end passing some back to league one 

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