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Is soon to be upon us, 80 years ago, An Invasion that nearly never happened, The weather put it off on the 5th of June, There was a gap in the weather on the 6th so it was on, 150,000 was the initial landing...Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, Britain, USA and Canada, The Atlantic Wall awaits them.

I watched last night "D-Day The Unheard Tapes" on iPlayer, 3 1 hour programmes of tapes from Soldiers that were there(with actors lip syncing the words)It's hard to put into words what I think of these Soldiers that put their lives on the line, 1000s of them never came back, 1000s of French Citizens lost their lives.

Not many left now as time moves on, Just the 1 Soldier from York.


Edited by Ram-Alf
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23 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

Is soon to be upon us, 80 years ago, An Invasion that nearly never happened, The weather put it off on the 5th of June, There was a gap in the weather on the 6th so it was on, 150,000 was the initial landing...Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, Britain, USA and Canada, The Atlantic Wall awaits them.

I watched last night "D-Day The Unheard Tapes" on iPlayer, 3 1 hour programmes of tapes from Soldiers that were there(with actors lip syncing the words)It's hard to put into words what I think of these Soldiers that put their lives on the line, 1000s of them never came back, 1000s of French Citizens lost their lives.

Not many left now as time moves on, Just the 1 Soldier from York.


We All should stop for a moment on the 6th of June and think of all those young men who lost their lives,not the greatest day in British history,but it had to be done,France had to be released from the grip of the German Army,who knows without this action we might have been attacked by a German Army,and God Forbid might have ended up under German Rule.We will Remember.

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It's sobering to think that if Hitler's closest advisers had had the courage to wake him earlier, the Panzer divisions that were held in reserve might have reached the front before the Allies had been able to gain a firm foothold inland. The struggle that the British and Canadians had to break out into the interior after those Panzers had finally arrived showed what their impact might have been if they'd been called forward sooner. The Allies deception campaign worked a treat too in forcing Hitler to keep more resources in reserve than if he'd known exactly where the invasion was going to be.

So many "sliding doors" moments on the way to victory it's impossible to understate what we owe to those who served.

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9 minutes ago, Crewton said:

It's sobering to think that if Hitler's closest advisers had had the courage to wake him earlier, the Panzer divisions that were held in reserve might have reached the front before the Allies had been able to gain a firm foothold inland. The struggle that the British and Canadians had to break out into the interior after those Panzers had finally arrived showed what their impact might have been if they'd been called forward sooner. The Allies deception campaign worked a treat too in forcing Hitler to keep more resources in reserve than if he'd known exactly where the invasion was going to be.

So many "sliding doors" moments on the way to victory it's impossible to understate what we owe to those who served.

2 years earlier their was 7000 British Soldiers who stormed Dieppe, Half were killed, The rest captured or managed to escape, This was a pre-curser for Normandy.

2 years of planning, Arial photos by the million, Dummy trucks, Tanks, Planes set out in Kent to fool the Germans, It worked 👍

Can you imagine what was going through that persons mind who had to wake Hitler up to tell him...mien Fuhrer...It's started, He always gave instructions...never ever wake me early, He loved a lie in than wake up to a coffee and cake.

Still to this day I scratch my head and wonder how one failed lance corporal in the Bavarian Army in WW1 was able to convince the vast majority of the German people that there's going to be 1000 years of the German Reich, Maybe just maybe Britain and France need to look at themselves with the Reparations they forced on German people 🤷‍♂️ 

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Following a 2019 trip following in the footsteps of Muckerette’s grandad through Flanders, we’ve spent the last two D Days up on the Normandy beaches (based a stones throw from Pegasus Bridge).

I’m no fan of history per sé, but I’m a massive fan of all those that were involved, and/or affected. The last two Junes have been a massive eye opener for me, and we’ll be sparing them a minute or two of our holiday further east, come Thursday. 

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I was going to write something, but it would offend too many of my fellow Rams, for after a couple, I have a tendency for cruelty.

Suffice to say, I am anti war, no matter the cause, the date or the excuses.

Let reason prevail, may war forever be forbidden.

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10 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

Following a 2019 trip following in the footsteps of Muckerette’s grandad through Flanders, we’ve spent the last two D Days up on the Normandy beaches (based a stones throw from Pegasus Bridge).

One of the pilots who flew the gliders landed 50 yards from Pegasus Bridge, The Germans had driven stakes into the ground all attached with wires and that if you hit them it would set off an explosion in the field and the German Soldiers would be on the attack, The field he landed in was to be furnished with stakes the next Morning, All gliders came in at 90mph...now that is a crash landing 👍

The Cafe near the bridge is now called the Pegasus Cafe they interviewed the owners Daughter some time ago as she was there as a child when the bridge was taken...she said she remembers she has never been so happy since that day ☺️


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6 hours ago, ramit said:

I was going to write something, but it would offend too many of my fellow Rams, for after a couple, I have a tendency for cruelty.

Suffice to say, I am anti war, no matter the cause, the date or the excuses.

Let reason prevail, may war forever be forbidden.

I suspect the overwhelming majority (if not all) posters on this forum are anti war. However, to rely on reason prevailing would only be feasible if the world was entirely made up of reasonable people which, of course, it isn’t. 


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21 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

Still to this day I scratch my head and wonder how one failed lance corporal in the Bavarian Army in WW1 was able to convince the vast majority of the German people that there's going to be 1000 years of the German Reich, Maybe just maybe Britain and France need to look at themselves with the Reparations they forced on German people 🤷‍♂️ 

It's amazing isn't it? Similar low ranking KGB agent sent out to do a desk job of sorts in East Germany in the 1980s, bang average according to reports. Name? Vladimir Putin.

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Kind of off topic… but kind of not!

After being on the Normandy beaches for the past two D Days, we’ve decided to put a whole new twist on things tomorrow, and will be spreading our thoughts and respects to all, regardless of which team they played for, as we visit the “Memorial Museum of the Maginot Line of the Rhine.”
Just “The right side of the border”! 👀, and only a 20mile return pootle away from our campsite. Just a small section of the first (French) line of defence, which effectively achieved nowt, as the Germans just took the long way round via Belgium! 🙄
Appreciate it ain’t Normandy, and there’s no connection in the true sense, but it still kind of seems fitting, under the circumstances!  
Im sure our main thoughts shall remain 450 miles WNW of here though. It’d be rude not to! 

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On 04/06/2024 at 08:17, Ram-Alf said:

Is soon to be upon us, 80 years ago, An Invasion that nearly never happened, The weather put it off on the 5th of June, There was a gap in the weather on the 6th so it was on, 150,000 was the initial landing...Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword, Britain, USA and Canada, The Atlantic Wall awaits them.

I watched last night "D-Day The Unheard Tapes" on iPlayer, 3 1 hour programmes of tapes from Soldiers that were there(with actors lip syncing the words)It's hard to put into words what I think of these Soldiers that put their lives on the line, 1000s of them never came back, 1000s of French Citizens lost their lives.

Not many left now as time moves on, Just the 1 Soldier from York.


This bit is crazy, but probably similar to many people who didn't live near to sea back then...

"He was part of the 7th battalion of the Green Howards that day but had never been on a boat before and had only ever visited a beach once - as an eight-year-old boy on a day trip to Skegness."

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6 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

This bit is crazy, but probably similar to many people who didn't live near to sea back then...

"He was part of the 7th battalion of the Green Howards that day but had never been on a boat before and had only ever visited a beach once - as an eight-year-old boy on a day trip to Skegness."

I watched the BBC tonight for their screening of remembering D-Day, I was in Tears, Boys of 18 and others who never got to live their lives to the full, They thought it was their duty to join up and fight, For someone who has always had something to say about all things in life...I now find very difficult to explain how I feel...so The best I can do is.




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42 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

I watched the BBC tonight for their screening of remembering D-Day, I was in Tears, Boys of 18 and others who never got to live their lives to the full, They thought it was their duty to join up and fight, For someone who has always had something to say about all things in life...I now find very difficult to explain how I feel...so The best I can do is.




I thought Lemn Sissay's poem was superb.

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Got back to campsite yesterday to find a couple of new neighbours. One French couple and one Dutch couple moved on whilst we were out. We now have Germans on all adjacent pitches. 



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2 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Got back to campsite yesterday to find a couple of new neighbours. One French couple and one Dutch couple moved on whilst we were out. We now have Germans on all adjacent pitches. 



Any decent centre backs amongst them, Mucker?

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