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1 hour ago, Highgate said:

I'm starting to realize I should be grateful that it was President Bush in charge and not President Leeds Ram. 😂 I mean what could possibly go wrong with the US invading Russia's biggest ally in the region as well as Iraq?  Scary stuff. 

At the time Russian interest in Syria was minimal. It only started re-occurring post Iraq as Russia began wanting to expand its influence outward again. 

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46 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

Couldn't give a monkeys about what protesters do or don't know, their political leaning, or sexuality. Innocent people are being slaughtered daily. What else matters?

If you are on a "hate march" though, that is not good enough.

Most the protestors are clearly just daytrippers, wanting some content to share on social and don't care two hoots about 1000s of future terrorists been justifiably obliterated. Some of them don't even realise they are on a march that just celebrates terror attorcities! 

In other news, most homeless people are actually millionaires. Stop the tents!

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4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

The whole protest debate is surely just down to hopeless/reckless political leadership.

How difficult is it for a politician to clearly articulate both sides of the coin:

"The Hamas attacks that started all this off were barbaric and Israel needs to take steps to prevent this happening again.

The Israel response has been barbaric too and the 1000s of deaths are no way to prevent further terror attacks.

The UK will be pressurising Israel to stop killing masses of innocent people/children whilst also helping them prevent a repeat of the Hamas attacks.

The UK will be pressuring both sides to proceed with the 2 state solution formally agreed by both parties."


How do I vote for you? You speak more sense than our "leaders".

To give a serious answer to your question though... the argument I heard on a news podcast this week was that the leaders of both main parties are not able to stray very far from the US line because they need to maintain good relations with the US for all sorts of reasons going forward.

Entirely of our own doing , the UK is a weak position globally and so that's the way it is and will be for the foreseeable future. We are no longer a global leader, we have fallen down the pecking order and need to follow the big boys.

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36 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Entirely of our own doing , the UK is a weak position globally and so that's the way it is and will be for the foreseeable future. We are no longer a global leader, we have fallen down the pecking order and need to follow the big boys.

Alas you are probably correct. Not looking forward to the Starmer and Trump relationship in about a year's time!

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

In other news, most homeless people are actually millionaires. Stop the tents!

Now the real prime minister has cracked down on the scummy charities dishing out shelter, Go Outdoors have been left with a mountain of surplus stock to shift.

There's a new sign outside my local branch, "Now is the winter of our discount tents".

I'm here all week, try the kosher lamb.


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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Alas you are probably correct. Not looking forward to the Starmer and Trump relationship in about a year's time!

I think Biden will sneak in. The US economy is looking OK and there is still a lot of anger about the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. That drove better than expected results for Biden in the mid-terms.

With a number of Republican candidates now calling for a federal ban on abortion I suspect the Democrats will be able to use that to their advantage to get over the line.

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10 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

500k hate filled yobs going to protest tomorrow. Hopefully about 50 of them will kick off vs the 50 or so far right morons who also go (who now love Israel), then the media can focus on just that.

Or maybe we'll have a week of fawning media coverage of the march, like when only 250k people queued up to see queens coffin.

"Hate filled"? Wow. 

You're exactly the result the mainstream media want! 


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I wish they'd just focus on putting pressure on leaders to demand a ceasefire. It's the right thing to do. 

What number does Sunak have in his head that's the limit of Palestinian losses? What point are Hamas defeated? Do we need the leader of Hamas to "surrender"?

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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

So starting a war wasn’t “forbidden” you just had to find a just reason? Sounds familiar.

"This blue dye is woad. Britons cover themselves in it when they go to war. This glyphosate. It is a weapon of moss destruction."

See? It worked 2000 years ago.

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14 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

Couldn't give a monkeys about what protesters do or don't know, their political leaning, or sexuality. Innocent people are being slaughtered daily. What else matters?

I’m sure you know enough from my post to know I’m 100% with you on the main issue of barbaric deaths need to stop from all sides , my gripe is with people just picking a side ( on both sides of the issue ) without knowing why , it just becomes tribal and intransigent and there’s no end to these kind of inhumane conflicts arising unless people speak, listen and understand each other

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

I’m sure you know enough from my post to know I’m 100% with you on the main issue of barbaric deaths need to stop from all sides , my gripe is with people just picking a side ( on both sides of the issue ) without knowing why , it just becomes tribal and intransigent and there’s no end to these kind of inhumane conflicts arising unless people speak, listen and understand each other

But not all sides deserve equal respect. Some sides are crazy. Some sides are biased, unverified and outright ludicrous. You can rule out speaking, listening to and understanding them if they're away with the fairies, or outright biased. 

The problem with Israel / Palestine is that both sides are biased, both sides use disinformation, and both sides have extremist fringes prepared to outright lie and cheat to garner sympathy with their cause. 

The two people shown on film not understanding anything about the conflict, I can emphasise in as much as it's impossible to trust any news (that said, they clearly were idiots), because there's so much disinformation it's not sensible to believe much. If mainstream news gets it wrong, I certainly don't want to turn to YouTube and TikTok for the real story. The fringes are definitely involved in those spaces. Unlikely they've infiltrated BBC news and Sky News. Dead tree press are so aligned to politicians it's about on the same level as TikTok for reliability. 

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15 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

500k hate filled yobs going to protest tomorrow. Hopefully about 50 of them will kick off vs the 50 or so far right morons who also go (who now love Israel), then the media can focus on just that.

Or maybe we'll have a week of fawning media coverage of the march, like when only 250k people queued up to see queens coffin.

Nothing to worry about think again




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