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David Cameron will sort it. 

But anyway, call for a ceasefire you spineless whimpering cnuts. Let another country be America's favourite dog for a bit. 

There's no justification for what's happening in Gaza. Nobody has put forward a sensible reason this is self defence. "Israel has a right to defend itself" is such a vague dismissive rhetoric. 

"Humanitarian pauses" 

Come on. Jeez. Say that by the end of this Hamas will be completely destroyed? You can't. Ceasefire! 

Potentially 10,000 dead to achieve what? What results? How many Hamas? 

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14 hours ago, The Last Post said:

There's an old saying Ramit..."you get what you pay for", We the people do get what we deserve, The trouble is most believe what we're told, Those in charge will lie their way to the top, The people do have a choice..."Anarchy" 67million live in the UK, The voting public have a choice, If they don't like the choice do they then hit the streets and remove those and if another incumbent lot come in and don't do as we were told...do we keep "rinse and repeat", Economy's, Stability public order would break down.

The wealthy will always rise to the top, The weak will sink to the bottom, Then there's those in the middle, Those who are getting on in life, Have all the tools at their disposal, Those that have bought all the T shirts that were on sale, Those that today are very comfortable and just criticize those on social media 😁

Life can be cruel, It can also be kind, But you have to be cute on how to play those who think can play you 😉  


I guess I am just too much of a commie to play the game in my own interest.  Anyway, I think representative democracy has been terminally polluted by money power, I don't believe in it anymore.  Can you name a politician that you trust?  I can't.  Some kind of direct democracy needs to be molded into a workable system I think and hope as the optimist that I am deep down.  I believe in people when push comes to shove, I think we will overcome all obstacles.  Naive idealism?, perhaps, but I dare not think otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

please keep the thread on Palestine/Israel/Hamas/Gaza topic to avoid being locked.

Although any Cameron bashing is always amusing

.Bbc One Gameshow GIF by BBC

Cameron is foregin sec. He is the hero we all deserve.

Withing 2 weeks I want to see pictures of him:

Wearing a hard hat whilst overseeing the rebuilding of a Gaza Hospital. Sleaves rolled up.

On a JCB helping to demolish the home of a "terrorist" in the West Bank.

In full military uniform next to the Ukraine PM in a tank.

Pointing his finger angrily at Putin on a Zoom call. From a secret bunker in rural Oxfordshire.

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Sunak just repeats the same old s*** and doesn't actually answer the obvious questions 

"Israel has a right to defend itself" - it's currently attacking on two fronts, no? Where's the attack/defence crossover? It's always blurred when it's the West doing it

"Hamas still hold hostages" - Where? In Gaza the place being bombed? Why would they give them back? Why wouldn't they stick them on a hospital roof? What's the attempt to rescue them? What's the Hannibal Directive? 

"Hamas seek to destabilise the region and must be destroyed" - Can you guarantee that they'll be destroyed after this? Can you even guarantee they won't actually find it easier to recruit and their support won't even increase? How many Palestinian lives is a Hamas member worth? 

"They hide in hospitals. In tunnels underneath" - So? What are you saying? Spit it out. 

Stop saying the same thing over and over like it's blatantly clear to any idiot that there can be no other way. You're not engaging. Your dictating. 

Address the arguments

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3 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Sunak just repeats the same old s*** and doesn't actually answer the obvious questions 

"Israel has a right to defend itself" - it's currently attacking on two fronts, no? Where's the attack/defence crossover? It's always blurred when it's the West doing it

"Hamas still hold hostages" - Where? In Gaza the place being bombed? Why would they give them back? Why wouldn't they stick them on a hospital roof? What's the attempt to rescue them? What's the Hannibal Directive? 

"Hamas seek to destabilise the region and must be destroyed" - Can you guarantee that they'll be destroyed after this? Can you even guarantee they won't actually find it easier to recruit and their support won't even increase? How many Palestinian lives is a Hamas member worth? 

"They hide in hospitals. In tunnels underneath" - So? What are you saying? Spit it out. 

Stop saying the same thing over and over like it's blatantly clear to any idiot that there can be no other way. You're not engaging. Your dictating. 

Address the arguments

He won't rock the boat with Braverman loitering stage-left. He can't be seen to look weak, now more than ever. First sign of bending and that bitch will be publicly jumping up and down on his nads, whilst squealing 'traitor'.

Frankly, if we're looking to him to grow a pair and actually address the issue at hand, we could be in for a very long wait, though I suspect that privately, he might have plenty to say.

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