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Major incident in Nottingham?

littleover ram

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My money is on a terrorist incident.

And expect a few more over the coming year in the lead up the General Election.

Call me a cynic...

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

My money is on a terrorist incident.

At 4 in the morning? I'm not saying you're wrong, but a straight up terrorist attack would normally want to target more people and be more visible.

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6 hours ago, David said:

Let's not take this topic down the politics path.

I also don't think it's right to speculate on the attack, wait for the Police to release more details.

State of the replies on this tweet. I won't have anyone tell me that GB News isn't just stoking race hatred for clicks, or that Twitter isn't just  a cesspit of racism these days

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I passed the 1st murder spot last night on my way home, the other murder spot is a mile or so from the bottom of my street, the mowing down of people waiting for a bus  a mile and a half away, and he was arrested halfway between my work and home. 

When it's so close to home, kids and an innocent fella going about his business the victims, outsiders speculating about motive gives no comfort at all. 

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Used to live on Ilkeston Road at uni a few years ago. Brings it home a little bit when I’ve probably walked the same route as those students at the same time about 50 times over.

Was always an area you knew you might have to keep your wits about you but could never imagine something like this happening there. Heartbreaking

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

State of the replies on this tweet. I won't have anyone tell me that GB News isn't just stoking race hatred for clicks, or that Twitter isn't just  a cesspit of racism these days

As I said on the free speech thread, I'm not sure any hope remains.

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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

State of the replies on this tweet. I won't have anyone tell me that GB News isn't just stoking race hatred for clicks, or that Twitter isn't just  a cesspit of racism these days

Was going to agree with you then I wondered if I would feel that way if it was my child needlessly murdered , if it turns out to be wrong information then I’m on board with you , if it’s true then it is relevant ,if not to you certainly to they’re family

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42 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

As I said on the free speech thread, I'm not sure any hope remains.

Online, maybe no hope remains.

In real life though, there's lots to be hopeful about. 

The vast majority of people just muddle through best they can, treating others with respect and kindness, hoping for the same treatment themselves, and give a wide berth to those who peddle extreme views of any sort.

Fascists have never taken off in the UK, even when they've been a fashionable option, as a Nation we just don't do extremes. Probably for the same reasons we still have a constitutional monarchy. 

Look at the response of Manchunians to the Arena bombing, any hate drowned out a bee and a city drawing strength from what unites them, rather than divides them, and inviting others to do the same.

The same will happen in Nottingham I'm sure, whatever the outcome of investigations reveal.

It could be terrorism, it could be a mental health crisis, but having lived here for nearly 30 years I believe the people of this city will respond appropriately, no matter what social media says.




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4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

State of the replies on this tweet. I won't have anyone tell me that GB News isn't just stoking race hatred for clicks, or that Twitter isn't just  a cesspit of racism these days


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