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On 11/03/2023 at 11:47, Kathcairns said:

Why does slotting the equaliser in against germany give him the right to call people that want the boats stopped nazis. He has got the money that it does not make any difference to him, waiting lists, housing ,energy bills.

He didn't call him Nazi's did he.  he pointed out that the rhetoric being used by the government is very similar to the language used by the Nazi's in the 1930's to stir up discrimination towards the Jewish population.  And judging by the fact you seem to be blaming waiting lists, housing & energy bills on refugees, you've fallen for it hook, line & sinker...

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

On behalf of myself so I can share it on Facebook. But more importantly, @G STAR RAM who had repeatedly asked for this information so that he can offer balanced, considered and thoughtful opinions on the whole Lineker issue without rushing in headlong, thank you.

Bill Murray Thank You GIF by filmeditor

More than happy to discuss these point by point. 

Point 1 - What has Shemima Begum got to do with this? I thought the discussion was around the language used regarding the Immigration Bill? Of course if there is a comparative example from 1930s Germany of a German national leaving the country and joining a terrorist organisation that committed atrocities against Germany I'll be happy to compare the 2 cases.

Point 2 - Where have the Government referred to legal immigrants as being illegal? Thought they were just saying that they wanted to stop illegal immigrants not legal ones? Happy to be proven wrong on this.

Point 3 - Why is there the need for an 'aside'? Why are we discussing what the media are saying? They are not the Govermment.

Point 4 - No idea on the cultural Marxism term or where it has been used, happy to run with this point

Point 5 - Is not discussing the Governments language so not sure why that is there? Just saying culture war and then linking it to a Nazi word is not proving anything.

The last 3 points are just desperate and scraping the barrel.

Happy to see your counter argument.

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4 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Humanists yes. I don't know their politics regarding fair distribution of wealth so couldn't say. 

Being rich isn't an indicator. Paying your tax is more about personal morality. He can still be Socialist and abuse a broken capitalist tax system. 

Hmmm the old elastic trick ehhh , my old mum always told me ( I do my best to stick to it ) keep your own side of the street clean , I consider neither Lineker or Neville either humanists or socialists , I consider them self serving hypocrites who do more harm than good because because the slightest glance at they’re side of the street makes decent people think ahhh that’s the kind of world/ country your calling for,,,duck that ??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:


The author of this post seems to be very well informed on German language, but significantly less able to give any Government quotes that are similar to (or not dissimilar to ?) 1930’s Germany. Peter Hitchens must be shaking with this author’s intellect.

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27 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Anyway, time for this thread to die away. Bloody Government are doing a budget today to distract our minds away from their immigration policy. they are so transparent at times.

To be fair, they did that to themselves when they all decided to pile in on this Lineker thing.

It was amusing to see Sunak in PMQ’s earlier, begging Starmer to talk about the immigration bill and not Lineker.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

More than happy to discuss these point by point. 

Point 1 - What has Shemima Begum got to do with this? I thought the discussion was around the language used regarding the Immigration Bill? Of course if there is a comparative example from 1930s Germany of a German national leaving the country and joining a terrorist organisation that committed atrocities against Germany I'll be happy to compare the 2 cases.

Point 2 - Where have the Government referred to legal immigrants as being illegal? Thought they were just saying that they wanted to stop illegal immigrants not legal ones? Happy to be proven wrong on this.

Point 3 - Why is there the need for an 'aside'? Why are we discussing what the media are saying? They are not the Govermment.

Point 4 - No idea on the cultural Marxism term or where it has been used, happy to run with this point

Point 5 - Is not discussing the Governments language so not sure why that is there? Just saying culture war and then linking it to a Nazi word is not proving anything.

The last 3 points are just desperate and scraping the barrel.

Happy to see your counter argument.

At least try and understand that when Lineker describe the Governments language as being not dissimilar to Germany in the 1930s that is not the same as saying it was the same. Or that is what the Nazis in the 40s were saying.

The narrative of anti-Lineker people here has been that he has accused the government of being Nazis. He hasn't.

So when comparing what he said with what the Government has said and done SIMILARITIES are enough because that is what he said.

This post was pointing out SIMILARITIES just like Lineker did.

1. They are treating her like an immigrant. No effing way (and we all know this) would they be revoking her citizenship if she was an attractive blonde white girl from a Christian family who had done the same.

2. All the time! They have attached the word illegal to the boats brilliantly. They never mention them without saying illegal in terms of the crossings or the boats. This is a deliberate and calculated use of language to stoke fear. The assumption now is that everybody who comes in on a boat is illegal. Whereas most people who seek asylum are found to have a right to do so and doing nothing illegal.

3. The media are largely pro-government with 2 or 3 notable exceptions. They mirror the language/thoughts/beliefs of the Government.

4. That was explained.

5. The Government has talked a lot about the cost to the taxpayer of illegal immigrants. 

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35 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

They have attached the word illegal to the boats brilliantly. They never mention them without saying illegal in terms of the crossings or the boats. This is a deliberate and calculated use of language to stoke fear. The assumption now is that everybody who comes in on a boat is illegal. Whereas most people who seek asylum are found to have a right to do so and doing nothing illegal.

Even more than that - they deliberately dehumanise these asylum seekers by constantly referring to the boats and not the people.


It's not illegal to cross the channel in a boat 

It's not illegal to claim asylum upon arrival



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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

The author of this post seems to be very well informed on German language, but significantly less able to give any Government quotes that are similar to (or not dissimilar to ?) 1930’s Germany. Peter Hitchens must be shaking with this author’s intellect.

It was written by Michael Rosen, the well known author of "We're Going On A Bear Hunt"

On this occasion it seems that he is going on pedant hunt and he's going to catch himself a smug one


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15 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Even more than that - they deliberately dehumanise these asylum seekers by constantly referring to the boats and not the people.


It's not illegal to cross the channel in a boat 

It's not illegal to claim asylum upon arrival



I think we don't need reminders that you are prone to distorting things. It is illegal to enter UK without permission.  

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