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Is "woke" confusing kids


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Has anybody seen the video clips of caba baba rave in london ? More of this drag queen and kids drive ,

pretty disgusting and anybody taking kids to this stuff needs reporting to the social services and investigating,

would you take your kids to a pole dancing club ?

where the hell is this stuff being driven from 

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

Has anybody seen the video clips of caba baba rave in london ? More of this drag queen and kids drive ,

pretty disgusting and anybody taking kids to this stuff needs reporting to the social services and investigating,

would you take your kids to a pole dancing club ?

where the hell is this stuff being driven from 

Never heard of it Archie. Where did you hear about it? 

It looks like it is a paid to attend event, so you don't have to go if you don't want to. 

I mean, I think they keep their genitals covered so it's not the same as a strip club. 

I hope you've not been reading the outrage media, getting sucked into the controversy through starting headlines in the gutter press? 

It doesn't look like the kind of thing I'd care to see, so I won't be booking a place. But I presume you're not going all cancel culture here? 

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6 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Never heard of it Archie. Where did you hear about it? 

It looks like it is a paid to attend event, so you don't have to go if you don't want to. 

I mean, I think they keep their genitals covered so it's not the same as a strip club. 

I hope you've not been reading the outrage media, getting sucked into the controversy through starting headlines in the gutter press? 

It doesn't look like the kind of thing I'd care to see, so I won't be booking a place. But I presume you're not going all cancel culture here? 

Seen the clips on gb news and can tell you it is disgusting to take children to this kind of thing as a parent , let alone why does a grown man want to perform this adult show in front of kids , cancel culture you say ? Safe guarding children does not come into that sphere In my view , if you believe that claiming cancel culture opens the floodgates for anything and everything where children and adult entertainment are concerned then I’m at a loss to have the first clue where you are coming from , 

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27 minutes ago, Archied said:

Seen the clips on gb news and can tell you it is disgusting to take children to this kind of thing as a parent , let alone why does a grown man want to perform this adult show in front of kids , cancel culture you say ? Safe guarding children does not come into that sphere In my view , if you believe that claiming cancel culture opens the floodgates for anything and everything where children and adult entertainment are concerned then I’m at a loss to have the first clue where you are coming from , 

Ah, GB news. The bastion of fair, balanced and unbiased reporting. I'm surprised. No, no I'm not. 

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14 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Ah, GB news. The bastion of fair, balanced and unbiased reporting. I'm surprised. No, no I'm not. 

Here's a video report, admittedly from someone critical of the event. You can draw your own conclusions, but I find it pretty disturbing.


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13 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Ah, GB news. The bastion of fair, balanced and unbiased reporting. I'm surprised. No, no I'm not. 

Ah anything left based you will support, am I surprised? No I’m not ,,

let’s be clear , I watched the clips with my own eyes , I don’t give a stuff where it was shown/exposed , it can’t be spun , distorted it was video of what was being performed in front of CHILDREN,

seek it out, watch it and come on and defend it ,

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1 hour ago, Crewton said:

Here's a video report, admittedly from someone critical of the event. You can draw your own conclusions, but I find it pretty disturbing.


I probably wouldn't caption footage of a scantily clad drag queen 'This needs exposing', tbh. 

It probably doesn't. 

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1 hour ago, Rev said:

I probably wouldn't caption footage of a scantily clad drag queen 'This needs exposing', tbh. 

It probably doesn't. 

Any man that wants to dress like a stripper , in a thong , in bondage gear and perform sexualised adult entertainment routine s in front of children, at best has mental / emotional issues , at worst ? It doesn’t bear thinking about , parents that want to take children to watch this stuff really need looking at too

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As a matter of interest would people be just as happy for near naked men clearly dressed as men in thongs and bondage gear to be doing adult entertainment for children ? But disguise yourself as a woman and it’s safe wholesome fun ,,,, hmmmmm 

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8 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Wow. Talk about crossing the f****** line.


What’s SMDH? ,,, 

I make no apologies about having very strong feeling regards children’s safety and leaving them to be children , that’s the line I personally draw , what we do as adults is one thing , when children are concerned it’s quite another

im yet to hear our resident right wing accuser come on and defend this as invited rather than jump to attack a news program, I first heard about the murder by Wayne cuzens on gb news , am I to cut him some slack and concentrate on calling the programme right wing ,, no of course not??‍♂️

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An independent review has been launched into Queen Elizabeth II High School in Peel, Isle of Man, after Year 7 children were left 'traumatised' after being taught about sex-change operations and sexual acts. 

The review of the school's personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum, led by the island's government, comes after parents raised concerns about the lesson - particularly the 'graphic, disproportionate, indecent presentation' of sexual acts and gender identities being taught to their children, The Telegraph reports.

It includes a drag queen teaching the children some of whom were as young as 11, that there are 73 genders.

When a pupil said 'there's only two', the drag queen made the child leave the classroom.

The children were also taught about oral and anal sex, while another group were informed about sex-change operations and how skin grafts can be used on an artificial penis.

One teacher is also said to have had to teach pupils in Year 7 and 8 how to masturbate. 



#beyondhelp ?

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18 hours ago, Archied said:

let’s be clear , I watched the clips with my own eyes , I don’t give a stuff where it was shown/exposed , it can’t be spun , distorted it was video of what was being performed in front of CHILDREN,

seek it out, watch it and come on and defend it ,

My main problem was her little speech at the start about how she's not transphobic, yet used awful transphobic language throughout the video which simply didn't need to do - if (as she states) all she cares about is the children.

Did she even need to make the video? Just report it to the police and let the law deal with it if she thinks there is a problem

The way it's painted I was expecting to see nudity or simulated sex, but all I saw was someone doing the splits, someone doing aerial gymnastics. Yet again just manufactured outrage - I bet she cares more about her YouTube Subscriber count than she does other people's children


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32 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

My main problem was her little speech at the start about how she's not transphobic, yet used awful transphobic language throughout the video which simply didn't need to do - if (as she states) all she cares about is the children.

Did she even need to make the video? Just report it to the police and let the law deal with it if she thinks there is a problem

The way it's painted I was expecting to see nudity or simulated sex, but all I saw was someone doing the splits, someone doing aerial gymnastics. Yet again just manufactured outrage - I bet she cares more about her YouTube Subscriber count than she does other people's children


Really? She’s your main problem when watching that ??.? I really don’t care about her , whether she is transphobic or anything else phobic or she is a little green man from mars ,, the only thing I’m interested in is the undeniable videos of what entertainment is being put in front of children , whether that is appropriate or not , and in my view it is very much not , I question the motivation of people who are driving this push for drag queens and children , I question parents that want to expose they’re children to this , I question the motives of fully grown men who want to perform like this for children , it is clearly adult entertainment,

if you do not see any problems with this then I am at a total loss to understand ??‍♂️

here’s a question,

is it ok to take children to a topless pole dancing club where the women are in thongs and or bondage gear , They don’t strip fully ?
if your answer is no to the above as topless women in that type of performance are highly sexualised then the next question is is it ok if said women identify as men?
Man , woman , trans person , drag queen or whatever , adult content is for adults , keep it that way 

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26 minutes ago, Archied said:

is it ok to take children to a topless pole dancing club where the women are in thongs and or bondage gear , They don’t strip fully ?

Obviously not - as it's a topless pole dancing club where the law prohibits entry to minors. It's not just not OK it's completely illegal - and rightly so. 

27 minutes ago, Archied said:

if your answer is no to the above as topless women in that type of performance are highly sexualised then the next question is is it ok if said women identify as men?

You've completely lost me mate - maybe have a walk around the block and try and gather your thoughts - you're clearly in a state of agitation!

Point is that the shows the youtuber was deliberately trying to wind you up about through her context - were done by people who have been fully CRB checked and the material being performed is deemed appropriate for kids. If that's not the case (and I see nothing in the video that suggests it is) then the police can be called and they could be prosecuted for indecency in front of minors.

If that happens then I will condemn them - but I'm not going to condemn them because some daft youtuber riles up people about it for money

I don't mind if you genuinely think it all looks indecent and inappropriate for kids - that's your choice. I'm 100% sure my Nan would have said the same



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PS I do find this hysterical reaction quite amusing on a forum where most people are totally OK with taking kids to a venue where they will repeatedly hear sexualised swear words, songs literally talking about the size of people's genitalia and then at given times - all the men you are watching, hug  and kiss each other, some even take their shirts off

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