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Championship | 22/23 Season


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49 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Things you love to see. 

Don’t be so heartless. This is all our fault.  I just wish we could turn back the clock and allow them to pip us to the playoffs. It was obvious we were never going to win them, yet Boro would have been dead certs. 
I feel absolutely terrible about how things are turning out for them now.


…so terrible in fact, it’s affecting my mental health, to the point where I’ve started telling blatant lies, and talking absolute gibberish. 

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54 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

It's a Danny Baker doorstep challenge.... Swap 2 for one, would you swap Wycombe doing ok in league 1 for a Wilder and Gibson implosion? ?

I would definitely rather see boro implode. Wycombe are tin pot. They might do well in league one, they might even get promoted to the championship, but they’ll be straight back down again. Much as I hate to admit it, boro are a pretty big club in the championship, and it would be a shocker if they went down. So if someone’s offering me that, I’m taking it. 

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