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The latest from the club via Chris Coles


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What is the point of a meeting such as this if an NDA is in place.

Completely pointless if you ask me.

We as fans are the beating heart of Derby County as a whole, not as a select few. 

If indeed this is a meeting restricted by any NDAs and behind smoke and mirrors to the majority of its “Supporters” then I fear ladies and gents we are in a hole much more cavernous than we all first feared.  
I fear for our club, yet hope my instincts are incorrect… but as we all know “it’s the hope that kills ya” ?

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I know we're all deeply frustrated by the lack of communication from the club and the apparent problems we're going to have in the new season due to EFL shenanigans, but my God some of you need to grow up - the club could easily arrange a streamed session where they didn't allow questions and simply presented a carfully worded set of statements that told us nothing. Instead, they're offering to talk to fan respresentatives with the understanding there may be some elements that are sensitive and they don't (at this point) want to make public - and you're all crying like schoolgirls because you can't go to the meeting or becasue someone might find out more than you do......

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6 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Yes I’d go as far as saying those representatives going today should turn down the offer if they have to sign a NDA. If the information being shared is good enough for some it should be good enough for all “unedited”. We’re all Derby aren’t we? Or aren't some us not Derby enough to know exactly what’s going on?. Yes it’s a bit of a tantrum but I feel completely let down by the club over this

But maybe there are certain comments which could be made during the meeting which may seem harmless to us fans, but other clubs may see how desperate we are in terms of actual cash or P&S. We haven't got many saleable assets, so if we announce we need £2m to stay within the limits, we'll end up getting lowballed on the likes of Knight, Sibley, Buchanan because we have no other option but to accept.

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3 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Fair enough. So you’d rather the rest of us remained in alarming ignorance than knowing that a small group of “representatives” had had a strictly private conversation with Mel that gave them some comfort?

I understand your desire for openness and transparency but I’d rather you (and others) were able to just emerge with a smile and no details than no meeting at all.

Yes as it defeats the purpose of what the group was setup for. The group was not set up to create a small ring of ITK individuals.

I have zero interest in sitting here saying trust me bro, I was saying trust me bro Lampard would be England manager after the Euro’s.

It would blur the lines between my own personal opinions and PR behind a NDA for the club, which I do not want to be in.

I was already conscious of reporting back without adding any personal opinions to the answers, simply repeating what I heard.

So 100% I would remove us, and fans that would like to put questions to the club would need to go through other groups that remained.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

But maybe there are certain comments which could be made during the meeting which may seem harmless to us fans, but other clubs may see how desperate we are in terms of actual cash or P&S. We haven't got many saleable assets, so if we announce we need £2m to stay within the limits, we'll end up getting lowballed on the likes of Knight, Sibley, Buchanan because we have no other option but to accept.

If we are in that position then that’s what we’ll have to do anyway. My argument is it’s not ok for some people to know theses facts and not the full Derby family. If this type of info is that much of a risk don’t tell the select few if you can’t tell the populous, what’s the point? 

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Mel might want to get some stuff off his chest about Steve Gibson, Wycombe, Barnsley’s (now Forest’s CEO) who have been the most prominent in sticking the boot into us alongside the EFL. As would fans similarly. An NDA protects this.

He might want to say stuff about P&S (FFP) which he doesn’t want releasing yet, he might even want to say (or inadvertently say) a couple of sensitive things about the takeover which he doesn’t want out in the public domain. 

There are a multitude of valid reasons why an NDA would be put in place, the fans groups (including David on our behalf) have all challenged it and been given assurances minutes will be released. Let’s give them a chance and save the criticism for when the minutes are released (if required).

@Davidthank you for representing us, best of luck and hope you get to ask all the questions you intend to.

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To be fair I've been involved in a few NDAs when I worked for Sports Interactive, they are generally used to keep any feature leaks to a minimum, avoid things being taken out of context and have everything tarted up and presented nicely.

Whilst it would be nice to have the whole thing broadcast live or uploaded 'live' at a later date, I don't see it being anything other than the club wanting to project itself in the best light (no doubt the highlights will have music overlaid, multiple camera angles etc) and to protect itself from any potential irate fans causing a scene or inappropriate language etc.  

Once the NDA lifts even if we don't get to see it, we'll hear about it from multiple sources - so whilst I'm all for transparency, this is the next best thing.

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It's a huge own goal if true. All fans, of all clubs, are desperate to understand the position of their club and probably no more so than Derby. The rumour mills are grinding away that there is much going on behind closed doors, this just panders to that.

And then, seriously, they expect a load of passionate fans to go to the pub with their mates on Friday and say 'I'm afraid I'm not able to divulge any information to you'. There would be all sorts of comments with the 'I'm not supposed to say but someone who was there, who can't be named, told me that.....' all over the forums and social media within hours.

Finally, doesn't it just play right into the hands of some of those (Ramstrust being an example) who many feel are in existence for nothing more than to get inner circle - they only had to read the reaction to the letter to see that. This gives them total belief they are seperated from the 'normal' fan in terms of what they are given access to.

It's naive, and indicator of how amateurish many in our club are at doing their job. What a joke our club is becoming by the day - sad to see.

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5 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

If we are in that position then that’s what we’ll have to do anyway. My argument is it’s not ok for some people to know theses facts and not the full Derby family. If this type of info is that much of a risk don’t tell the select few if you can’t tell the populous, what’s the point? 

Our current P&S position won't be made public until next season though. Even then, they'll only be estimates

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16 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Yes I’d go as far as saying those representatives going today should turn down the offer if they have to sign a NDA. If the information being shared is good enough for some it should be good enough for all “unedited”. We’re all Derby aren’t we? Or aren't some us not Derby enough to know exactly what’s going on?. Yes it’s a bit of a tantrum but I feel completely let down by the club over this

I hear you. 

So as the representative for this forum which you are a member of, would you prefer me not to attend tonight. Not have the opportunity to put forward questions raised on this forum, because the NDA is in place?

An NDA, which may only cover one sentence from the entire 2 hours, something completely insignificant.

Believe me, I could quite easily stay in bed all day, dog by my side and Olympics on TV all day.

Much easier than getting a taxi to the 1.30pm train, to then arrive back into the station at 11.50pm on the last train back. 

£50ish saved to go on the lash this weekend. 

I have given you my assurances that this will be no different to the other SCG meetings which have taken place. 

You don’t want me to go, is that what you’re telling me? Forget about all the other members on here, what their thoughts are, is that where you are at?

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24 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Yes I’d go as far as saying those representatives going today should turn down the offer if they have to sign a NDA. If the information being shared is good enough for some it should be good enough for all “unedited”. We’re all Derby aren’t we? Or aren't some us not Derby enough to know exactly what’s going on?. Yes it’s a bit of a tantrum but I feel completely let down by the club over this

We, here, are all Derby. But this is to protect Derby from those that aren't "all Derby".

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1 minute ago, David said:

I hear you. 

So as the representative for this forum which you are a member of, would you prefer me not to attend tonight. Not have the opportunity to put forward questions raised on this forum, because the NDA is in place?

An NDA, which may only cover one sentence from the entire 2 hours, something completely insignificant.

Believe me, I could quite easily stay in bed all day, dog by my side and Olympics on TV all day.

Much easier than getting a taxi to the 1.30pm train, to then arrive back into the station at 11.50pm on the last train back. 

£50ish saved to go on the lash this weekend. 

I have given you my assurances that this will be no different to the other SCG meetings which have taken place. 

You don’t want me to go, is that what you’re telling me? Forget about all the other members on here, what their thoughts are, is that where you are at?

I stated clearly I have nothing against any of the fans attending especially yourself. I’m envious obviously. However I think the NDA should be challenged by every representative as I truly believe every Derby fan has as much right to the detail as the next. I fear this will not happen and a scripted edited version will be all we see. Do I not want you to go, of course I want you to go I want the members views to be shared. Anyway it makes no difference what I think if it did it live streamed for everybody who holds and emotional connection to the club to hear everything.  

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