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Waghorn - What a (final?) performance!


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Been a tough season for him especially, but man did he deliver in that game yesterday.

Just watching the highlights again. He effectively kept us up. Nearly cut himself in two on the post, scored the header, great hold-up and chest down for Roberts, slotted Jozwiak through and had the balls to hammer in a superb penalty.

His Derby career has been a very mixed bag and I feared the worst first minute when the ball pinged about 10 yards off his shin and he went steaming into the challenge, thankfully missing the guy.

I’ll take his mixed bag career for what he fid yesterday. I’m quite sure that’s it for him here, so all the best and thanks for yesterday!

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Been a real frustration this season but he put it all on the table yesterday and in some style. Only challenge he 'lost' was with the goalposts and I'll forgive him that. 

Whatever the future holds, I'm grateful for a real never say die performance and two well-taken goals. 

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16 minutes ago, drgoodspeak said:

Been a tough season for him especially, but man did he deliver in that game yesterday.

Just watching the highlights again. He effectively kept us up. Nearly cut himself in two on the post, scored the header, great hold-up and chest down for Roberts, slotted Jozwiak through and had the balls to hammer in a superb penalty.

His Derby career has been a very mixed bag and I feared the worst first minute when the ball pinged about 10 yards off his shin and he went steaming into the challenge, thankfully missing the guy.

I’ll take his mixed bag career for what he fid yesterday. I’m quite sure that’s it for him here, so all the best and thanks for yesterday!

He wasn’t in my starting X1 ??

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There has been some utterly moronic and overstated criticism of him at times.

He's made a solid contribution in his time at the club, statistically comparable to some players who are held in a much higher regard (and who played in better teams) when you look at minutes on the pitch to goal contributions and consider how often he's been asked to switch roles from wide player to striker and back again.

He can be frustrating, yes, and stupid, yes, but honestly no more than the majority of players - it's just that every time he does something 'bad' there seems to be a queue of some very unforgiving people, waiting to jump on his back and call him poo 

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1 minute ago, Coconut said:

There has been some utterly moronic and overstated criticism of him at times.

He's made a solid contribution in his time at the club, statistically comparable to some players who are held in a much higher regard (and who played in better teams) when you look at minutes on the pitch to goal contributions and consider how often he's been asked to switch roles from wide player to striker and back again.


Perhaps. But also some very valid criticism. He needs to reach consistency now. That was his best performance ever for us. Repaid the fee and faith that WR has shown in him. No longer do I doubt his passion after post-match emotion so come on Waggers we need that week in and week out. 

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I think he will be the first to admit he hasn't had a good season. 

No idea where that performance came from but I am glad it did. 

That hold up play for the Roberts worldy was something we have rarely seen from him in a Derby shirt.

Can't imagine what he is on and he is ageing a bit but I would  not be against him staying around for another year.

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His recent performances leading up to yesterday weren't very good and he had the demeanour of his mind being elsewhere. He wasn't the only one, I hasten to add. 

What changed the tide is anyones guess. Was it the fans message outside the stadium? Probably a combination of things. I guess we're just all elated and relieved he turned up yesterday.

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3 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

His recent performances leading up to yesterday weren't very good and he had the demeanour of his mind being elsewhere. He wasn't the only one, I hasten to add. 

What changed the tide is anyones guess. Was it the fans message outside the stadium? Probably a combination of things. I guess we're just all elated and relieved he turned up yesterday.

When I watched his pre match interview it felt different, something changed then in my opinion he seemed very motivated and focused. It’s a tough call but I think he’s done enough to show that he cares and on his day he’s a good player that contributes more than enough. Another year has to be something we’re considering here.

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5 minutes ago, kingsy1884 said:

I think he will be the first to admit he hasn't had a good season. 

No idea where that performance came from but I am glad it did. 

That hold up play for the Roberts worldy was something we have rarely seen from him in a Derby shirt.

Can't imagine what he is on and he is ageing a bit but I would  not be against him staying around for another year.

...since Chris Martin ?

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Once again the ridiculously high transfer fee will weigh on people’s opinion of Waghorn. He’s had two solid seasons and this season he’s been poo. However he stepped up yesterday when it mattered most. I’d personally let him go now but I don’t question his professionalism at all and wish him well.

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As much as I like him, I think it is time for him to move on. He put everything out there yesterday, but his lack of quality has been evident for a few years now. He has a great free kick on him and chases everything down but that’s about all he can offer us. 

If he was willing to drop his wage to stay (assuming his last contract must have been pretty hefty) and accepted his position would be as an impact sub perhaps would be worth it, especially if points deduction news is true. 

In any case, made up for him yesterday as he seems a really decent bloke and at least he will be looked back upon fondly if he does go. 

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Yep, I’ve got to be honest in that when I saw his name on the team sheet yesterday at the expensive of Jozwiak I was disappointed and expectant of another lack lustre performance ending in our relegation. Thoroughly proved me wrong. Superb performance from waggy. 

Also, shout out to Curtis Davies for the last 10 in what was probably his last appearance for us. Just read a good interview with him in the Derby telegraph. 

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We paid too much for him (probably) and we can't continue to pay him big wages (probably), but he's had 2 decent seasons and 1 awful one. He's apparently a "great lad" - seems to be a confidence player. I'd keep him if he's not going to be expensive and he's not going to be the main striker.

Like everything else, really depends on the financial/ownership landscape going forwards. Assuming we're still tight on money, we can probably move on from him.

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59 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

He wasn’t in my starting X1 ??

Nor mine but I did have Roberts to start and Joz to terrorise them late in the game so I'm going to ignore the fact I left out the guy who scored two and held up the ball brilliantly for the other and counter with that fact I said Fozzy should be rested ?

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Fantastic performance. But one good game doesn't make up for an appalling season. It's good he can leave on a high, but there's no way I'd give new contracts too any of Wisdom, Davies or Waghorn, unless they take a 90% cut in wages. And even then, Davies is a top bloke but he's ended his career in a good way (I thank him for that) and I reckon it's time to hang up his boots, not risk his body anymore and begin the glittering media career he's so obviously cut out for.

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It’s the fact that he has the ability to play like that that has turned so many against him - how often have we seen that level of involvement in a game since he came to the club? If he’d played like that every time he pulled the shirt on we’d have got a bargain and the PL clubs would have been after him…

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