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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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6 hours ago, Crewton said:

99% of businesses survived the lockdowns, unemployment is lower than before the pandemic (according to the Government anyway), so why are the lockdown sceptics so worried about the prospects of a repeat? ??

Fear not though, overflowing A&E and ICU departments are just what the Government wants in order to force the Nurses and Paramedics to end strike action and also show the NHS "isn't working". 

There won't be further lockdowns because it doesn't suit their agenda. 

(a) because I value living my life

(b) because I had 3 vaccinations on the understanding I would then return to normal life for good

(c) because I dont want my children to spend their adult life having to pay for something they had no control over

Just 3 points off the top of my head.

Won't delve into the non Covid excess deaths since the lockdowns and the effect on people's mental health as I have not researched in great detail, but believe the info may be out there if you wanted to find it.

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Really ,,,, I’m surprised they have the time between tic tok dance routines??‍♂️

Yep, let's pour scorn on nurses and doctors. After all, just like those homeworkers you so clearly despise, they had such an easy time of it during the pandemic, so they're absolutely fair game. Bravo! 

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1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Yep, let's pour scorn on nurses and doctors. After all, just like those homeworkers you so clearly despise, they had such an easy time of it during the pandemic, so they're absolutely fair game. Bravo! 

Follow the thread at least ,,, ??‍♂️ the sarky flippancy was started by the other poster to which I responded in equal measure , still stick to a side and ignore / delete as fits , bravo

As stated The nurses are on way above national average salary with paid sick leave , paid holidays , pension scheme , on strike for 19% pay rise , you will have to excuse me ( or not , don’t give a duck) for not exactly being impressed , there’s far far far more in greater need than the nurses and my sympathies will be there

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Follow the thread at least ,,, ??‍♂️ the sarky flippancy was started by the other poster to which I responded in equal measure , still stick to a side and ignore / delete as fits , bravo

As stated The nurses are on way above national average salary with paid sick leave , paid holidays , pension scheme , on strike for 19% pay rise , you will have to excuse me ( or not , don’t give a duck) for not exactly being impressed , there’s far far far more in greater need than the nurses and my sympathies will be there

So who should we be stood on our doorstep clapping for? Whoops, meant campaigning for them to get a pay rise.

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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

So who should we be stood on our doorstep clapping for? 

I always plump for clapping Jehovah Witnesses on my doorstep.
Come rain, come shine, they are there doing their work for a pittance. They don’t fritter their monies away either on cheap alcohol and fags, or big TVs, or the latest clothing fashions. They are true saviours. 
Made me so proud today to clap the 4 below, and take their picture. I took their magazine too, as I had run out of kindling.




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9 hours ago, 1of4 said:

So who should we be stood on our doorstep clapping for? Whoops, meant campaigning for them to get a pay rise.

Not really sure how you went to me telling you we should be standing on our doorstep clapping for anyone , please explain and while your at it explain what’s wrong with thinking this current garbage about nurses being on the breadline , surviving on food banks and demanding 19% pay rise when they are on well above average salaries, conditions, perks , pensions and job security than most ( even a large number of nurses don’t agree with this strike)

or are you yet another that just comes on and throws out glib throw away comments of the kind we have seen for the last three years and shows no sign of stopping

how about you show us a proper comparison between a nurse and say a care home worker caring for the sick elderly 

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

Not really sure how you went to me telling you we should be standing on our doorstep clapping for anyone , please explain and while your at it explain what’s wrong with thinking this current garbage about nurses being on the breadline , surviving on food banks and demanding 19% pay rise when they are on well above average salaries, conditions, perks , pensions and job security than most ( even a large number of nurses don’t agree with this strike)

or are you yet another that just comes on and throws out glib throw away comments of the kind we have seen for the last three years and shows no sign of stopping

how about you show us a proper comparison between a nurse and say a care home worker caring for the sick elderly 

You just seem angry with your own choices. If Nurses have it so easy, why don't you retrain and become one? There is a massive shortage at the moment : once qualified, finding a job will be a PoP.

As for your nonsense about them being on "well above average salaries".....


The most common grade for NHS nurses is Band 5, which accounts for about 42% of nurses in England.

That's the pay grade for newly qualified nurses as well as some more experienced ones. Their salaries range between £27,055 and £32,934.


The mean UK full-time salary, which is what you get if you add up the amount all full-time employees are paid and divide by the number of full-time employees, is £39,966, according to the figures for April 2022 from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/63587909

....and (vital though they are) if you believe that Care Home Workers should be paid the same as qualified Nurses, you're deluded. CHW's should undoubtedly be paid more for what they do, but that's no reason to dismiss Nurses' claims in such a trite fashion.

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54 minutes ago, Crewton said:

You just seem angry with your own choices. If Nurses have it so easy, why don't you retrain and become one? There is a massive shortage at the moment : once qualified, finding a job will be a PoP.

As for your nonsense about them being on "well above average salaries".....

From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/63587909

....and (vital though they are) if you believe that Care Home Workers should be paid the same as qualified Nurses, you're deluded. CHW's should undoubtedly be paid more for what they do, but that's no reason to dismiss Nurses' claims in such a trite fashion.

Give over with your salaries nonesense they range from £20,200 to £109,475 and that my friend is basic without the perks , am I angry ? Much as you like / need to constantly use that old silliness time and again ,no I’m not 

I might be angry if I was a service person / soldier or the like having to lose my Christmas or family time to cover paramedics/ ambulance drivers ,nhs staff who are on strike for more but already far better paid than me even though I’m prepared and expected to lay down my life for my fellow citizens 

I take it you are all for giving them 19% rise ??

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On 29/12/2022 at 12:13, i-Ram said:

The NHS has been failing since the 70/80s. Time long overdue to get rid of a whole raft of time serving middle management who do bugger all, and hire and pay better the frontline staff with the savings made.

That won't happen.  Government policy will be to save money by getting rid of as many band 2/3 grades as possible on 20% of the payoff.  They'll then utilise the adhoc bank staff system more with no sick pay or annual leave.  Bank staff get paid minimum to living wage cap as well.  Anyone remaining will be merged and asked to do more.  Ain't gonna be any 50k redundancies.  

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9 minutes ago, Archied said:

Give over with your salaries nonesense they range from £20,200 to £109,475 and that my friend is basic without the perks , am I angry ? Much as you like / need to constantly use that old silliness time and again ,no I’m not 

I might be angry if I was a service person / soldier or the like having to lose my Christmas or family time to cover paramedics/ ambulance drivers ,nhs staff who are on strike for more but already far better paid than me even though I’m prepared and expected to lay down my life for my fellow citizens 

I take it you are all for giving them 19% rise ??

Not on here, but on other forums, I'm yet to receive a single answer when I've asked how much nurses should be being paid.

Most people dont even have any clue nurses are actually being paid.

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10 minutes ago, Archied said:

Give over with your salaries nonesense they range from £20,200 to £109,475 and that my friend is basic without the perks , am I angry ? Much as you like / need to constantly use that old silliness time and again ,no I’m not 

I might be angry if I was a service person / soldier or the like having to lose my Christmas or family time to cover paramedics/ ambulance drivers ,nhs staff who are on strike for more but already far better paid than me even though I’m prepared and expected to lay down my life for my fellow citizens 

I take it you are all for giving them 19% rise ??

Like I said, if you're unhappy with your lot, do something about it, but don't run down those who are trying to improve THEIR lot. You're being played by a government who created this crisis and who are refusing to negotiate, hoping that public opinion will turn against the nurses etc. No-one is expecting a 19% pay increase, least of all the minority on the highest bandings - it's a negotiating position - what they do expect is the government to behave like adults and engage with them instead of relying on a pay review figure that was reached when the government projection for inflation was "peaking at 4% before falling back to 2%". 

I will never understand people who want to denigrate the aspiration for an improvement in living standards of ordinary working people doing essential jobs. 

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6 hours ago, Archied said:

Not really sure how you went to me telling you we should be standing on our doorstep clapping for anyone , please explain and while your at it explain what’s wrong with thinking this current garbage about nurses being on the breadline , surviving on food banks and demanding 19% pay rise when they are on well above average salaries, conditions, perks , pensions and job security than most ( even a large number of nurses don’t agree with this strike)

or are you yet another that just comes on and throws out glib throw away comments of the kind we have seen for the last three years and shows no sign of stopping

how about you show us a proper comparison between a nurse and say a care home worker caring for the sick elderly 

You glibly stated that there are more deserving causes than nurses. I was just enquiring who these deserving causes are.

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33 minutes ago, Crewton said:

Like I said, if you're unhappy with your lot, do something about it, but don't run down those who are trying to improve THEIR lot. You're being played by a government who created this crisis and who are refusing to negotiate, hoping that public opinion will turn against the nurses etc. No-one is expecting a 19% pay increase, least of all the minority on the highest bandings - it's a negotiating position - what they do expect is the government to behave like adults and engage with them instead of relying on a pay review figure that was reached when the government projection for inflation was "peaking at 4% before falling back to 2%". 

I will never understand people who want to denigrate the aspiration for an improvement in living standards of ordinary working people doing essential jobs. 

Yada yada yada yada , the only thing I’m unhappy about is clowns spouting garbage all the time , I am doing something about it , I’m constantly calling the garbage out ??‍♂️

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36 minutes ago, Crewton said:

I will never understand people who want to denigrate the aspiration for an improvement in living standards of ordinary working people doing essential jobs. 

But what you seem to forget is that these improvement in living standards will have to be funded to the detriment of other people's living standards, via tax increases or cuts in public spending. 

Why not see if these pay increases can be funded internally first?




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31 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

You glibly stated that there are more deserving causes than nurses. I was just enquiring who these deserving causes are.

I already gave care workers as an example ,,, but you really are not able to see beyond your own blinker s,

the country is is a mess made far worse by stupid covid measures 

Peoble are really struggling     NURSES ARE NOT A SPECIAL CASE

ordinary working class person here not wanting ordinary working class people to have better standard of living ?????

seems to me perhaps some public sector employees don’t give a stuff if they’re demands make private sector people s lives worse off who are often on worse condition s and salaries than they are already 

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Special cases 

who saved more lives during covid ?

1, nurses 

2 , Amazon / online food , medicine delivery drivers 

im gonna go with 2 

one of those catagory s has above average salary , holiday pay , sick pay ,pensions , job security,,

the other has NONE of those things but the nurses salary and a19% rise will come out of they’re pockets

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

Care workers.  

"More"? That's highly subjective. It's also dumb to conflate two groups of essential workers and say "A's demands are unreasonable because B are more deserving", particularly when B's employers are largely in the private sector and A are largely employed by the public sector. 

Pay them both more or face a critical shortage that will cost lives. That's the choice.


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