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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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6 hours ago, Archied said:

Follow the money === we’ll know tried and tested method of solving crimes , exposing fraud’s, unraveling messes , showing motivation s and conflicts of interests whether criminal or just plain disgusting,

perhaps for fun to give this new concept a run , look at say how the friend and landlord of the local pub of our ex health minister with NO background lands multi millions contract to supply ppe, from there your off and running don’t come back for multiple easy examples like it’s some silly game ,

have you considered setting up one of those make thousands from home companies with the ads, your really on to something and could wipe out poverty at a stroke , get the poor to gamble money they havnt got on stocks and shares they don’t understand, just leave out the investment s can fall as well as rise warning and I reckon your on a winner , or at least somebody will be , hoora for unfortunate coincidences,

thanks for the heads up tooI didn’t realise private individuals could make billions from public listed companies,why it’s almost co op

as I said truly bizarre 

I have no idea what you’re talking about here. I’m not going to criticise the grammar as that isn’t important, but you’ve just regurgitated words with no meaning.

Yeah the second part is government handing out jobs to friends and family with no experience or expertise in that specific field. I know all about that here as we say it’s not what you know but who you know. This isn’t anything new and has been going on for centuries.

I haven’t thought about setting up anything, but you’re going way off topic. Many people have been citing pharma companies as being in cahoots in order to fabricate the virus or the danger of the virus in order to become richer. Well that only works if they are run by individuals but they are not. They are public companies with millions holding shares in them.

And it’s not gambling if this is all some kind of evil plot is it? I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Then again, I don’t believe in this ‘follow the money’ line you are spinning. It’s truly bizarre.

But also thanks for the insults. Naive, privileged, out of touch... Now I’m a tool too. All because I don’t believe this is some sort of money-making plot from the elite. You’re being incredibly sensitive and you have nothing to back up your claims. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Wouldn't it be easier just to say you're exempt, if you feel like that?.

I haven't worn a mask for ages. Had a day & night out in Birmingham last Friday. Packed with people in shops & bars, almost nobody wearing masks. Had a great time. Got a sore throat over the weekend so did LFT's yesterday just to be safe - negative.

However, it's not a hill I'm prepared to die on, so as of tomorrow I'll be wearing a mask in shops again. I don't feel it's a big deal and don't feel like my liberties are being eroded.

But that's just me.

Honest question,, would you not see me very differently if I was saying I’m going to pretend I’m exempt ? I know I would see myself differently, would I be in some small way justifying people treat my wife the way some have ? Would I be doing a real disservice to people who actually are exempt and making they’re lives more difficult and unpleasant?
if I really believed that this theatre of masks was actually making any real significant real world difference then I would be wearing one , mandated or not ,

as I say masks are just a part of the whole that has been visited on people over these last two years , less dehumanising than some of the stuff but still wrong in my opinion 

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1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

I have no idea what you’re talking about here. I’m not going to criticise the grammar as that isn’t important, but you’ve just regurgitated words with no meaning.

Yeah the second part is government handing out jobs to friends and family with no experience or expertise in that specific field. I know all about that here as we say it’s not what you know but who you know. This isn’t anything new and has been going on for centuries.

I haven’t thought about setting up anything, but you’re going way off topic. Many people have been citing pharma companies as being in cahoots in order to fabricate the virus or the danger of the virus in order to become richer. Well that only works if they are run by individuals but they are not. They are public companies with millions holding shares in them.

And it’s not gambling if this is all some kind of evil plot is it? I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Then again, I don’t believe in this ‘follow the money’ line you are spinning. It’s truly bizarre.

But also thanks for the insults. Naive, privileged, out of touch... Now I’m a tool too. All because I don’t believe this is some sort of money-making plot from the elite. You’re being incredibly sensitive and you have nothing to back up your claims. 

You just did and important enough for you to point out in a snide underhand way??‍♂️??????,

not sure if you’ve just dipped into the topic and havnt read my opinion or if like some you just want to paint a picture no matter what’s said ,so once again , 

yes I believe there is a virus so no I don’t believe it’s all a plot

yes I think this virus is dangerous to some 

Beyond that point do I believe it’s having the arse ripped out of it for money and power ? Hell yes 

now if you want to converse further I’m ok to do that as long as you realise this is a football forum where I don’t give a stuff about spelling and grammar , my daughter has a degree and is doing a masters now , she is dyslexic and I have sat hours and hours on end with her proof reading everything she’s ever handed in , something I can tell you that does not come easily to me and is bloody hard going but we get through it with the help of spell checker and blood sweat and tears , again you may not be aware that this haughty grammar superiority game is a bug bear that I have called out many many times when it’s been visited on some posters who really do struggle with such things and will always call it out for what it is ,


Edited by Archied
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23 minutes ago, Archied said:

Honest question,, would you not see me very differently if I was saying I’m going to pretend I’m exempt ? I know I would see myself differently, would I be in some small way justifying people treat my wife the way some have ? Would I be doing a real disservice to people who actually are exempt and making they’re lives more difficult and unpleasant?
if I really believed that this theatre of masks was actually making any real significant real world difference then I would be wearing one , mandated or not ,

as I say masks are just a part of the whole that has been visited on people over these last two years , less dehumanising than some of the stuff but still wrong in my opinion 

In all honesty, it's a situation that's very unlikey to arise, isn't it?. Last I heard, retail staff were told not to challenge anyone.

But no, I see saying you're exempt is partly just taking the path of least resistance for the outcome you want - avoiding the stress and unpleasantness both from your side and the staff. Also it's sticking a finger or two up at the rules - which would probably appeal to you as well.

On balance I believe that masks probably do have a positive effect. You don't and that's your prerogative. I would choose to wear a mask if mandated again but I've never challenged anyone for not wearing one and never would. None of my business what exemptions people may or may not have.

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19 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

In all honesty, it's a situation that's very unlikey to arise, isn't it?. Last I heard, retail staff were told not to challenge anyone.

But no, I see saying you're exempt is partly just taking the path of least resistance for the outcome you want - avoiding the stress and unpleasantness both from your side and the staff. Also it's sticking a finger or two up at the rules - which would probably appeal to you as well.

On balance I believe that masks probably do have a positive effect. You don't and that's your prerogative. I would choose to wear a mask if mandated again but I've never challenged anyone for not wearing one and never would. None of my business what exemptions people may or may not have.

There won’t be any stress or unpleasantness with any staff , jeez it not them making the rules and they are being put in a horrible position, if the situation arises then it’s up to the police to enforce these so called laws and take me to court , I don’t want to stick fingers up at the rules I want to openly challenge what going on

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24 minutes ago, Archied said:

There won’t be any stress or unpleasantness with any staff , jeez it not them making the rules and they are being put in a horrible position, if the situation arises then it’s up to the police to enforce these so called laws and take me to court , I don’t want to stick fingers up at the rules I want to openly challenge what going on

"ask to be dealt with by a manager , ask them to facilitate being able to purchase what I NEED without me entering the shop , if not I will stay in the shop mask less as far away from people as possible and politely request the manager calls police to remove and arrest me"

Well that sounds like it would cause unpleasantness with the staff. You might as well glue yourself to something ?

Anyway, like I said, it won't happen.

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3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Wonder how many people will wear masks tonight in the pub before hand, in the concourse and the in the ground. I’d imagine not very many. Then next Friday/Saturday night as we move into December and the pubs start getting full of parties etc, how many will wear masks, virtually no one. What’s the point in public transport and shops when you don’t cover all the other areas?. Why don’t people follow the rules, because they don’t make any sense and they don’t work. 

It's really pretty simple. People have to use public transport and go food shopping, including more vulnerable people. They don't have to go to pubs/football etc.

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Just now, ariotofmyown said:

It's really pretty simple. People have to use public transport and go food shopping, including more vulnerable people. They don't have to go to pubs/football etc.

They will go though won’t they  

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Wearing masks doesn't bother me in the slightest although maybe it would if I worked in a shop.

I think there's a significant difference between popping one on to go into a shop for 10 or 15 minutes (which I never stopped doing at the behest of the wife) and wearing one all day.

I went into Marks earlier today and forgot to take mine back off until I'd got back into my car and noticed it in the rear view mirror.

So I'm curious to know, for most people who are unhappy in here and presuming you don't have to wear one all day at work, is it a point of principle, a comfort thing, or a combination of the two?

And I think believing they offer no benefit fits into the principle part.

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3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

But then that's on them to take a risk they don't really need to take.

But they do need to get a bus/train to work, or get some food to feed their family.

So we shouldn’t go to the match or the pub or out for a meal now?

I thought masks were to protect others not the person wearing it so it’s not a risk to them or is it, confused now. 

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4 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Wearing masks doesn't bother me in the slightest although maybe it would if I worked in a shop.

I think there's a significant difference between popping one on to go into a shop for 10 or 15 minutes (which I never stopped doing at the behest of the wife) and wearing one all day.

I went into Marks earlier today and forgot to take mine back off until I'd got back into my car and noticed it in the rear view mirror.

So I'm curious to know, for most people who are unhappy in here and presuming you don't have to wear one all day at work, is it a point of principle, a comfort thing, or a combination of the two?

And I think believing they offer no benefit fits into the principle part.

Principal for me, I’ve had the jab so job done or what’s the point in the vaccine? And if they aren’t compulsory everywhere what’s the point.

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55 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

"ask to be dealt with by a manager , ask them to facilitate being able to purchase what I NEED without me entering the shop , if not I will stay in the shop mask less as far away from people as possible and politely request the manager calls police to remove and arrest me"

Well that sounds like it would cause unpleasantness with the staff. You might as well glue yourself to something ?

Anyway, like I said, it won't happen.

If you talk properly and explain yourself then there’s no reason for unpleasantness if staff are just doing they’re job ,can see your point if it’s more than that ??‍♂️

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7 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Principal for me, I’ve had the jab so job done or what’s the point in the vaccine? And if they aren’t compulsory everywhere what’s the point.

I think the point of masks is to help stop the spread of the virus. Mainly it is to stop the wearer spreading it to other people.

So the fact you have had the vaccine will protect you but protect others much less. With the mask wearing, it's the other way around, it smostly to protect others,  not you the wearer. Why should it be compulsory everywhere?  It's there for places that people need to go...  public transport and shops. It's all about reducing risk , not eliminating risk. Balancing the conflicting principles of risk reduction against personal freedom.  

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4 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

I think the point of masks is to help stop the spread of the virus. Mainly it is to stop the wearer spreading it to other people.

So the fact you have had the vaccine will protect you but protect others much less. With the mask wearing, it's the other way around, it smostly to protect others,  not you the wearer. Why should it be compulsory everywhere?  It's there for places that people need to go...  public transport and shops. It's all about reducing risk , not eliminating risk. Balancing the conflicting principles of risk reduction against personal freedom.  

But if those who have had the vaccine that was offered to everyone are protected then who’s left to protect? Those who chose not to have the vaccine that was offered to everyone that’s their choice and their risk. 

Don’t see the point adding more restrictions because someone decided to take a risk when protection was offered. 

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28 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Wearing masks doesn't bother me in the slightest although maybe it would if I worked in a shop.

I think there's a significant difference between popping one on to go into a shop for 10 or 15 minutes (which I never stopped doing at the behest of the wife) and wearing one all day.

I went into Marks earlier today and forgot to take mine back off until I'd got back into my car and noticed it in the rear view mirror.

So I'm curious to know, for most people who are unhappy in here and presuming you don't have to wear one all day at work, is it a point of principle, a comfort thing, or a combination of the two?

And I think believing they offer no benefit fits into the principle part.

I believe being forced to wear one is dehumanising , I believe they are so damaging to our children psychologically instilling  fear of other humans into them ( the change in them has been horrible to see ) , I believe they are divisive in society ,I believe they give a false sense of security,I believe we are going to be swamped with billions of them in land fills , in rivers , in the sea ,

if it was a serious thing and not theatre mask spec would be stipulated and poss provided by government and proper bio bins situated in our towns and cities for them if disposable,, the silly pants on your head posts over the last few days actually aren’t so silly because I would be welcomed on a train, bus or in a shop if I put a pair of pants on my head ??‍♂️
pure theatre and I’m stunned people fall for it the negatives far outweigh any minuscule effect they only might have ,, folks this virus is airborne, I’ll fitting bits of paper , scarves , snoods ,pants ,on and off in and out of pockets is useless theatre , 

the least sinister explanation I can see is government s desperately needed if to look like they are doing something 

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

You just did and important enough for you to point out in a snide underhand way??‍♂️??????,

not sure if you’ve just dipped into the topic and havnt read my opinion or if like some you just want to paint a picture no matter what’s said ,so once again , 

yes I believe there is a virus so no I don’t believe it’s all a plot

yes I think this virus is dangerous to some 

Beyond that point do I believe it’s having the arse ripped out of it for money and power ? Hell yes 

now if you want to converse further I’m ok to do that as long as you realise this is a football forum where I don’t give a stuff about spelling and grammar , my daughter has a degree and is doing a masters now , she is dyslexic and I have sat hours and hours on end with her proof reading everything she’s ever handed in , something I can tell you that does not come easily to me and is bloody hard going but we get through it with the help of spell checker and blood sweat and tears , again you may not be aware that this haughty grammar superiority game is a bug bear that I have called out many many times when it’s been visited on some posters who really do struggle with such things and will always call it out for what it is ,


I wasn’t criticizing your grammar or spelling. That’s not important. I was saying your entire first paragraph was just a bunch of words with no context or meaning. I couldn’t understand it (not because of grammar or spelling) but because to me it just made no sense.

I’m all for being open and having opinions, but you have to provide a reason behind those. You can’t just say ‘follow the money’ suggesting this is some kind of scheme by some to get rich without any context at all.

I consider myself quite opinionated. People may hate that. But at least I try to explain my opinion, whether right or wrong.

I don’t just throw controversial comments out there without context.


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