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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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13 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

and increases the case for vaccinating as many people as possible, as it appears that the only real benefit of the jab is to prevent serious illness and/or death - so if we want to return to "normal" and not face endless lockdowns we have to take the steps necessary to relegate this to a "highly infectious but not very serious" disease


Then, before you know it, it’s a mandatory annual jab, then it won’t be on NHS, which is slowly being disassembled, and the pharma companies are raking in billions in unnecessary vaccinations every year like they do with sponsored prescriptions in the USA. Just like the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were saying 18mths ago! 

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Then, before you know it, it’s a mandatory annual jab, then it won’t be on NHS, which is slowly being disassembled, and the pharma companies are raking in billions in unnecessary vaccinations every year like they do with sponsored prescriptions in the USA. Just like the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were saying 18mths ago! 

But that's pretty much how the pharma industry works - and has always worked. Everyone knows it - nothing to do with Covid vaccines really, just conspiracy nuts trying to use A to prove B, when no one is disputing A anyway!

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Then, before you know it, it’s a mandatory annual jab, then it won’t be on NHS, which is slowly being disassembled, and the pharma companies are raking in billions in unnecessary vaccinations every year like they do with sponsored prescriptions in the USA. Just like the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were saying 18mths ago! 

All you've done there is demonstrate that these theories were wrong.

Mandatory & paid for jab?. Who has said that is likely or even possible in the UK - other than Youtube nuts?

It'll be done in the same way as the flu jabs. Why don't we have to pay for them already, if what you say is true? Or NHS holiday jabs?. Or childhood vaccines?. Think of the profits that could have been made on them.


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17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

All you've done there is demonstrate that these theories were wrong.

Mandatory & paid for jab?. Who has said that is likely or even possible in the UK - other than Youtube nuts?

It'll be done in the same way as the flu jabs. Why don't we have to pay for them already, if what you say is true? Or NHS holiday jabs?. Or childhood vaccines?. Think of the profits that could have been made on them.


They’re not making flu jabs a requirement for anything. 

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

All you've done there is demonstrate that these theories were wrong.

Mandatory & paid for jab?. Who has said that is likely or even possible in the UK - other than Youtube nuts?

It'll be done in the same way as the flu jabs. Why don't we have to pay for them already, if what you say is true? Or NHS holiday jabs?. Or childhood vaccines?. Think of the profits that could have been made on them.


Does it really matter if we pay at source or on our tax bills ,, they still have to be paid for?‍♂️

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11 hours ago, maxjam said:

Completely voids the case for vaccine passports imo



Two things in the report mean we can't draw conclusions yet.

1. This has not gone through peer review yet.

2. The research does not draw any relationship between levels of the virus in the body and the transmissibilty of a vaccinated person. In fact the report says it could be the case that a vaccinated person my be infectious for a much shorter period of time, but the researchers have not attempted to measure this.

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7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

All you've done there is demonstrate that these theories were wrong.

Mandatory & paid for jab?. Who has said that is likely or even possible in the UK - other than Youtube nuts?

It'll be done in the same way as the flu jabs. Why don't we have to pay for them already, if what you say is true? Or NHS holiday jabs?. Or childhood vaccines?. Think of the profits that could have been made on them.


You do have to pay for holiday jabs, even through the NHS.


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43 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Two things in the report mean we can't draw conclusions yet.

1. This has not gone through peer review yet.

2. The research does not draw any relationship between levels of the virus in the body and the transmissibilty of a vaccinated person. In fact the report says it could be the case that a vaccinated person my be infectious for a much shorter period of time, but the researchers have not attempted to measure this.

"Prof Paul Hunter, Professor in Medicine at the University of East Anglia, said: "There is now quite a lot of evidence that all vaccines are much better at reducing the risk of severe disease than they are at reducing the risk from infection.

"The main value of immunisation is in reducing the risk of severe disease and death and the evidence available shows that protection lasts longer against severe disease than against mild disease and all current UK vaccines are very good at this even against the Delta variant."

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10 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Doesn’t matter to me, no, but I’m not the one saying we’re all going to be forced to pay for COVID jabs at point of use. 

Neither was I ??‍♂️

controversy over booster jab program’s being put in place now whilst POORER countries struggle to get their hands on first doses ,,

whilst people on here laugh at some of us sensible enough to say follow the money

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Just looking at the Government coronavirus dashboard, I'm sure that the percentage of adults vaccinated has actually gone down over the last few days, anyone else noticed this?

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36 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just looking at the Government coronavirus dashboard, I'm sure that the percentage of adults vaccinated has actually gone down over the last few days, anyone else noticed this?

They're now defining adult as 16+, with jabs being available to them. Mentioned the change on the news last night.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

They're now defining adult as 16+, with jabs being available to them. Mentioned the change on the news last night.

That explains then, thank you! Thought I was either going mad or the Government were moving the goalposts again!

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Neither was I ??‍♂️

controversy over booster jab program’s being put in place now whilst POORER countries struggle to get their hands on first doses ,,

whilst people on here laugh at some of us sensible enough to say follow the money

I think you'll find the sensible people realise that the real conroversy would happen if we were still locked down & still doing first jabs because we'd shipped them all to poorer countries, rather than reach for the nearest conpiracy.

Imagine the backlash if the government (of any country and colour) chose to proritise helping poor nations above fully protecting their own. Isn't that the number 1 priority of any government?.

I don't know how many jabs we have shared around the world, so can't really have an opinion on whether it's enough or not.

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41 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I think you'll find the sensible people realise that the real conroversy would happen if we were still locked down & still doing first jabs because we'd shipped them all to poorer countries, rather than reach for the nearest conpiracy.

Imagine the backlash if the government (of any country and colour) chose to proritise helping poor nations above fully protecting their own. Isn't that the number 1 priority of any government?.

I don't know how many jabs we have shared around the world, so can't really have an opinion on whether it's enough or not.

I dont think anyone would argue with this point but arent they already talking about booster jabs starting as early as next month?

'Nobody is safe until the whole world is safe' was the mantra remember.


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35 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I dont think anyone would argue with this point but arent they already talking about booster jabs starting as early as next month?

Except for laughing boy, maybe ?‍♂️

I know AZ weren't making any profit on vaccines sent to poorer countries and that many rich countries are sharing supplies but I don't know enough about it to be able to say whether it's enough.

Presumably it's next month, to coincide with flu jabs starting up. Makes sense to do both, surely?.

35 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

'Nobody is safe until the whole world is safe' was the mantra remember.


When is the whole world safe, though, if we're talking annual booster jabs being needed for whichever variant happens to be prevalent (as in the case of flu)?. It's going to be a continuous loop as far as I can see, and a country may be "safe" only for a few months at a time.


Edited by Wolfie
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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Except for laughing boy, maybe ?‍♂️

I know AZ weren't making any profit on vaccines sent to poorer countries and that many rich countries are sharing supplies but I don't know enough about it to be able to say whether it's enough.

Presumably it's next month, to coincide with flu jabs starting up. Makes sense to do both, surely?.

When is the whole world safe, though, if we're talking annual booster jabs being needed for whichever variant happens to be prevalent (as in the case of flu)?. It's going to be a continuous loop as far as I can see, and a country may be "safe" only for a few months at a time.


Frowning boy , anybody who doesn’t bleat the official line is frowned on  , tut tutted and called a conspiracy theorist, we are not talking first jab or even second jab here but boosters. Within what ? A year ? 
vaccine goes where the money is , follow the money

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