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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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On 15/06/2023 at 01:06, Eddie said:

"Living" starring Bill Nighy.

One of those 'inspired by abc which was itself inspired by xyz" films. It almost has an air of Ealing Cinema about it, yet it was only released last year.

A bureaucrat learns that he is suffering from a terminal illness, and basically... well, no spoilers from me other than to say that I feel that the film has had quite an effect on me emotionally - or there's quite a bit of dust in here.



I was wondering about this one for a while and decided to watch it at the weekend on your recommendation.

Really enjoyed it. Maybe this is just me but it had a feel of "it's a wonderful life" about it. Not a bad thing IMO and the deliberately old fashioned feel of it obviously fed into that. I must admit the final couple of scenes almost had me blubbing.

Bill Nighy is a pleasure to watch, as ever, with his amazing repertoire of physical expressions often doing much of the acting heavy lifting.


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Wes Anderson's Asteroid City, including a cast of dozens of famous actors. And Jarvis Cocker! One of the strangest films I've ever seen, with a film within a play within something else. Bryan Cranston the on screen narrator. Probably a work of genius, but sometimes baffling. If you don't go to sleep, you can't wake up? Might just sweep all the Oscars? 

Georgi Kinkladze/10

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On Netflix

The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe 

       The Unearthed Tapes

Documentary of her troubled life with true telephone conversations.

Most of this is out there over the years, Involving Politicians/Film stars/Husbands and the like, But hearing phone conversations put a different slant on her life...very sad life she led from birth and died at the age of 36 ...an 8 out of 10 for me


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On 21/06/2023 at 17:28, TimRam said:

Extraction 2 on netflix Action thriller. As good as the first one...just don't look away from the screen as you will miss something! 8/10.

Saw this last night. Not sure it's quite as good as the original but close. Set up for a bit of a run I thought based on the ending. 

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On 31/05/2023 at 08:46, Jubbs said:

Not "last film you saw" but one I am incredibly excited for:

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Early reviews saying it's better than the first, which is a hard feat at the first is such a brilliant film. Looking forward to watching it in the cinema.


Watched it last night. Was absolutely blown away.

Can't believe that this and the bloody Puss In Boots movie are two of my favourite films of all time.

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The Ninth Gate (Netflix)

1999 film by Roman Polanski with Johnny Depp as a rare book dealer, tasked with finding the last copies of a book supposedly written by the devil himself.

Enjoyed this. No jump scares (thankfully) & not a scary horror but a good thriller with an unsettling air about it. Slightly unsatisfying ending but well worth a watch.


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On 02/07/2023 at 20:13, AndyinLiverpool said:

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Some will not see the sense of making another Indiana Jones film but I loved it.

A macguffin, lots of action and an over the top ending. Standard Indiana Jones fare but really enjoyable.

It's not one for me (I didn't like number 3 and hated 4) but glad you liked it.

I've seen a few dodgy reviews of it and one in particular made me chuckle for insisting on calling it Indiana Jones and the Diarrhea of Disney

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's not one for me (I didn't like number 3 and hated 4) but glad you liked it.

I've seen a few dodgy reviews of it and one in particular made me chuckle for insisting on calling it Indiana Jones and the Diarrhea of Disney

Critical Drinker? His review is funny.

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Ouija - origin of evil (SKY) from 2016

Prequel to a previous Ouija film which I haven’t seen. 

A family of fake mediums get an Ouija board to connect with the dead father. Better than I expected. Good slow & intelligent build up and then the inevitable ramped up finale. 


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A woman who’s cursed by people only she can see and who have an evil smile - leading to their violent death  

Obvious influence from the “Ring”  films and The Exorcist but not bad 


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49 minutes ago, Eddie said:

For the umpteenth time, I'm currently watching '2012'. Each time I do, I think "Is it possible that this is the worst 'bad science' film ever made?"

Kenny Burns/10.

That the one where the Queen gets on the last plane to safety with millions dying and she get's to bring on the Corgis.  

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Indiana Jones- Dial of Destiny : film of 3 parts for me - cgi is great and starts off as good as any Indy film with OTT action scenes and lots of well handled nostalgia. Was really loving it.

Phoebe WB is fine as a sidekick, but gets increasingly grating as she becomes more of a focal point and the film starts to drift a little. 

Then ending comes which is just creaky and odd, hard to swallow for me and took me right out of it.

Overall 6 or 6.5 out of 10 

Edited by Chester40
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23 hours ago, Wolfie said:

The Ninth Gate (Netflix)

1999 film by Roman Polanski with Johnny Depp as a rare book dealer, tasked with finding the last copies of a book supposedly written by the devil himself.

Enjoyed this. No jump scares (thankfully) & not a scary horror but a good thriller with an unsettling air about it. Slightly unsatisfying ending but well worth a watch.


Always liked this film. 

Manages to create a real feeling of 'it could be real' that makes it really eeire and unsettling. 

Bit like a Dan Brown story but much creepier and better acted.

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