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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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On 01/10/2016 at 23:31, jono said:

Anthropoid .. Brilliant, harrowing and beautifully shot, very atmospheric. Fine acting too. The bitter sweet, ugly, brutal and almost perversely noble face of war. 

On my list to see.

Sounds like the complete opposite of the last film I saw (on DVD) 'London has Fallen'. Like watching somebody else play a really poor shoot em up game. It was like Die Hard, any film involving Schwarzenegger (including Kindergarten Cop) hadn't happened.


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Mechanic: Resurrection one more for the missus. Didn't pay massive attention neither did it really get my attention. Pretty predictable some good ideas in there. 3.5/10.

Sausage Party: Some scenes made me 'WTF' some laughs in there a lot of them are in the adverts. *Spoiler* That sex scene at the end where there all having a orgy basically.. What the actual ****!


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Pacific Rim.

I avoided this up to now, despite being a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro's films. Seeing as it's about massive robots punching massive monsters, It just looked like it was going to be another dire Michael Bay effort. Finally got round to catching it last week, while the Mrs was out.

I liked it. 7/10

Yes, it's stupid, loud & everything turned up to 11 but at least it was fun at the same time. Michael Bay stuff is not.


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38 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Pacific Rim.

I avoided this up to now, despite being a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro's films. Seeing as it's about massive robots punching massive monsters, It just looked like it was going to be another dire Michael Bay effort. Finally got round to catching it last week, while the Mrs was out.

I liked it. 7/10

Yes, it's stupid, loud & everything turned up to 11 but at least it was fun at the same time. Michael Bay stuff is not.


It's good, but it's no Robot Jox.

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Just watched Suicide Squad. 

Great idea. Poor execution. Watched the whole film wondering how the director(s) managed to mess it up. The plot is crazy. It spends a decent amount of time fleshing out Deadshot and Harley Quinn and then rushes through the main "plot". The actual villain isn't interesting. They stand around in the city doing magic for an hour. It's a confused mess. 

The line "you killed it", "oh she killed it" gets used about 5 times. Some scenes just exist so someone (usually Harley Quinn) can make a one liner. It's a Deadshot and Harley Quinn one liner montage. Nobody else matters. 

It's not funny like Deadpool. It's not dark like Batman trilogy. It's not as blockbuster as any Xmen movie. 

Will Smith is just Will Smith. I'm a big fan but he's just there to basically be Hancock. But the lines aren't funny. 

It's pretty crap. How can it be crap with such material. And why do you need supernatural monsters to be the baddies? 

2/10. The first part of the film is interesting.  


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12 hours ago, Alpha said:

Just watched Suicide Squad. 

Great idea. Poor execution. Watched the whole film wondering how the director(s) managed to mess it up. The plot is crazy. It spends a decent amount of time fleshing out Deadshot and Harley Quinn and then rushes through the main "plot". The actual villain isn't interesting. They stand around in the city doing magic for an hour. It's a confused mess. 

The line "you killed it", "oh she killed it" gets used about 5 times. Some scenes just exist so someone (usually Harley Quinn) can make a one liner. It's a Deadshot and Harley Quinn one liner montage. Nobody else matters. 

It's not funny like Deadpool. It's not dark like Batman trilogy. It's not as blockbuster as any Xmen movie. 

Will Smith is just Will Smith. I'm a big fan but he's just there to basically be Hancock. But the lines aren't funny. 

It's pretty crap. How can it be crap with such material. And why do you need supernatural monsters to be the baddies? 

2/10. The first part of the film is interesting.  


DC are crapping all over a lot of their big names at the moment. Not seen this or Batman vs Superman, but your review is essentially the consensus view. 

Marvel have got an idea of how they want their universe to look, and the style they want (colourful, humour, action, not to be taken as seriously as an Oscar winner - think comic book more than graphic novels. That works for them, and the I go into a marvel film expecting to be entertained, yet to be failed there.

The Batman trilogy got 2 things right - Chris Nolan given the keys to run things his way and cast good people, and tone - based on being as realistic as possible, it was believable. Now you can't do that with Superman, or many superheroes in the DC universe, but they need to do something

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1 hour ago, r4derby said:

DC are crapping all over a lot of their big names at the moment. Not seen this or Batman vs Superman, but your review is essentially the consensus view. 

Marvel have got an idea of how they want their universe to look, and the style they want (colourful, humour, action, not to be taken as seriously as an Oscar winner - think comic book more than graphic novels. That works for them, and the I go into a marvel film expecting to be entertained, yet to be failed there.

The Batman trilogy got 2 things right - Chris Nolan given the keys to run things his way and cast good people, and tone - based on being as realistic as possible, it was believable. Now you can't do that with Superman, or many superheroes in the DC universe, but they need to do something

I think any of us could sit for 5 mins and come up with a better plot. So much material. 

The Joker and Batman pop in every once in a while. And they contribute pretty much nothing. The Joker follows Harley Quinn who follows Deadshot who follows Rick Flag who's trying to rescue a person we didn't even know was in danger against an army of monsters we didn't know existed in a City we didn't know was in danger. 

It's like you keep nodding off and missing bits. 

Everybody is boring by the end. When Batman shows up after the credits you don't care about anyone. 

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Sith Happens

Money Monster starring George Clooney, Julia Roberts and a certain Derby fan. 7/10 good way to spend a couple of hours, not taxing on the brain but enjoyable.

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After the Dark

At an international school in Jakarta, a philosophy teacher challenges his class of twenty graduating seniors to choose which ten of them would take shelter underground and reboot the human race in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.

The film starts off very good & examines a few interesting moral dilemmas in the fictional situation the students experience. The same scenario is replayed with different choices made, based on new information presented each time. It's interesting in that once the situation/role play starts, it is presented to the viewer as a proper story, so you see the twists unfold and get to find out how & why the right & wrong people were chosen to enter the bunker.

The problem with the film is that half way through, it loses it's nerve (or the writer ran out of good ideas, more likely) and in order to keep the story going and crank up the drama, it starts to break it's own rules. The last third of the film ends up an incoherent mess, as a result and the ending is just stupid.

5/10 (First half: 7/10, Second half: 3/10)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/21/2016 at 21:21, dog said:

Couldn't  find the film thread but needed to post that I, Daniel Blake has left me speechless.  Went to see it with Mrs D and got back half an hour ago. She's in the front room, I'm in the kitchen,  both of us searching for words.


I know that this is what might be called a Big Girl's Blouse moment but in a world of Cowellesque uber ***** masquerading as entertainment it is nice to be genuinely moved.

Film thread here. I read a write up on this and it sounds like an ordeal to watch. Where did you watch it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Nocturnal Animals last night. I haven't seen a film which was so up itself in a long time. A shame because there are some really good scenes and Michael Shannon is terrific as the law enforcement officer.

The story is about a conceptual artist (a slightly wooden Amy Adams) in an unhappy second marriage in their massive glass house (one of many glaring allegories) who receives a manuscript of a new book written by her ex-husband (Jake Gyllenhall).

It's a sad and violent tale of a family (which could well have been their family) and as she reads it she is affected and reassesses her life in light of the guilt she feels at their break-up 19 years ago.

The scenes flick from the opulence and fakeness of Adams' world and the dusty violent desert in which the books violence takes place.

Having slagged it off I must say my wife and I discussed its content a lot on the way home. It's one of those films which is so different you won't know quite what to make of it.

One to divide opinion. Critics love it. The couple in front of us burst out laughing when it finished!


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