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A huge amount of Tory MPs don't know what these rule changes mean, so trying to claim the messaging wasn't muddled and confusing is just wrong for me. Boris' job was to deliver the plan and try make it as simple and easy to follow as possible has been an abject failure. I honestly don't understand the mixing with people from other household rules, I've read multiple quotes saying different things entirely.

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Well gone from july 1st and july 4th and with furlo were 80 percent of our wages looks like coming to a end of june and this does not seem fair spaicil if place all back lockdown again.

The government are now looking at extending the Furlough Scheme until September, but likely they'll only pay 60%. 
It's up to your employer whether they pay the missing 40% (as it is now, with the 80/20 split). 
You may have to go part time, at least to start with?

Whilst it may seem unfair, and that being out of work is not your fault, neither is it the government's fault.
It's just one massive lump of bad luck, and we all have to ride it out!

Stay strong, Buddy.



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6 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

The government are now looking at extending the Furlough Scheme until September, but likely they'll only pay 60%. 
It's up to your employer whether they pay the missing 40% (as it is now, with the 80/20 split). 
You may have to go part time, at least to start with?

Whilst it may seem unfair, and that being out of work is not your fault, neither is it the government's fault.
It's just one massive lump of bad luck, and we all have to ride it out!

Stay strong, Buddy.



Who on earth trawls the Grimsby Telegraph for news.. ?

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1 minute ago, Angry Ram said:

Who on earth trawls the Grimsby Telegraph for news.. ?

He's still waiting for the 'manchild hospitalised after falling off child's toy' story to appear.

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Just now, Angry Ram said:

Who on earth trawls the Grimsby Telegraph for news.. ?

Had a PM from "A Poster" moaning about furlough... Looked it up for the latest news, and that was the best I could... Oh... Trawl... Damn, I so nearly missed that!

Bravo sir.  Get up an extra hour early tomorrow, and you may just manage to catch me out!  ?



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6 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

What really amazes me is that so called people who have their own minds need a MP to tell them exactly what they can and cannot do. 

One day, you will realise that my assessment of the intelligence of the human race in general is entirely justified.

Take the average person, then appreciate that 50% of the population are thicker than that.

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2 hours ago, FindernRam said:

This is getting really screwed up now, 

Apparently on Wednesday--not before- I alone can visit my Grandchildren in a park, not their garden. After lunch my wife  can visit the same Grandchildren. At the same risk of infection, For some reason we are not allowed to do it together.

I suspect that this is deliberate confusion on the part of the government and somewhere behavioural psychologists are saying that a confused population will mainly err on the side of caution where if they were ORDERED to stay away they might rebel. Poor analogy but mini roundabouts are safest because no-one knows the rules!

Are you sure about that? I think the BBC site says OUTDOORS.

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All seems pretty straightforward to me. I haven't seen the brief or read anything in detail, so....

We're past the peak, so it's fair to take the pressure off people a little, but we're still vulnerable to a resurgence if we just go back to normal.

We can go out a bit more than we have been, see folks a bit in the open air, but small groups please, keep your distance and keep washing your hands.

The ridiculous 'don't go to the countryside' guidance has been relaxed and the schools are gearing up again.

The govt will keep reviewing, but for now that's it.

How did I do?

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The Tories have got themselves in a right pickle. Yes, common sense needs to taken onboard by people, however the government need to make it absolutely clear when it comes to what social activities can you do. When senior MPs cannot provide a clear understanding of the new rules in interviews then the policies are not fit for purposes. Can we go and sit in my parents (not vulnerable) back garden and have a chat? About 4 MPs tried to answer this straight forward question, none of them were consistent.

Go back to the drawing board and come up with a more clear but detailed step by step guide. The current UK guidelines look like I submitted coursework 5 minutes before the deadline without proofreading it. It's so amatuer. I'm not a Tory basher either. Take politics out of the question, you wouldn't go into a business meeting and pitch that plan, it would be thrown out because it's not clarifying grey areas and the team (government) are not on the same page.

Our British stubbornness and arrogance is to blame for much of this. Look at New Zealand, they had a clear plan and it saved lives. We are making it up on the fly. Pathetic and inept advice from experts and politicians is a reason why so many people have lost their lives. 

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4 hours ago, Gaspode said:

The theory is that wearing masks makes other people safer - if you have the virus and wear a mask, you're less likely to pass it to other people you come into contact with. Wearing a mask won't protect you from the virus and may increase your chances of catching a dose as you're likely to touch your face more if you have a mask on.....

It depends on the type of mask. A loose fabric mask - like a surgeons mask - protects others from the wearer. I would say they are useful if everyone is wearing them.

Then there are full face masks with various levels of performance. The top spec will protect against airborne pollutants including viruses. Then there are the positively pressurised masks with forced ventilation. 

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6 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

The national press should be embarrased. They framed this week as some sort of grand liberation on the scale of when the Allies liberated Paris from Nazi Germany in WW2 and it was never in a million years going to be that.

We all deserve a better standard of journalism.

I suspect there has been a bit of a power battle going on, between the Tory grandees and no10. They tried to force the PM to end lockdown, but Boris clearly gave a very watered down response. Therefore the media were briefed to expect x as a means of applying pressure on the PM. And he gave them y. 

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1 minute ago, RamNut said:

I suspect there has been a bit of a power battle going on, between the Tory grandees and no10. They tried to force the PM to end lockdown, but Boris clearly gave a very watered down response. Therefore the media were briefed to expect x as a means of applying pressure on the PM. And he gave them y. 

Infighting in the Tory party? Whatever next?

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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

The government are now looking at extending the Furlough Scheme until September, but likely they'll only pay 60%. 
It's up to your employer whether they pay the missing 40% (as it is now, with the 80/20 split). 
You may have to go part time, at least to start with?

Whilst it may seem unfair, and that being out of work is not your fault, neither is it the government's fault.
It's just one massive lump of bad luck, and we all have to ride it out!

Stay strong, Buddy.



They are the ones who shut everything so for me they should continue paying 80 percent of wages who can not because there work place still shut.

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13 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

They are the ones who shut everything so for me they should continue paying 80 percent of wages who can not because there work place still shut.

You do know in the USA they would have just fired you.

In Germany you’d be getting 60%. In fact the UK has been the highest guarantee of salary anywhere in the world (that I have read). Where is the thanks for this?

Either way B4 - stay patient - that’s seven weeks away. I’m sure they will release more details in the next week or so. By law if a company makes you redundant there is a minimum timescale to serve notice - i can’t remember exactly what this is but rest assured if the scheme is to be extended they will provide these details with good notice.

I know it sucks B4 but you’re actually in a decent situation as it’s an industry with a clear open/close position.

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5 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

I still find it odd that you can sit in, and share a park with potentially hundreds of other people (at safe distance - until you need to go for a pee) but I can't go and sit in my parents' garden and have a chat with both of them at the same time.

You can. As long as you stay at least 2 metres from them. 

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