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11 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Well yes, until the end of June as it stands. You’ll be able to supply the evidence that there was no work for them when you make the claim.

The Government didn’t permit people to go out for social trips yet, so that would ban car buying still. 

Devil on the detail tomorrow though.

Yeah we’re waiting for the details tomorrow.

We didn’t furlough anyone, I work in student accommodation. My worry is that this new update could potentially cause a lot of families to think it’s ok to turn up tomorrow to collect their belongings from their digs.

The last thing I need this week is 4,000 families turning up thinking it’s now acceptable to travel for belongings, coupled with terrified staff as it is! 

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24 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Fair enough your take on the speech left ambiguity for you - I have no issue with that and all opinions are perfectly valid. For me though, I think he (nearly) did as much as he could on a 10/15 minute slot.

I presume it was the government's decision to do a 10 minute speech on a Sunday evening though?

We've had a week of buildup to this big announcement, with different leaks to the media about what might be included.

Why couldn't they just produce a clear, detailed plan and tell us about it in one go? Why do we have to wait for further details? Are the further details even greed yet?

Is it purely that Johnson is not a details guy and can't be relied upon to communicate anything other than catchphrases? And this alert catchphrase isn't really a killer one either.

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2 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I see despite @David earlier post some people can't help posting purely for cheap pathetic political point scoring. there has been some reasonable debate in here since, sadly not everyone is capable.  

Paul , think that one more about the humour for me , sometimes it good to set all stuff aside and have a giggle ?

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key Workers ? Where did that go? Only ask because offstead initially said childminders could care for key workers children ,so childminders provide for those classed as key workers but turn away  other children they have cared for for years if they not children of key workers ? 
mind that was at the start when it first appeared only key workers were allowed to work which quickly turned out to not be the case at all 

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15 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Does that not include tomorrow then? 

Of course... If you can't work from home, and if you can go to work tomorrow... (so once your employers are prepared and ready for you to work safely, and maintain the social distance requirements etc.)

Personally, I could walk, cycle, or drive in tomorrow... Tonight, even!   
Realistically, my sole colleague would drive in (as normal), from the other side of town. 
There's nobody else in our office, and although we sit face to face, we're already c. 2.4m apart, and have one of those low level desk dividers mid way. If required, we could soon put a (higher) perspex (or similar) screen between us, (over and above sitting head height). 
The business owner/our employer leaves us to run/manage his company for him, and is not involved in a day to day capacity.

Admittedly, we are in a shared building, so there are other companies, in other offices.  There is a communal reception/main entrance area, corridors, and shared kitchen/loo facilities, so hygiene/social distancing would very much need to be considered there.  Having said that, it's all very small scale, and even pre-covid, it was very rare to bump into anyone else in the communal areas.
From experience, I'd dare to suggest this would be "much easier, and more successful, than negotiating a full on supermarket shop!

We use the rear (Fire exit) door (nobody else does) which leads to a corridor end.  Our office door is approx. 0.5m inside said rear door, first on the left.  Nobody else passes our office door.
Beyond that, the next door is to the loos, and the one after that is the communal  kitchen.  Others' offices are beyond that point, and we have no need to venture that far.
We use the kitchen merely to fill our 5L bottle about once every 1.5 days!  We use our own kettle in our own office.  We also have mini-fridge and microwave in our office, so no further access to the kitchen is required.
We pass no other office doors to use the loos or kitchen.  No-one else needs to pass our office door to use them.  Ideal, I guess!

We can actually do the vast majority of our work from home... certainly for the foreseeable future... so we will continue to do so.  However, we COULD go back tomorrow.  I appreciate it won't be that simple for all.

I am actually planning on going in tomorrow anyway (regardless of this evenings announcement).  Stuff that I can't do at home.  I should be there for about 2 hours or so, and I'll be working alone.  No idea whether anyone from other companies will be in the building, but there wasn't on my previous 3 visits (during lockdown) which have totalled approx. 7/8 hours (so less than 3 hours average, per visit).  The rest, I will continue to do from home... which is very little if I'm honest, as things are "rather quiet at the moment"!  

Obviously, some employers will need to make arrangements before employees can return "From tomorrow".  I've absolutely no idea whether anyone will get sacked if they don't turn up tomorrow.  I can't even envisage that scenario, if I'm honest.

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5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Paul , think that one more about the humour for me , sometimes it good to set all stuff aside and have a giggle ?

I struggled to fully understand what Johnson was saying but I think I was mesmerised by his intricate combover and couldn't concentrate properly.

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1 hour ago, nottingram said:

If you can’t work at home, go to work if it’s safe to do so.

Who is it that is to decide that? Would it be me or would it be my boss, as I imagine in plenty of instances the level of safety that those two people were comfortable with in the workplace would be very different? Has my boss been briefed on that or am I going to get a text this evening telling me I’m expected back at work tomorrow? How am I going to get to work when I have to use public transport? What position am I in if I am made to go to work but upon getting there don’t feel safe?

All would be very valid concerns if I were in that position. Luckily I’m not, my employer and my boss wouldn’t allow it - but all of these questions were less pertinent before the statement as after.


1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

The same as you were in January, or all of 2019?


59 minutes ago, nottingram said:

One would suggest the situation is rather different now to during those times, no? 

As my post was in direct response only to the highlighted bit of your post, then no, no I wouldn't.
The rules may have changed.  New rules may now be in place, but your employer remains responsible for you your H&S at work... as indeed you are yourself, so...

You are/will be in the exact same position, "If you are made to go to work but upon getting there don't feel safe"!

Whatever you would have done about such a scenario last year, do the same now.

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The people most affected by this virus will be retired. They will still be self isolating. The younger work force will have to work out how to work in a safe manner. People I work with have carried on working all the time sharing a van etc. The words ‘stay alert’ means just that staying off work if you show signs of any symptoms etc. 

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39 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Well yes, until the end of June as it stands. You’ll be able to supply the evidence that there was no work for them when you make the claim.

The Government didn’t permit people to go out for social trips yet, so that would ban car buying still. 

Devil on the detail tomorrow though.

Surely car buying would be ok. It's shopping. 

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7 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:



As my post was in direct response only to the highlighted bit of your post, then no, no I wouldn't.
The rules may have changed.  New rules may now be in place, but your employer remains responsible for you your H&S at work... as indeed you are yourself, so...

You are/will be in the exact same position, "If you are made to go to work but upon getting there don't feel safe"!

Whatever you would have done about such a scenario last year, do the same now.

For a lot of people Mucker, swallow your tongue and take the money.

I don't have that situation now, but I've certainly worked in places in the past where H&S is the last thing on an employer's mind, and if you don't like it they'll soon enough find someone who does.

Leave and see your family starve, or risk it and hope for the best.

It shouldn't be a choice, yet it far too often is.

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20 minutes ago, Archied said:

Chances are g will punch you

Doubt it, my reach is only 1.95m, everyone is safe.

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49 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I see despite @David earlier post some people can't help posting purely for cheap pathetic political point scoring. there has been some reasonable debate in here since, sadly not everyone is capable.  

Regardless of my political stand point the new official slogan, and guidelines released earlier on are vague, will cause confusion, and allow others to take liberties with the lockdown. If there were clear, concise, and in any way a good example to follow, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland would endorse them. The fact that they’re ignoring them speaks volumes...

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37 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I presume it was the government's decision to do a 10 minute speech on a Sunday evening though?

We've had a week of buildup to this big announcement, with different leaks to the media about what might be included.

Why couldn't they just produce a clear, detailed plan and tell us about it in one go? Why do we have to wait for further details? Are the further details even greed yet?

Is it purely that Johnson is not a details guy and can't be relied upon to communicate anything other than catchphrases? And this alert catchphrase isn't really a killer one either.

There is as much confusion coming out of the general public as there is the Government.

Do we want them just to jump in feet first and set a date for when everyone can go back to work?

Or would it be better to take baby steps and release more information when we can see how the individual steps are going?

The hotel owner in Weston Super Mare seemed to want a date when she could re-open. What if the Government had said that all hotels could re-open on 1 July but the infection rate rocketed between now and then?

I tell you what would happen. The same people who are demanding dates would be calling the Government liars and saying they had gone back on promises and missed deadlines.

Damned if they do and damned if they dont. Sad that some people are too blinkered to see this.

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16 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

Surely car buying would be ok. It's shopping. 

In my opinion non essential trips haven’t changed. They’re still not to be done.

The only extra reasons to Leave are 1) additional exercise and use your car to go somewhere for it and 2) To try and get companies opening up again. By the latter that for me means business to business not non essential business to consumer.

You could argue number two was never stopped so the only real difference is step number one with a few extra tweaks. (Such as mentioning sport).


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