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The Politics Thread 2020


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@AndyinLiverpool  the forum didn't seem to want me to quote your last post for some reason (or paste it in now)


Leaving the EU was an historic night for the UK, the PMs address was absolutely newsworthy - to not acknowledge it and to ignore the front pages in the breakfast show the next morning, something they always do, does not scream impartiality.

Not everyone has social media and not everyone of the 48% that voted to remain wants to bury their head in the sand or pretend that Brexit hasn't happened.  Regardless of whatever party had been in power, the PMs address to the nation at the time of leaving the EU was a newsworthy event.

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7 minutes ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

I thought the coverage of Friday night was odd all round.

How many do you think there were at the Leave do in the square?

I didn't see it, though my expectations were that it would be like the coverage of a royal wedding - roving reporter speaks to the committed people at the front., who have been there for days and are, for want of a better description, complete wackos. People watching from the outside think we're all like that.

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16 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

As we have now officially handed in our membership of the EU. When do we get to do the thing our politicians have been telling us, over the past three years, that we will be able to do and that's take back control.

It appears that until we get a trade deal with the EU or the end of the year, which ever comes first, we are still following EU regulations on trade, movement of goods, immigration, agriculture, fishing, pharmaceuticals, well pretty much everything, so it would seem.

Oh wait we can immediately take back control of the colour of our passport.

Yes we can change it back to blue. That glorious colour also used on the Croatian passport, a country that is a member of the EU.

It has always been the case. It was agreed that as long as we managed to get a withdrawal agreement, there was always going to be a transition period.

I'm not sure why it's a surprise to anyone

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12 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

I had a message from the Passport Office saying that my new passport had been printed on 31 January. I wonder what I am going to get.

My youngest's came back 3 days ago and it is still burgundy.

I'm sure it will be another "non-news" piece designed to monetise arguments when  the first outraged Leave voter still receives a burgundy passport this week


26 minutes ago, maxjam said:

The BBC however is expected to be an impartial broadcaster that everyone has to pay for, if it can't remain true to those standards it should be sold off. 

I'm not sure I remember you being sympathetic to all the anti-Labour bias we've endured in all the political coverage?

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

I'm not sure I remember you being sympathetic to all the anti-Labour bias we've endured in all the political coverage?

I seem to recall Jeremy Corbyn et all getting lots of screen time, criticizing Labour policies is different to not airing them at all.

The Tories came in for plenty of criticism as well, Andrew Neil savaged Boris Johnson for his no show.

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16 minutes ago, maxjam said:

@AndyinLiverpool  the forum didn't seem to want me to quote your last post for some reason (or paste it in now)


Leaving the EU was an historic night for the UK, the PMs address was absolutely newsworthy - to not acknowledge it and to ignore the front pages in the breakfast show the next morning, something they always do, does not scream impartiality.

Not everyone has social media and not everyone of the 48% that voted to remain wants to bury their head in the sand or pretend that Brexit hasn't happened.  Regardless of whatever party had been in power, the PMs address to the nation at the time of leaving the EU was a newsworthy event.

I agree it should have received widespread coverage. Again, I advise contacting the BBC for their explanation. Perhaps there's a perfectly rational one. The BBC Today programme is already banned from Downing Street. Perhaps Johnson or his attack dog extended it to all BBC news outlets, knowing that the cudgel would be eagerly picked up. I don't know.

As for burying heads in sand. Not really. I was just very very sad on Friday and I find both flag waiving triumphalism rather distateful. There was no way I was ever going to watch any of that.

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34 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

It has always been the case. It was agreed that as long as we managed to get a withdrawal agreement, there was always going to be a transition period.

I'm not sure why it's a surprise to anyone

Oh with all the celebrations on Friday night in Parliament Square and with me being at the match, I thought I may have missed a government announcement about taking back control immediately

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23 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I seem to recall Jeremy Corbyn et all getting lots of screen time, criticizing Labour policies is different to not airing them at all.

The Tories came in for plenty of criticism as well, Andrew Neil savaged Boris Johnson for his no show.

BBC- Kuennsberg chief political editor..



I'm afraid that you either have to treat all allegations of BBC bias equally, or you dont get to complain

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9 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

BBC- Kuennsberg chief political editor..



I'm afraid that you either have to treat all allegations of BBC bias equally, or you dont get to complain


I guess one person's criticism is another person's bias.  I saw them criticise both main parties in the run up to the election, depending upon your viewpoint you may have only seen them criticize the Tories or Labour however. 

I guess a similar principle could be applied to the PMs Brexit address, although imo in this instance it didn't just effect one faction, it effected everyone regardless of whether you were a leaver or a remainer and to not show the address was obvious by its absence. 

Regardless of what politics you follow the BBC has been accused of various bias throughout the years and in the modern age should imo no longer be tax payer funded - they would then be free to push whatever narrative they choose and their audience would quite literally buy into that or not.

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31 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Oh with all the celebrations on Friday night in Parliament Square and with me being at the match, I thought I may have missed a government announcement about taking back control immediately

No you didn't think that at all.

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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

As we have now officially handed in our membership of the EU. When do we get to do the thing our politicians have been telling us, over the past three years, that we will be able to do and that's take back control.

It appears that until we get a trade deal with the EU or the end of the year, which ever comes first, we are still following EU regulations on trade, movement of goods, immigration, agriculture, fishing, pharmaceuticals, well pretty much everything, so it would seem.

Oh wait we can immediately take back control of the colour of our passport.

Yes we can change it back to blue. That glorious colour also used on the Croatian passport, a country that is a member of the EU.

You're embarrassing yourself.. 

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50 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Regardless of what politics you follow the BBC has been accused of various bias throughout the years and in the modern age should imo no longer be tax payer funded - they would then be free to push whatever narrative they choose and their audience would quite literally buy into that or not.

Hmm - I agree, sort of - but actually what we're really crying out for is an impartial tax-funded news source. Sadly the BBC is not that - but it could be with proper meaningful regulation. If not then yes - it should go

In terms of the boas you're talking about, I don't actually care as I have no interest in seeing what BJ has to say on Brexit (his words are so riddled with lies as to proven completely pointless) - I only want to judge his actions. But if you're saying that shows an anti-Brexit bias, then how does that stack up against the continual platforming of Nigel Farage over the past 10 years? You could say that shows the BBC were pro-Brexit?


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16 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

the boas

Feather boas?

I have to say I felt proud to be British in Sunday morning.

Saturday night I saw some old mates and ended up having six pints of real ale and a vindaloo.

At about 8.30am on Sunday morning I played no small part in 'Unleashing Britain's Potential.'

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

BBC- Kuennsberg chief political editor..



I'm afraid that you either have to treat all allegations of BBC bias equally, or you dont get to complain

This one didn't get away.


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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

@AndyinLiverpool  the forum didn't seem to want me to quote your last post for some reason (or paste it in now)


Leaving the EU was an historic night for the UK, the PMs address was absolutely newsworthy - to not acknowledge it and to ignore the front pages in the breakfast show the next morning, something they always do, does not scream impartiality.

Not everyone has social media and not everyone of the 48% that voted to remain wants to bury their head in the sand or pretend that Brexit hasn't happened.  Regardless of whatever party had been in power, the PMs address to the nation at the time of leaving the EU was a newsworthy event.

The PMs address, according to the various news sources I have read, was filmed by a downing street film crew, not a broadcaster. It was pre-recorded rather than being a live address, presumably because Bozzer was on the razz with Dom tucking in to english fizzy and blue cheese.....

Do you know for a fact that the BBC were provided with a copy that they took a positive decision not to air, or are you inferring what you believe may have happened based upon the observed fact that the BBC did not air it?

I was out so completely disinterested. And i don't watch breakfast TV so wouldn't have had the pleasure even if it had been broadcast. I have read a transcript (Evening Standard website) and I have to say it reads as much as a party political broadcast as an "address to the UK" - if indeed that was its intended purpose.


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29 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Do you know for a fact that the BBC were provided with a copy that they took a positive decision not to air, or are you inferring what you believe may have happened based upon the observed fact that the BBC did not air it?

Even if it was only posted online it was still newsworthy enough to cover.  Given that they then neglected to discuss the front pages on Saturday morning implies that it was more of an editorial decision.


31 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

I was out so completely disinterested. And i don't watch breakfast TV so wouldn't have had the pleasure even if it had been broadcast. I have read a transcript (Evening Standard website) and I have to say it reads as much as a party political broadcast as an "address to the UK" - if indeed that was its intended purpose.

To be perfectly honest I never watched TV that night, stopped for a quick drink with mates after the match and I respect peoples right not to watch it, that however doesn't detract from the fact that whether you liked it or not, it was a monunmental night in UK history and the PMs address was a newsworthy event and you should have expected it to be shown on the 'impartial' BBC. 

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

Hmm - I agree, sort of - but actually what we're really crying out for is an impartial tax-funded news source. Sadly the BBC is not that - but it could be with proper meaningful regulation. If not then yes - it should go

Stringent regulation or defunded, I'm swaying towards defunding as I'm not sure anything can be totally impartial these days - that however will lead us to an American style system (FOX vs CNN etc) in which people only watch news they agree with and divisions will widen.  Maybe we're just reaching the point at which all civilizations die out ? 


1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

In terms of the boas you're talking about, I don't actually care as I have no interest in seeing what BJ has to say on Brexit (his words are so riddled with lies as to proven completely pointless) - I only want to judge his actions. But if you're saying that shows an anti-Brexit bias, then how does that stack up against the continual platforming of Nigel Farage over the past 10 years? You could say that shows the BBC were pro-Brexit?

Regardless of whether you or others wanted to hear from Boris last Friday, it was the BBC duty to show it.

As for the BBC platforming Farage over the past 10 years, I think he has been ridiculed equally as much.  This comes back to my first point of not being sure anything can be totally bias free these days, especially now that we have to contend with unconscious or innate bias.  We may as well just give up, defund them and allow the BBC to do whatever it wants. 

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24 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

The PMs address, according to the various news sources I have read, was filmed by a downing street film crew, not a broadcaster. It was pre-recorded rather than being a live address, presumably because Bozzer was on the razz with Dom tucking in to english fizzy and blue cheese.....

Do you know for a fact that the BBC were provided with a copy that they took a positive decision not to air, or are you inferring what you believe may have happened based upon the observed fact that the BBC did not air it?

I was out so completely disinterested. And i don't watch breakfast TV so wouldn't have had the pleasure even if it had been broadcast. I have read a transcript (Evening Standard website) and I have to say it reads as much as a party political broadcast as an "address to the UK" - if indeed that was its intended purpose.


This suggests it was recorded by a Downing Street team but also suggests it would be on BBC1 at 10:


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